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ICSE Chemistry Mock Paper 3, The Heritage School

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THEHERITAGE SCHOOL FIRST TERM EXAMINATION-2014-2015 HISTORY, CIVICS A}iD GEOGRAPHY PAPER-I CLASSX Time-2hrs Full Marlis-80 General Instructions: Answers to this paper must be'trfitten on the paper provided separately' The Jirst l5 minutes are to be spent in reading the paper' the afiswers, is the time alloweil at the head ofthis The time Attempt all questions from Part-1(conpulsory). A total questions are to be attempted from paft: II, twi out of tiree questions from Section A and three out offive questions from Section' B. ( questions or marks intended The Parts of questiorls are given in brackgts )' for PART-1(30 MARKS) Attempt a// questions from this part. Question-1 (a) What are the main constituents of the Union ib') Elubo.ut. on the composition ofthe Lok Parliament? t1l tll Sabha. tll i"j whut ir u "quorum"? Parliament? Indian of the tll iOl Wfro is the Presiding Officer of the Upper House tll iej wfrat is ttre Question Hour? of India? President as the Election qualifioations for . . 11] ifl What are the the election_of with in connection and disputes ij; whose d"cision is final regarding doubts IU the President and Vice-Preiident? tll (h) What is an "Ordinance"? made? be IU Emergency a Proclamation of National Wr." iij "* j Write on m" term of office of the Vice- President? I11 6 - Question- 2 121 (a) What disrespect was shown to Bahadur Shah's behind the theory what was I2l and entitled work ib; Whut was Oadabhai's l2l (cj How did rilak preach id; W6en was the All India Muslim League set up and undff whose Presidentship? 121 t2l (ej Under which clause was the "Communal Veto" laid under the Lucknow l2l Second Round Table Conference i0 Wt y *u, tn"gindu Mission? Cripp's the oppose States Princely l2l and Mahasabha tfr" Wny aia ig) Forward the by as stated State principles of a Sooialist iI) Wtrat were tt e ^\Zl of th. Cabinet Mission Plan regarding Grouping of Provinoes? [2] What *as tt e successors? nationalism? it? deadlocked? pact? Bloc? iij "luu." ()DuringtheWorldWarI,whatwerethetwohostilegroupsinwhichEuropewas - divided? This Q. Paper has 3 printed sides Al Turn over t. PART-II (50 MARKS) SECTION-A (Attempt any two questions) Question-3 Answer the following questions on the Lok Sabha: (a) What are the disqualifications for a member ofthe Lok Sabha? (b) [hat are the disciplinary functions of the Speaker? (c) What are the roles and functions ofthe Lok Sabha? t31 t3l t4l Question-4 Answer the following questions on the Union parliament: (a) How does the Parliament control the National I31 (b) With reference to the relationship between the tw'o houses of parliament, state how the Sabhl enjoys a superior posirion than the Rajya , . f,gk t3I (c) What are the procedures for passing a Money Bili into an t4l Finance? Sabha? Act? Que,stion-5 With reference to the Union Executive answer the following questions: (a) How can the office ofthe President be vacant? (b) What are the Discretionary powers of the president? (c) What are the effects of imposition of the president,s Rule? 131 I4l tsI SECTION-B (Attempr any three queslions) Question{ ln respect to the birth ofnational awakening in India answer the following questions: (a) Write on the economic exploitation of the various classes. (b) Discuss on the repressive p-olicies oflord Lytton. (c) What were the aims of the Indian National Congress? Question-7 Answer the following questions on the partition ofBengal: (a) which two provinces emerged from the division of tte province ofBengal and what did they (b) What were the People,s Reaction to the Anti-partition (c) what were the various forms of repression used by the British to curb the swadeshi and Boycott include? movement? Movement? Question-8 With reference to the '.Father of the Nation,, answer the following questions: (a) W-rite on the three important Satya$ahas undertaken Uy Cananl;i. (b) why was the Khilafat Movement acause for the Non- -cooperation Movement? (c) Why was the Non- Cooperation Movement suspended? t4l t3l Fi l2l ili Vl 131 t4t t3l Question-9 Study the picture and answer the following questionsl2l (a) Identifi the persons on either t4l above iui wrii" 6" .rr" -uin poiott oitt e Plan named ifter the Bill the were What was introduced? which i"j at". tir" above mentioned plan was accepted [1+31 provisions regarding fartition and Treaties and siOeifCandhiji '' Question-10 -&rswer the following questions on the Wotld War I: (a) Write on militant nationalism. (b) Discuss on the entry of USA in the War' (c) What were the results of the War? person'. Agreements? I3I t31 t4t

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Additional Info : Guys I'm very sorry, it's actually the History paper, but I cant change the title at all :/
Tags : ICSE 2016, The Heritage School, Mock Paper  

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