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GCE JAN 2010 : (AS 1) Product Design and Systems and Control - Revised

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Sp N ec e i w ca tio n ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education January 2010 Technology and Design assessing Product Design and Systems and Control AV111 Assessment Unit AS 1 [AV111] WEDNESDAY 20 JANUARY, MORNING TIME 2 hours. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided and on the A3 pro forma answer page provided. Answer all eight questions in Section A, and both questions in either Section B or Section C. An A3 pro forma is provided for Questions 12(b), (c) and (d). At the conclusion of the examination, attach the A3 pro forma answer page securely to the Answer Booklet with the treasury tag supplied. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 80, including a maximum of 4 marks for quality of written communication. Marks for quality of written communication (QWC) will be awarded for Questions 7(i), 8, 10(b)(i) and (ii) and 11(e)(i) and (ii). Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. All questions do not carry equal weighting. 5284.05 R Section A Product Design and Practice Answer ALL questions in this section. You are advised to spend approximately 1 hour on this section. 1 2 Explain what is meant by the following properties: Electrical conductivity Thermal conductivity Durability Brittleness [4] Metals are supplied and used in a range of forms. (i) State four different forms in which metal is available. [2] (ii) Drill bits can be manufactured from high carbon steel. Give two main reasons why high carbon steel is used. [2] 3 Garden hose pipes are manufactured by the process of extrusion. (i) State two main reasons why extrusion is the most suitable process for the manufacture of this product. (ii) Suggest a suitable material for the extrusion of garden hose pipes. [1] (iii) With the aid of an annotated sketch describe the extrusion process. 4 [2] [3] (i) Briefly explain the difference between a composite and an alloy. [2] (ii) Shape memory alloy and piezoelectric materials are considered smart materials. Briefly explain one main characteristic for shape memory alloy and one main characteristic for piezoelectric materials and give one specific application for each. [4] 5284.05 R 2 [Turn over 5 (i) Distinguish between permanent and semi-permanent methods used in the joining of materials. [2] (ii) Brazing and welding are widely used methods in the joining of metals. Briefly outline two main characteristics for each of the methods above. 6 [4] The Trades Description Act and British Standards are important to manufacturing companies. (i) Briefly outline two main characteristics associated with the Trades Description Act. [2] (ii) Briefly outline two main characteristics associated with British Standards. 7 [2] Materials such as steel are produced through continuous production. (i) Outline three main characteristics associated with continuous production. [3] QWC [1] (ii) State one example of a material, other than steel that would be produced through continuous production. 8 [1] Cultural and social changes can have an influence on the design of products. With reference to the car, outline one main cultural change and one main social change and explain how these changes have influenced the design of the car. [4] QWC [1] 5284.05 R 3 [Turn over Answer the questions in Section B or Section C. Section B Electronic and Microelectronic Control Systems Answer both questions in this section. You are advised to spend approximately 1 hour on this section. 9 Fig. 9(a) shows a logic circuit which uses switches as inputs and has an LED output. 6V R1 R2 S Q Q R S R3 R R 0V Fig. 9(a) (a) (i) Name the type of logic gate used in the circuit shown in Fig. 9(a). [1] (ii) Name the arrangement of gates shown in Fig. 9(a). [1] (iii) Briefly explain the function of the resistors R1 and R2 in the circuit shown in Fig. 9(a). [2] (iv) Draw a truth table for the circuit shown in Fig. 9(a) for the inputs S and R and the outputs Q and Q. [5] 5284.05 R 4 [Turn over (b) The LED in Fig. 9(a) is designed to work at a forward voltage of 1.8 volts and a current of 15 mA. (i) Calculate the value of resistor R3 in Fig. 9(a) required to allow the LED to function safely. Assume that the output voltage corresponding to a logic high is 6 volts. [2] (ii) Choose a value for the resistor from the E12 preferred value series as shown below. 10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 27, 33, 39, 47, 56, 68, 82 [1] (iii) Calculate the power dissipated by your preferred value resistor and then select the most appropriate rating from the range available. Resistors are available in 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 watt ratings. [3] (c) The circuit shown in Fig. 9(a) is to be modified to switch on a high voltage motor using a transistor and relay based circuit. Using an annotated circuit diagram show how this modification could be achieved. [4] 5284.05 R 5 [Turn over 10 A circuit with a variable resistor and a thermistor is shown in Fig.10(a). 6V 5 k R1 Rth Vo 0V Fig. 10(a) (a) The thermistor shown in Fig. 10(a) has a negative temperature coefficient. (i) Explain what is meant by the term negative temperature coefficient. [1] (ii) Draw a graph to show how the voltage Vo varies with temperature. [3] (iii) Calculate Vo in Fig. 10(a) when the resistance of the variable resistor is 5 k and the resistance of the thermistor is 2.2 k . [2] 5284.05 R 6 [Turn over (b) A 555 integrated circuit is connected to other components, including a variable resistor as shown in Fig. 10(b). R1 R2 9V SW 8 Vcc 4 Reset Discharge 6 Threshold 555 3 Out 2 Trigger 7 LED Ground 1 C R3 0V Fig. 10(b) (i) State if the circuit shown in Fig. 10(b) is an example of an open loop or closed loop system and briefly justify your choice. [2] QWC [1] (ii) Describe the operation of the circuit shown in Fig. 10(b) making reference to the components that control the timing. [4] QWC [1] (iii) Calculate the range of the variable resistor R2 to illuminate the LED in Fig. 10(b) for the periods ranging from 1 second to 5 seconds when C = 100 F given that the Time Period T = 1.1 C R2 seconds. [4] (c) A programmable system such as a PIC could be employed to achieve the same function as the hard-wired circuit shown in Fig. 10(b). List two advantages and one disadvantage of using a programmable system over a hard-wired system. [3] 5284.05 R 7 [Turn over Section C Mechanical and Pneumatic Control Systems Answer both questions in this section. You are advised to spend approximately 1 hour on this section. 11 Fig. 11 shows a mechanical system incorporating a motor, pulley and gears. (a) (i) Name a belt type which can be used on pulleys which are at 90 degree angles to each other. [1] (ii) State the direction of rotation at G if A rotates in an anticlockwise direction. (b) (i) Calculate the overall velocity ratio between A and K. [1] [2] (ii) Calculate the overall velocity ratio between A and I. [3] (iii) Calculate the difference in output speeds between D and K if the motor rotates at 240 rev/min. [3] (c) (i) Pulley A is attached to the motor shaft using a key and keyway. Using an annotated sketch outline the main features of this arrangement. (ii) Name one other method of attaching pulleys to shafts apart from a key and keyway or grub screw. [2] [1] (d) Occasionally the heavy motor needs to be raised and lowered from the ground to aid pulley belt replacement. Using an annotated sketch name and draw a linkage system which could keep the motor base level with the ground. [3] (e) The mechanical system is to be attached to a cam and follower. Describe the following terms: (i) Dwell. [1] QWC [1] (ii) Stroke length. [1] QWC [1] 5284.05 R 8 [Turn over G 100 Teeth I 100 Teeth H 50 Teeth F Dia 45 mm K Dia 45 mm J Dia 135 mm C Dia 100 mm D Dia 80 mm E Dia 30 mm B Dia 45 mm Motor A Dia 60 mm Fig. 11 5284.05 R 9 [Turn over 12 Fig. 12 shows part of an incomplete pneumatic system incorporating a single and double acting cylinder. (a) (i) Name the activation method at valve A. [1] (ii) Name the activation method at valve C. [1] (iii) Name the activation method at valve X. [1] (iv) Draw an airbleed showing how it is used to activate a single three port valve. [2] (b) On the pro forma provided (answer number 12(b), (c) and (d)) complete the circuit enabling the double acting cylinder to outstroke if 3 port valves A and B and C or D are activated. [4] (c) On the pro forma provided (answer number 12(b), (c) and (d)) complete the circuit enabling the single acting cylinder to outstroke slowly as the double acting cylinder instrokes. [3] (d) On the pro forma provided (answer number 12(b), (c) and (d)) complete the circuit enabling the double acting cylinder to instroke after a delay in time following an outstroke. [4] (e) The double acting cylinder is supplied with an air pressure of 0.5 N/mm2 and produces a force during the outstroke of 235.12 N and 210 N during the instroke. Calculate the piston rod diameter. Please assume = 3.14. [4] 5284.05 R 10 [Turn over 4 2 12 14 5 1 X 3 A B D C Fig. 12 5284 11 1312-021-1 Question No. 12(b), (c) and (d) ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN Assessment Unit AS 1 Unit 1 January 2010 Centre Number 71 Candidate Number 4 2 12 14 5 1 X 3 A B C D Pro forma answer page (answer numbers 12(b), (c) and (d)) 5284.02INS1

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Additional Info : Gce Technology and Design January 2010 Assessment Unit AS 1, Product Design and Systems and Control - Revised
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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