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ICSE Chemistry Mock Paper 2, The Heritage School

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The Heritage School First Term Examination - 2013 - 2014 Subject-Chemistry Class- X Time: 2hrs Full Marks : 80 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section ll. The intended marks for the questions or part of the questions are given in brackets [ ]. (40marks) Section-l Answer all the questions from this section Question - 1 (a) Name the following: i) A gas whose solution in water turns neutral litmus solution to blue. ii)A metallic oxide which is white in colour becomes yellow on heating but again becomes white on cooling. iii)A chloride salt which is insoluble in cold water but soluble in hot water. iv)A liquid which is a non- electrolyte. v) A light element in period -3 with a neutron/proton ratio around t5l 1. b)Aqueous Copper(l l)sulphate is electrolysed using Copper electrodes. i)Give the formulae of the ions present in Copper(ll) sulphate. ii) Explain why the anode decreases in mass. iii) Explain why the cathode increases in mass. iv)Write the chemical equation for the reaction at the 1. Anode 2. Cathode I5l c) i) Write the two steps necessary to convert insoluble lead carbonate into insoluble lead sulphate. ii) Define pH of a solution. iii)The pH values of two acids A and B of equimolar concentrations are 1 and 5 respectively. Which. is a stronger acid, A or B ? iv) What is the colour change by universal indicator in neutral solution? t5l d) i) A hydrocarbon X contains 92.3% of carbon by mass. l.Determine the empirical formula of X. 2.lf the vapour density of X is 13, find its molecular formula. ii)Calculate the percentage of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate( NH4N03) (Atomic mass : H=1; N=14; O ='t6) This paper consists of 4 printed pages Page t5I 1 configuration of six elements' e) The table given below shows the electronic Electron lc configu ration 2,8,8 Ansrmer the following questions: ln the :'T" 9'e]:l*llhe periodic table i)rhe two elements ion' iil A; ;brent which forms a negatively charged it;;;i iii; fne most metallic element' iv) A noble gas , . , --r electron ^,^^{ran arrinir, affinity' having the highest tsl "in. "f"**t fli)Namethegasthatisevolvedwhenthefollowingsaltsareheated: 't. SoOium niirate 2' Ammonium nitrate each of riyorochloric acid is warmed with ii) Name the gas evolved when oiruiJ the following comPounds: l.sodiumcarbonate2.sodiumsulphide3.Sodiumsulphitet5] g) Give one ternr/phrase for the following: "'l;Fo.*rtion of positively charged particles from atoms' li;n satt which contains a replaceable hydrogen '1o',the mass of an equal volume of gut tomipareO to iii)The mass of a given volume of t hydrogen. two solutions are mixed together' iv) The insoluble solid formed when t5l to form base and an v) Reaction in wtric,r satts react lvith water h)ExPlain the following: bad conductors of electricity? i)why are non-polariovalent compounds acid' ii)WhyisSodiumionunreactive,butSodiumatomishighlyreactive? iiilwr'lv is Hydrogen ion called proton? iriWfry do most-of the elements form ions? two examples' [5] form anions? support you.r answer by v)what kind of "iu*"nt. Sec - ll (40 marks) AttemPt anY four questions Question - 2 a) Define the following 121 i) Electronegativity ii) lonisation potentialSodium in period 3'from b) i) What change oi"u. in the atomic size of the elements to Chlorine? ii) Describe the change in metallic character: l.Across a Period 2' Down a group' going down the group of alkali metals iii) How Ooes ioniiation potent'[f ,iV while from Llthium to Caesium? t5l group iv) How does the eLJio, affintty of the halogen terms: ^^ranriar . vary? Page 2 c) i) Define the Modern Periodic Law. ii) What feature of atomic structure accounts for the similarities in the properties of the elements belongs to the same group of the Periodic t3l table? Question - 3 a)You are provicled with the following chemicals: ammonium hydroxide, chlorine, Copper oxide, iron, lead nitrate and dilute sulphuric Using only the chemicals given in the list above, write the balanced chemical equations for the foilowing salt preparations: i) A soluble salt by neutralization of an alkali. ii) A salt by double decomposition ( precipitation). iii) A soluble salt from a metal. iv) A soluble salt from an insoluble base. v) A salt by direct t5l combination. b) From the chemical equation. C + 2HzSO+ * COz +2HzO +2SOz Calculate i) the mass of carbon required to react completely with 19.69 of sulphuric acid; ii) the volume of sulphur dioxide, measured at STP, liberated at the sane time; and iii) the volume of carbon dioxide, measured at STP, liberated along with the sulphur dioxide. ( Atomic mass: H = 1; C = 12', 0=16; S=32 ) t5l Question - 4 a) What is the difference between the chemical nature of an aqueous solution of l2l hydrogen chloride and an aqueous solution of gas. yield a brown to and sulphur b) Concentrated nitric aid reacts with carbon i) Name the brown gas. ii) Which property of nitric acid is shown in the above reaction? t4l iii) Give a balanced chemical equation for each ammonia? reaction. c) Ammonium hydroxide solution is added to solution A. A white precipitate which is soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide solution is formed. What is the metal ion present in solution A. li)When an ammonium salt is warmed with sodium hydroxide solution, ammonia gas is evoived. State three ways in which you could identify this I4l gas. Question-5 a) Answer the following questions about electroplating a copperware with silver: i)Which ions must be present in the electrolyte? ii)Which substance must be made the anode? iii) Which substance must be made the cathode? iv) Give the chemical equation for the reaction which takes place at the cathode.[4] Page 3 b) Account for the following facts: i; tn tt'," laboratory preparation of ammonia' Calcium oxide is used to dry ammonia gas' 2. Ammonia is collected by the downward displacement of air' ii) ln the Haber's process for the manufacture of ammonia' are Initially heated to the 1. external treating-is not required once the reactants optimum temPerature, 450 - 500' C' and hydrogen by 2. Ammonia is separated from uncombined nitrogen t6I Iiquefaction. 1. '"t"' Question - 6 exposed to ordinary air for long a) what happens when the following substances are time: i) Washing soda(NazC03. 1 0H2O) ii) Concentrated sulPhuric acid iii) Quick t^1 L'tl iv) RnfryOrous calcium lime chloride b) i) Name the first and the last element in Period 2' iijWfrat is the type of bonding expected in a metallic chloride? dot diagram of a hydronium ion' iii) what is a lone pair of electrons. Draw an electron correct word from the brackets: iv) Complete the tbltowing statements by choosinO t!9 then itls likely to be ------ ( metallic/ non1. lf an element has low ionization "nergy, metallic). it is likely 2.lf anelement has seven electrons in its outermost energy level(shell), then tohavethe--.--.--..---(smallest/largest)sizeamongalltheelementspresentinthe \-"'-. '- - ' t6l same period. Questlon - 7 ,i r11yn" (acetylene) gas burns in air according to the following equation: ZCzHz + 5Oz "-' 4COz + 2H"O gas if air contains20% Find the votume of ul1. required to 6urn 25 cm3 of ethyne t3l oxygen. b) Explain the following. i) Nitric acid stains the skin yellow. boiling' ii)'Pure nitric acid cannot be concentrated beyond 68% by yellow in colour' t3l iii) Concentrated nitric acid kept in plain glass bottles turns c) Give reasons for the following. i) Electrolysis of molten leid bromide is considered a redox reaction preferred to dilute nitric ii) ln the electrotysis of acidified water, dilute sulphuric acid is acid. Sodium and iii) The metals copper, Silver and lead are electrorefined but Potassium, Calcium are not. is a non- electrolyte' [4] iv) Though Copper metal is a good conductor of electricity it Page 4

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