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GCE JAN 2011 : AS 2 - Revised

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Assessment Unit AS 2 [AH121] THURSDAy 27 jANUARy, AFTERNOON AH121 History *AH121* ADVANCED SUBSIDIARy (AS) General Certificate of Education january 2011 TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer two questions from your chosen option. You must answer parts (i) and (ii) of your chosen questions. Indicate clearly on your Answer Booklet which option you have chosen. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 60. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. All questions carry equal marks, i.e. 30 marks for each question. 6685 Answer two questions from your chosen option. You must answer parts (i) and (ii) of your chosen questions. Option 1 1 Spain and Europe 1556 1592 (i) Explain the impact of the Inquisition on Spanish society between 1556 and 1592. [8] (ii) How far would you agree that the weakness of the Spanish administration in the period 1556 1592 was caused by Philip II s attitude to kingship? [22] 2 (i) Explain the weaknesses of Spanish agriculture between 1556 and 1592. [8] (ii) The importation of bullion was the most important reason for the weakness of the Spanish economy in the period 1556 1592. How far would you agree with this statement? [22] 3 (i) Explain how Philip II controlled the Church in Spain in the period 1556 1592. [8] (ii) Philip II s response to the revolts of Perez and Aragon showed that he learned from the mistakes he made during the Revolt of the Moriscos. To what extent would you agree with this statement in the period 1568 1592? [22] 4 (i) Explain how the Treaty of Joinville of 1584 affected Anglo-Spanish relations. [8] (ii) To what extent was Philip II s foreign policy in the period 1556 1592 motivated by a desire for dynastic gain? [22] 6685 2 Answer two questions from your chosen option. You must answer parts (i) and (ii) of your chosen questions. Option 2 1 The Ascendancy of France in Europe 1660 1714 (i) Explain the causes of the War of Devolution of 1667 1668. [8] (ii) Between 1660 and 1689 Louis XIV made France the dominant country in Europe. How far would you accept this verdict? [22] 2 (i) Explain how the reunion policies affected the position of France in Europe. [8] (ii) How far did the Peace of Ryswick of 1697 satisfy France s opponents in the Nine Years War? 3 (i) Explain the consequences of Marlborough s victory at Ramillies. [8] (ii) The Partition Treaties offered little hope of resolving the problem of the Spanish Succession. To what extent would you agree with this statement? 4 (i) Explain the reasons for Marlborough s victory at Oudenarde. [22] [22] [8] (ii) To what extent were economic reasons responsible for France s willingness to conclude peace terms with England in the War of the Spanish Succession? [22] 6685 3 [Turn over Answer two questions from your chosen option. You must answer parts (i) and (ii) of your chosen questions. Option 3 1 Challenge and Crisis in Ireland 1821 1867 (i) Explain why Daniel O Connell wanted to achieve Catholic Emancipation. [8] (ii) How far was the success of Daniel O Connell s campaign for Catholic Emancipation due to the support he received from the Catholic Church? [22] 2 [8] (ii) How far did the Lichfield House Compact achieve the objectives of both Daniel O Connell and the Whigs? 3 (i) Explain how the Conservative Government of Sir Robert Peel responded to the campaign of Daniel O Connell to repeal the Act of Union. [22] (i) Explain the problems which Irish agriculture faced between 1824 and 1845. [8] (ii) The governments of Peel and Russell were solely to blame for the limited success of their relief measures during the Famine. To what extent would you agree with this verdict? [22] 4 (i) Explain the reasons for the outbreak of the Fenian Rising of 1867. [8] (ii) The failure of the Fenians in the Rising of 1867 was due to their own weaknesses rather than the strength of their opponents. How far would you accept this statement? [22] 6685 4 Answer two questions from your chosen option. You must answer parts (i) and (ii) of your chosen questions. Option 4 1 France 1815 1871 (i) Explain the features of the Charter of Liberties. [8] (ii) How successful was Louis XVIII s foreign policy between 1815 and 1824? 2 [22] (i) Explain the economic problems facing France between 1815 and 1830. [8] (ii) How far would you agree that Charles X s links with the Ultras were responsible for his downfall in 1830? [22] 3 [8] (ii) To what extent was Louis Philippe s relationship with the press responsible for his downfall in 1848? 4 (i) Explain how Louis Napoleon undermined the Second Republic between 1848 and 1852. [22] (i) Explain the economic and social developments in France between 1848 and 1871. [8] (ii) To what extent was Napoleon III responsible for the fall of the Second Empire in France in 1870? [22] 6685 5 [Turn over Answer two questions from your chosen option. You must answer parts (i) and (ii) of your chosen questions. Option 5 1 Russia 1903 1941 (i) Explain the growth of opposition to Tsarism in the period 1906 1914. [8] (ii) To what extent was the outbreak of the Revolution of 1905 due to the consequences of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 1905? [22] 2 (i) Explain how the First World War brought about the Revolution of February 1917. [8] (ii) Bolshevik economic policies lacked consistency in the period 1918 1924. How far would you accept this verdict? [22] 3 [8] (ii) How far would you agree that the success of the Bolsheviks in October 1917 was primarily due to their own strengths? 4 (i) Explain how Trotsky contributed to the Bolshevik victory in the Civil War in Russia between 1918 and 1921. [22] (i) Explain the impact of Stalin s policy of industrialisation up to 1941. [8] (ii) Stalin s use of the arts and the media was the most important means by which he tried to control the Soviet Union between 1929 and 1941. To what extent would you accept this verdict? [22] 6685 6 Answer two questions from your chosen option. You must answer parts (i) and (ii) of your chosen questions. Option 6 1 Italy 1914 1943 (i) Explain why Italy was disappointed with the Peace Settlement of 1919. [8] (ii) The most important effect of the First World War on Italy between 1915 and 1918 was on its economy. To what extent would you agree with this statement? [22] 2 (i) Explain the political problems Italy faced between 1919 and 1922. (ii) Mussolini was unsuccessful in his attempts to create a fascist state in Italy in the period 1922 1943. How far would you accept this verdict? 3 [8] [22] (i) Explain why some groups in Italy supported Mussolini s appointment as Prime Minister in 1922. [8] (ii) How far did Mussolini experience success in his economic policy in Italy between 1922 and 1939? [22] 4 (i) Explain why Italy developed closer relations with Germany between 1936 and 1939. [8] (ii) Military weaknesses were solely to blame for Italy s defeat in the Second World War. To what extent would you agree with this statement? [22] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER 6685 7 6685/3

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Additional Info : Gce History January 2011 Assessment Unit AS 2 - Revised
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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