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ICSE Chemistry Mock Paper, The Heritage School

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The Heritaqe School First Term Examination - 2014 '2015 Subject-Chemistry Glass- X Full Marks : 80 Time: 2 hrs Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately' You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes' This time is to be spent in reading the question paper' The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers' Section lls compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section ll' The intended marks for the questions or part of the questions are given in brackets [ ]- Section-l (40 marks) Attempt all questions from this section Question { (a) Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (i) The non - metallic character of the elements in a period: on the period iA) d""r""""" (B) increases(C) remains the same (D) depends (ii) An element with highest ionization potential: (A) Caesium (B) Helium (C) Fluorine (D) Neon (iii) When a metal atom becomes an ion: (A) it loses electrons and is oxidized, (B) it gains electrons and is reduced, (C) it loses electrons and is reduced, (D) it gains electrons and is oxidized, (iv)The molecule containing a triple co-valent bond is: (niammonia (B) methane (C) water (D) nitrogen (v) The electrolyte used for electroplating an article with silver is: iR) sitrer nitrate solution (B) silver cyanide solution iCj soOium argentocyanide solution (D) nickel sulphate solution (vi) When fused lead bromide is electrolysed we observe: at cathode ini a sitver grey deposit at anode and a reddish brown deposit at anode deposit brown iei a sirver 6rey aebosit at cathode and a reddish fumes at anode ici a sirver 6rev deposit at cathode and a reddish brown at cathode fumes brown reddish ioi sitver gr;y iumds at anode and a (vii) A hydrocarbon with molecular mass 72 is: (D) an acid iR;'an aifane (B) an alkyne (C) an alkene This paper consists of 5 printed pages. Page 1 {ylD 113 homologous series, the successive compounds differ by: (A) a CHa group (B) a C2H2 grorp (Cii C;, Sroup tOl a CH3 group (ix) Unsaturated hydrocarbons undergo: (A) a substitution reaction (B) an oxidition reaction (c) an addition reaction (D) none of the above (x) The solution which contains solute ions and molecu,es: (A) Sodium hydroxide sorution (81 A wearaciJ (c) Dirute surphuric acid (D) Carbon tetrach,oride tl Ol (b) word or phrase for the following: (i) The gas rereased at the cathode lihen acidurated water is erectrorysed. (ii) A basic solution which does not contain a metallic element. (iii) A chloride sart which is sorubre in hot water Lut insorubre in cold water. (iv)The element in period 3 which does not iorm an oxide. (v) Formation of ions from molecules. (c) Name the gas evolved in each case when: (i) Ammonium surphate is warmed with sodium hydroxide sorution. (ii) Dilute hydrochroric acid is added to sodium carbonate crystars. (iii) Aluminium is reacted with boiling concentrat,ed caustic aikali solution. (iv) Zinc sulphide is reacted with dil;te sulphuric acid. (v) Concentrated Sodium chtoride is electlolysed. tSI ISI (d) Copy and complete the foltowing table. Nickel plating of a blanks: t5] (e) Fill in the (i) There are -------------- periods in the periodic tabre, and an erement with three Electron sheils and two erectrons in its varence sheil berongs to p"rioJ' ------ and group _____-_ . (ii) ln case of non-porar covarent bond, the covarent bond is formed in the of atoms and shared electrons are ______-___-_ distributed. ts] (0 Give reasons for the following: (i) The blue corour of aqueous copper surphate fades when it is erectrorysed using platinum electrodes_ (ii) The size of the anion is greater than the size of the parent atom. a good.conductor of electricity, is a non _ etectrotyte. lllt A ?gqq1;,lhlush (rv) atKatrs are bases but all bases are not alkalis. (v) Organic cbmpounds are studied as a separate branch of chemistry. tsl page 2 (g) (i) Caluclate the volume of 80g of sulphur dioxide (SOd at S'T P' t2l (S= 32, O=16) in magnesium (ii) Caiculate the percentage by weight of water of crystallization' sulphate crystals, MgSO+.7HzO. t3I (Mg = 24; $ =!!; Q=16; H=1) Sec - ll (40 marks) Attempt any four questions from this section Question 2 (a) An element has 2 electrons in its N shell. (i) What is its atomic number? (ii) State its position in periodic table. (iii) ls it metal or non-metal? t4l (iv) State the name assigned to this group' in order given below are periodic table period of the 1b) ihe elements of one short to right: left from Li BeBCOFNe (i) To which period do these elements belong?. . of this period is mtssing. whicn is the missing element and where iiil on" "r"ni"nt it be Placed? should one of the elements in this period shows the property of.catenation? Wniin tiiU pr""" three elemenis fluorine, beryllium and nitrogen in the order of increasing iiri elechonegativity with atomic number (c) Chlorine in the Periodic Table is surrounded by th() elements 9, 16, 18, and 35 til,w-nicrrofthesehavePhysicalandChemicalpropertiesresemblingchlorine. l2l iiil wnu, i" more electronegative than chlorine? Question 3 -l"i n".*", tne following questions with. reference to the electrolysis of an aqueous ' 'solution of Sulphuric acid between platinum electrodes' write the anode reaction' at N;" the pioduct at the anode and cathode reaction' iiil r.fame ffre'product at the cathode and write the t4I as an example of catalysis? .., iiiif wnv tt'it .ir"cholysis, is considered a with metal is a non Y 2' Element valency (bi;ffi;irii is a metil with a valencY 3. (i) Writ6 equations to show how X and Y form ions? for the direct combination of X and Y iii) li vi, a diatomic gas, write tne equation to form a comPound. (ili)writetwoapplicationsofelectrolysisinwhichtheanodediminishesinmass. iiin" compblno formed between x ano y is melted and an electric current iiri .,passedthroughthemoltencompound'theelementXwillbeobtainedatthe Page 3 \- (c) State which of the following has higher number of moles: 59 of N2O or 59 of NO [N= 14; 0=16] Question 4 lliin!'Lr"r"nt X has the electronic configuration 2' 8' 18' 8' t2l l Without identifYing X, ion of X' iit pr"ii"itt'" sign and charge on a simple t31 agent and wh.y? or.reducing agent iiil'*iit" if X wilibe "n oilaiiing methyl of densitv vapour tul iaicriaie the relative molecular-mIss and on vaporization has a volume of 112 litres at '-' if 160g oiG 'r*hor "-1.o6oXCn.oH) S,T.P. t3l of the following:r', (c) Draw an electron dot diagram to show the structure of each t't (i) Hydronium ion (ii) Ammonium reduction: or rof flbntlfv the following reactions as either oxidation \"/ t21 'i.D'6",.._';i:':";;r" K-..- x; ion iij) iu Question 5 (a) Calculate: oxide. /i\ The weioht of zinc carbonate that witl produce 1okg of Zinc reaction' same cor, produced at b'r'p in the tii) ' "r ' i[o'#;;iJ." ZnCOg "-+ ZnO + COz I Zn = 65; C =12; O =16] t?'r rvr molecuJes' tbt Stlte tne type of bonding in the following t31 (iii-) Ammonium chloride ion (ii) f-fiO'o'y (i) Calcium oxide (c) dive reasons for the following: '"'dw-"';;;;;i"tot" copJ"r Julphate solution in an iron vessel' l2l (ii) Electrolysis is a reclox drawing by lunsaturatedl (d) Distinguish between tlhit" fs.i"tted I and Ethene l2l their structural process formulae' Question 6 salts' is a list of methods for the preparation of A -"'tolfo*ing direct combination of two elements' 'B - reaction of a dilute acid with a metal c -'i"""tion of a dilute acid with an insoluble base base of soluble O - iitiation of a dilute acid with a solution form a precipitate E - t"""tion" of two solutions of salts to method of preparing c-noo.e irom the above titin to E' the best in each case: 1nL fofro*ing salts by giving a suitable equation 3' 2 Lead chloride sodium sulphate i;;ii" "r,iotia5 4. CoPPer sulPhate lJ-it '-' i.'ffi;;;;;; 12+41 Page 4 (b)oxygen oxidizes Ethyne to carbon dioxide and water as shown by the equation: 2C2H2 + 5O2 - 4CO2 ZHzOS.f.e. is required to produce 8.4 dm3 of Carbon What volume of ethyne g"" "t O=16] l2l Dioxide at S.T.P? [H=1;-C=1!; (c) Distinguish between the following pairs of compounds using the test given within Brackets: (i) lron (ll) sulphate and lron (lll) sulphate (using ammonium hydroxide) l2l iiil n r"id sali and a Zinc salt (using ammonium hydroxide) Question 7 (a) write any four properties of organic compounds that distinguish them from lnorganic compounds. (b) Define : (i) lsomerism (ii) Homologous series.. . ,-. (ii) cH3cooH ici ldentify tne functional groups of the following: (i) HCHO (d) Write ihe structures of the following compounds: (i) Prop -1- ene (ii) 2,3- dimethylbutane (iii) Butan-1-ol (iv) 2 bromo- 2 -methylpropane x ------------- t41 121 l2t t21 Page 5

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