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GCE JUN 2010 : (AS 1) Product Design and Systems and Control - Revised

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Sp N ec e ifi w ca tio n ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2010 Technology and Design assessing Product Design and Systems and Control AV111 Assessment Unit AS 1 [AV111] wEDNESDAY 16 jUNE, AFTERNOON TIME 2 hours. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided and on the A3 pro forma answer page provided. Answer all eight questions in Section A, and both questions in either Section B or Section C. An A3 pro forma is provided for Question 12(b). At the conclusion of the examination, attach the A3 pro forma answer page securely to the Answer Booklet with the treasury tag supplied. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 80, including a maximum of 4 marks for quality of written communication. Marks for quality of written communication will be awarded for questions 5, 7, 9(b)(i), 10(a)(iv), 11(c) and 12(c)(ii). Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. All questions do not carry equal weighting. 5826 Section A Product Design and Practice Answer all questions in this section. You are advised to spend approximately 1 hour on this section. 1 Hardwood such as oak and softwood such as pine are widely used for domestic purposes. (i) Briefly explain the difference between hardwood and softwood. [1] (ii) Briefly outline two main characteristics of oak which make it suitable for furniture. [2] (iii) Briefly outline two main characteristics of pine which make it suitable for floorboards. [2] 2 A report focusing on a company manufacturing and assembling school lockers and filing cabinets made reference to the following terms: use of tolerance batch production statistical testing methods (i) Briefly explain what is meant by each of these terms. (ii) Give two main reasons why this company would use common forms and sizes of materials. 3 [3] [2] Components such as metal washers can be produced by the process of blanking. (i) In what common form should the metal be supplied in order to be used for the blanking process? (ii) With the aid of an annotated sketch, describe the blanking process. 5826 [1] [4] 2 [Turn over 4 ABS and polystyrene are used in a range of products. (i) Give two main characteristics of ABS which make it suitable for certain parts of children s toys. [2] (ii) Give two main characteristics of polystyrene which make it suitable for cups in vending machines or yoghurt pots. [2] 5 Solid modelling, virtual imaging and rapid prototyping are used in the design and manufacture of products. (i) Outline two specific characteristics associated with solid modelling. (ii) Outline two specific characteristics associated with virtual imaging. (iii) Outline two specific characteristics associated with rapid prototyping. Quality of written communication 6 [6] [1] There are risks associated with common manufacturing processes and appropriate procedures used to minimise them. (i) For a specific machine manufacturing process, briefly outline one main associated risk and one method used to minimise it. [2] (ii) For a specific hand manufacturing process, briefly outline one main associated risk and one method used to minimise it. [2] 5826 3 [Turn over 7 Anthropometrics and aesthetics are important considerations for a designer of sports footwear. (i) Briefly outline two specific examples of anthropometric data that a designer would need. (ii) Explain how texture and symmetry can influence the aesthetic appeal of sports footwear. [2] Quality of written communication 8 [2] [1] The challenge for designers is to incorporate the 3Rs when designing sustainable products in order to minimise their impact on the environment. (i) Briefly explain what is meant by the 3Rs in the context of product design. [3] (ii) Select one product and briefly explain how any one of the 3Rs has been incorporated into its design. [2] 5826 4 [Turn over BLANK PAGE (Questions continue overleaf) 5826 5 [Turn over Answer the questions in Section B or Section C. Section B Electronic and Microelectronic Control Systems Answer both questions in this section. You are advised to spend approximately 1 hour on this section. 9 Two logic gates are shown in Fig. 9(a). A X B A Q Y B Q Fig. 9(a) (a) (i) Name the logic gates labelled X and Y in Fig. 9(a). [2] (ii) Draw truth tables for each of the logic gates shown in Fig. 9(a). [2] (b) Switches which are used to create logic functions can be incorporated into circuits as shown in the fire alarm circuit in Fig. 9(b). The fire alarm circuit utilises a 555 astable circuit to control a buzzer. 6V A R1 4 1K 7 8 Vcc Reset Discharge B R2 6 68K Threshold 2 C 10 F Trigger Output 3 Buzzer Ground 1 0V Fig. 9(b) (i) State the logic function achieved by the arrangement of the two switches A and B in Fig. 9(b) and explain how this logic function is achieved. [2] Quality of written communication 5826 [1] 6 [Turn over (ii) Explain what is meant by the term astable when referring to 555 timers. [2] (iii) Calculate the output frequency f of the circuit shown in Fig. 9(b) given that f = 1.44/C (R1 + 2R2) [3] (iv) Sketch and label the output waveform for the astable circuit in Fig. 9(b). Indicate the period, mark and space on the waveform. [4] (v) Design a modification to the circuit shown in Fig. 9(b) that will allow the frequency of the output to be adjusted. [2] 5826 7 [Turn over 10 Fig. 10(a) shows a comparator circuit which is to be used as a frost warning system for a greenhouse. +6V Rv 10k 2 3 7 t Rs + 4 Rth 6 10k LED1 LED2 0V 6V Fig. 10(a) (a) (i) The circuit shown in Fig. 10(a) can be analysed in terms of input, control and output. Draw a systems block diagram for the circuit, inserting the names of the appropriate components in each of the blocks. [3] (ii) State whether the circuit shown in Fig. 10(a) is an on/off or continuous control system and briefly justify your answer. [2] (iii) Name component Rv and state its function in the circuit shown in Fig. 10(a). [2] (iv) With reference to both hot and cold input conditions, describe the operation of the circuit shown in Fig. 10(a). [4] Quality of written communication [1] (v) Calculate the required value of resistor Rs if the LEDs shown in Fig. 10(a) are designed to work at a forward voltage of 1.2 V and a current of 10 mA. [2] 5826 8 [Turn over (b) The frost warning circuit shown in Fig. 10(a) is to be modified so that it will switch on a high voltage heater using a transistor and relay-based circuit. A table showing the available transistors is shown in Fig. 10(b). Transistor Vbe Ic(max) hFE Type 1 0.7 1A 40 Type 2 0.6 800 mA 100 Type 3 0.6 400 mA 200 Fig. 10(b) (i) Explain what is meant by the term Ic (max) when referring to transistors. [2] (ii) Show, with the aid of a diagram, how a transistor and relay-based circuit can be used to enable the circuit shown in Fig. 10(a) to turn on a high voltage heater. [4] (iii) If a transistor with a supply voltage of 6 volts requires a base current of 8 mA to operate a relay with a coil resistance of 10 ohms, calculate the gain required for the transistor and choose an appropriate transistor from the table shown in Fig. 10(b). [2] 5826 9 [Turn over Answer the questions in Section B or Section C. Section C Mechanical and Pneumatic Control Systems Answer both questions in this section. You are advised to spend approximately 1 hour on this section. 11 Fig. 11 shows a mechanical system which includes a motor, chain and sprockets, pulleys, gears and shafts. (a) (i) Name the mechanical system which could join shaft P with shaft Q providing a substantial transmission speed reduction. [1] (ii) State the direction of rotation at shaft R if A rotates in an anticlockwise direction. [1] (iii) Calculate the overall velocity ratio between A and G. [3] (iv) Calculate the output speed at G if B rotates at 120 rev/min. [2] (v) Calculate the input speed of the motor if there is a reduction between shafts P and Q by a factor of 20 and F rotates at 120 rev/min. [4] (b) Shaft R is attached to pulley G using a grub screw. Using an annotated sketch, outline the main features of this fixing method. [2] (c) The belt between pulleys F and G increasingly suffers from slippage. Draw and name a system to prevent this increasing slippage problem and describe how it achieves this. [3] Quality of written communication [1] (d) Using an annotated sketch, name and draw a system which would convert the rotary motion of shaft R into reciprocating motion of Component 1. [3] 5826 10 [Turn over E 60 Teeth D 25 Teeth C 60 Teeth A 90 Teeth F Diameter 40 mm Shaft P B 45 Teeth Shaft Q Motor G Diameter 80 mm Shaft R Component 1 Fig. 11 5826 11 [Turn over 12 Fig. 12 shows part of an incomplete pneumatic system which includes two identical double acting cylinders. (a) (i) Name the activation method at A. [1] (ii) Name the activation method at B. [1] (iii) Briefly explain the purpose component C has in the circuit. [2] (b) The start valve activates the 5PV to produce an outstroke of cylinder X. (i) On the pro forma provided (answer number 12(b)), complete the circuit enabling an outstroke of cylinder X to be followed by an outstroke from cylinder Y which in turn enables cylinder X to instroke. [4] (ii) On the pro forma provided (answer number 12(b)), complete the circuit enabling double acting cylinder Y to instroke after a delay in time following the instroke of cylinder X. [4] (c) (i) The two identical double acting cylinders produce a combined force during the outstroke of 706.5 N. Calculate the piston diameter if the air pressure is supplied at 0.5 N/mm2. Assume = 3.14. [4] (ii) Describe what causes the difference in force during the outstroke and instroke for a double acting cylinder with a single air pressure. Discuss how this differs with the forces produced with a single acting cylinder. [3] Quality of written communication 5826 [1] 12 [Turn over Start valve X A 12 4 2 14 5 1 3 B Y 4 2 14 12 5 3 1 C Fig. 12 THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER 5826 13 1847-079-1 Question No. 12(b) AdvANced SubSidiAry (AS) TechNology ANd deSigN Assessment unit AS 1 unit 1 2010 centre Number 71 candidate Number Start valve X 4 2 12 14 5 1 3 Y 4 2 14 12 5 1 3 Pro forma answer page (answer number 12(b)) 5862.02

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Additional Info : Gce Technology and Design June 2010 Assessment Unit AS 1, Product Design and Systems and Control - Revised
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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