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ICSE History Mock Paper , The Heritage School

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THE HERIIAGE SCHOOL SECOND TERM EXAMINATION.2OI3 -2014 IIISTORY, CIWCS AND GEOGRAPIIY PAPER'I CLASS.X Time-2hrs Full Marks-80 f General Instructions: provided separately' Answeys'io thrs paper must be written on the paper Th, ti*, fiurn"oith, huod of thir rrUff it tit ti*u ollo*tdfo' *ritiof th' on*"t' questions 11e to be attempted Attempt all questions from Part-l(comp,l)o,y);A .t.otat ,offwe questioistfroi'section A-ind three out offive questions from from part- II, two oui of three Section-8. are given in brsckets ( The intended marlcs for questions or parts of questions )' PART-1(30 MARKS) Attempt cIJ questions from this part' Question-1 (a) Define "Parliament be adjourned? iU) O, what basis can the Lok Sabha are his rigSts? i"j ,Vfr" is the presiding Officer of the Rajya Sabha? What (d) What is ImPeachment? are i"i eU disputei regarding the election of the President and Vice-President decided bY whom? (0 How tun ih" Vice-President be removed from office? igl Ho* is the authority of the Prime Minister checked? i[) Stut. the different categories of Ministers' of a judge to the Supreme Court? (i) What are the qualificatLns for appointment O What is Original Jurisdiction? Question-2 (a) Name two forerunners of the Congress' (U) Wfrut were the two sets of methods of the Early Nationalists? did they i"i f" 1905 Bengal was divided into which two provinces and what consist of? (d) what were the aims and objectives of the Muslim League? 1929 important? i.i Wt V is the Lahore session of of (f) $/hat were the achievements the INA? (g) Write two aims of Nazism'_ _ (tr1 vtention two principles of the Ilnited Nations' Wfrut are the objectir,es of WHO? Where is it's headquarter located? fi) State two main objectives of the NAM? iii tnis Q.paper consists of 3 printed sides (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (l) (1) (1) (1) (1) Q) (2) (2) a) (2) Q) (2) (2) Q) a) Turn over PART-rr (s0 MARKS) sECTrgN-A (Attempt any two questions) Question-3 With reference to the two houses of Parliament answer the following questions: (a) How can a person be disqualified to be a member of Lok sabha? (b) What are the exclusive powers of the Rajya Sabha? (c) What are the procedures of making a Money Bill? (4) (3) (3) Question 4 Answer the following questions on the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers:(a) What are the powers and functions of the Prime Minister in relation to the President? (3) (b) what do you understand by coliective responsibility and individual responsibility? (c) Write on the main functions of the Cabinet. (4) (3) Question-5 Answer the following questions on the Indian Judiciary: (a) what are essential features of a single, independent Judicial System? (b) write on the Advisory Jurisdiction of the supreme court. (c) How is the supreme court a protector of Fundamental Rights? (3) (3) (4) SECTION-B (Attempt any three questions) Question-6 Answer the following questions on the first war of independence: (a) Reflect on the Drain of Wealth as an economic cause of the First War of Indian Independence. (b) Write on four religious causes. (c) what were the changes brought about in the army after 1g5g? (3) (4) (3) Question-7 "Flom 1905 to 1918, there emerged a new and a younger group of leaders within the Congress". In this context, answer the following qrr*riorrJ (a) Describe the methods used by the Assertive Nationalists. (b) Enumerate the reasons for the split in the Congress. (c) write on the achievements of the Assertive Nartionalists. (4) (3) (3) Question-8 / / (a) Identify the person with Gandhiji. Write three proposals of the Mission headed by the Person. (b) What were the implications of the resignation of the Congress Ministry (c) What were the impacts of the Quit India Movement? in 1939? Question-9 Answer the following questions on the First World War: (a)Write on any four causes of the First World War? (b) Mention any three terms of the treaty of Versailles. (c) What were the aims of the League of Nations? Question-10 Answer the following questions on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: (a) What are the main features of Human Rights? (b) Enumerate on Articles 1 and 2 of the Human Rights Declaration. (c) State the importance behind Human Rights Declaration. (3) (3) (4) (4) (3) (3) (4) Q') (4)

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