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2015-2016 geography prelims

5 pages, 96 questions, 5 questions with responses, 5 total responses,    0    0
Gitarth Jain
Children's Academy, Ashok Nagar, Kandivali East, Mumbai
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o Bachani Nagar Malad (E) o Ashok Nagar Kandivli (E) o Thakur Complex Kandivli (E) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2015-2016 Grade : 10 Date 12/01/2016 : Subject : H.C.G -2 ICSE Marks: 80 Time : You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This paper consists of 2 hrs 5 printed pages Attempt any seven questions in all Part I is compulsory. Attempt 5 questions from Part II The intended marks for question or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. PART I [ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS FROM THIS PART] Question 1 Study the survey map of India 45 D/7 and answer the questions given below: a. Give the six figure grid reference of the following: i. 225 ii. Lime kiln near 224 [2] a. State the drainage patterns found in grid squares 8797 and 8695. [2] b. i. Explain the meaning of 4r in grid square 9091. [1] ii. What do the closely spaced brown dots in grid 8495indicate? [1] c. Give two map evidences to show that there is lack of cultivable land in the map extract. [2] d. i. What feature do you observe in the six figure grid reference 835928?[1] ii. What do the black curved lines in grid 9198 indicate? e. Give the compass direction of the following: [1] [2] i. Open scrub (9192) from Open mixed jungle (9198) ii.Open scrub (9192) from Open scrub (8497) f. i. What is the general slope of the map extract? [1] ii. State the scale that is universally accepted? How is it represented on the map? Geography/Grade 10/ICSE/Preliminary Exam/ Page 1 of 5 [2] CAT/LD/2015-16 g. What would be the probable occupations of the people in the map extract with reference to the following? [2] i.Open scrub ii.Lime Kiln iii.Open jungle iv.Cultivable land h. Calculate the length of Hanva Nala. [2] i. Find the direct distance in metres from settlement Bhilachal [9094] to settlement Ganguwada [9196] [2] Question 2 On the outlined map provided: [10] a. Shade and label the Gulf of Khambaht b. Mark and label a city in the south affected by floods in 2015 c. Mark and label River Kosi d. Shade and label the Nilgiri hills e. Mark with arrows and label the winds that blow parallel to the Aravalli Range f. Mark and label the largest off shore oil field in India g. Shade and label the red soil region along the Northern Circars h. Shade and label the densely populated state in the East i. Shade and label the Western Ghats j. Draw, name and number the Tropic of Cancer PART II [ATTEMPT ANY FIVE QUESTIONS FROM THIS PART] Question 3 a. What is meant by break in monsoon and burst of monsoon ? [2] b. Why is the distribution of rainfall in India uneven? [2] c. Give reasons. [3] i. Mango showers are beneficial winds. ii. Vishakhapatnam has lesser annual range of temperature than Lucknow. iii. It is advisable to visit Darjeeling in summers. Geography/Grade 10/ICSE/Preliminary Exam/ Page 2 of 5 CAT/LD/2015-16 a. Study the data given and answer the questions given below: Month Temperature (in C) Rainfall (in mm) J Jan Feb 2 24.5 25.7 4 4.6 1.3 F March April 2 2 25.7 20.4 1 1 1.3 1.8 A May 2 30.0 1 3.8 M June 3 32.5 3 4.5 J J July Aug 3 3 1.0 30.2 4 8 8.7 11.3 [3] A Sept 3 29.8 1 11.9 i. Name the winds that bring rainfall to the above station. ii. Which coast of India does the station lie? iii. What is the total rainfall experienced by the station? S Oct 2 28.0 1 30.6 O Nov 2 25.9 3 35.0 Question 4 a. How is the alluvial soil found in Upper Ganga Valley different from Lower Ganga Valley? [2] b. Name the following: i. [2] This soil is also called residual soil. ii. The soil with high clay content. iii. This soil is formed due to disilication. iv. The most transported soil. c. Name two agents of soil erosion. Mention two soil conservation schemes initiated by the government. [3] d. Give reasons. [3] i. Soil erosion by wind is common in arid region. ii. Man is largely responsible for soil erosion. iii. Shelter belts prevent soil erosion. Question 5 a. i. Mention two regions where Tropical Evergreen Forests are found.[1] ii. Where are tidal forests generally found? [1] b. Name the following: [2] i. A tree, leaves of which have commercial value. ii. A tree found as a part of xerophytic vegetation. iii. A tree, leaves of which are used for rearing shellac worms. iv. A tree, used to make kattha. c. Give reasons [3] i. Trees are planted around the cities having Iron and Steel Industries. ii. Tropical Deciduous Forest cover is diminishing today. iii.Wide corridors should be established in different reserved forests. d. Mention three objectives of Agro-forestry. Geography/Grade 10/ICSE/Preliminary Exam/ Page 3 of 5 [3] CAT/LD/2015-16 N D Dec 2 2 24.7 3 3 33.9 Question 6 a. Name the different cropping seasons in India. State the stage when crops do not require most water. [2] b. Why is well irrigation confined to the Northern plains? [2] c. State three features of perennial canals. [3] d. i. Mention four commonly used recharging methods. [2] ii. State any one advantage of sprinkler irrigation. [1] Question 7 a. Name the following. [2] i.Largest integrated aluminium plant in India. ii. First oil refinery, in India, which belongs to the private sector. iii. Self propelled jack-up type drilling platform. iv. Two river valleys where Gondwana coals are largely confined. b. Mention two features of Tertiary coal. [2] c. Give reasons. [3] i. The location of coal fields is an important factor in industrial development. ii. Anthracite is used for domestic purpose. iii. Oil is mainly found in the sedimentary rocks, but all sedimentary rocks do not contain mineral oil. d. Name the oil field which has large reserves of natural gas deposits. Mention two uses of natural gas. [3] Question 8 a. What is meant by the term millets ? Why are millets referred to as poor man s diet ? [2] b. Which soil is good for coffee cultivation? Give three varieties of coffee grown commercially. c. Give reasons. [2] [3] i. Tea is cultivated on hill slopes. ii. Wheat is not grown in the eastern and in the extreme southern parts of India. iii. Manures are essential to ensure high yield of sugarcane. d. Mention the advantages of ratooning. Geography/Grade 10/ICSE/Preliminary Exam/ Page 4 of 5 [3] CAT/LD/2015-16 Question 9 a. i. Name an agro-based industry based in the following industrial centres: [1] Ahmedabad Mysore ii. Mention two uses of Press Mud. b. Jute industry is concentrated in the Hoogly Belt of West Bengal. [2] Give reasons. c. State any three problems faced by handloom industry. [3] d. i. Name any two varieties of non-mulberry silk. [1] ii. Name the source of power supply to cotton mills in Mumbai. [1] iii. Name the second largest producer of sugar in India. [1] Question 10 a. With reference to Bokaro Steel Plant; name the sources of coal, iron ore and water supply. [2] b. State two factors that favour location of shipbuilding industry. [2] c. State three advantages of mini steel plants. [3] d. i.Mention the industrial products the following centres are noted for: [1] Chitaranjan Gurgaon ii. When and where was the first aircraft industry set up? [1] iii.Iron and steel industries are concentrated in Chota Nagpur Plateau region. Give reason. [1] Question 11 a. State two reasons why waste management is important. [2] b. Give three advantages of Electrostatic Precipitator. [3] c. When and where did the first air transport operation begin in India? What distance did the operation cover? [2] d. Based on its width; explain the three track system categories of Indian railway. [3] ***********************THE END************************ Geography/Grade 10/ICSE/Preliminary Exam/ Page 5 of 5 CAT/LD/2015-16

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