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GCE JUN 2010 : A2 2 - Revised

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Sp ec Ne ifi w ca tio n Assessment Unit A2 2 [AH221] THURSDAY 10 JUNE, AFTERNOON AH221 History *AH221* ADVANCED General Certificate of Education 2010 TIME 2 hours. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer two questions from your chosen option. Answer question 1 and question 2. There is a choice in question 2. Indicate clearly on your Answer Booklet which option you have chosen. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 70. Quality of written communication will be assessed in question 2. This paper is an historical enquiry. Candidates are reminded that their answers should demonstrate their understanding of how the past has been interpreted and represented in different ways. 6250 Answer question 1 and either question 2(a) or 2(b) Option 1: England 1570 1603 Section A Historical Enquiry: source evaluation and analysis Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from the Papal Bull excommunicating Elizabeth I in 1570. This very woman, having seized the Kingdom of England and monstrously taken the position and power of Supreme Head of the Church in all England, has full authority and jurisdiction over the Church. She has again reduced England, which was so recently brought back to the Catholic faith and was once again becoming a thriving country, to a miserable and ruinous condition. We, the true Church, declare that the said Elizabeth is a heretic and favours heretics. Therefore we pronounce the sentence of excommunication and we declare her cut off from the unity of Christ. Moreover, we also deprive her of her pretended title of Queen of England and we command and charge all and every nobleman, subjects, people and others not to obey her or her orders and laws. Source 2 Extract from Robert Southwell, An Humble Supplication to her Majesty, written in 1594 while he was in prison. Southwell was a Jesuit priest sent on a mission to England to help reconvert many back to Catholicism. It is part of the Catholic faith that subjects are bound by their conscience, under pain of forfeiting their right of entry into heaven, to obey the just laws of their true Princes. These laws are denied by both the Protestants and Puritans, along with Calvin. Therefore, if we were not pressurised by what we have witnessed, and is generally regarded as a breach of the law of God, we should never give your Majesty Elizabeth the least cause of displeasure. 6250 2 Source 3 Extract from S. Doran, Elizabeth I and Religion 1558 1603, published in 1994. It was not the failure of the Catholic leadership in the 1560s that doomed Catholicism to decline under Elizabeth I; on the contrary, the Marian priests helped Catholicism to survive the first decade of the reign in reasonable shape. Nor was it the fault of the seminary priests that the Catholic community was reduced to a small minority sect by 1603; despite the weaknesses of their mission, it is difficult to see how, without their input, Catholicism could have survived into the next century as anything other than the superstitious rituals of backward communities. In reality, given the long reign of Elizabeth and the certainty of a Protestant successor after Mary Queen of Scots execution in 1587, the decline of Catholicism was a gradual but inevitable process. The long and relentless governmental persecutions and the slow but sustained exposure to Protestantism weaned most Catholics from their faith. Only the most committed became recusants, while the vast majority drifted into conformity and their children or grandchildren became Protestants. 1 (a) Consult all the sources and your knowledge of this period. Which of the sources would an historian value most as evidence in a study of the attitude of Catholics to Elizabeth I in the period 1570 1603? [15] (b) Use all the sources and other evidence you have studied. How far do the sources support the view that Catholicism was a threat to Elizabeth I between 1570 and 1603? [20] Section B Historical Enquiry: Interpretations 2 Either (a) How far would you agree that Elizabeth I controlled her Parliaments in the years 1570 1603? Use relevant evidence you have studied including contemporary and later interpretations to support your answer. [35] Or (b) How significant a role did trade play in Elizabeth I s foreign policy in the period 1570 1603? Use relevant evidence you have studied including contemporary and later interpretations to support your answer. 6250 3 [35] [Turn over Answer question 1 and either question 2(a) or 2(b) Option 2: Ireland 1607 1691 Section A Historical Enquiry: source evaluation and analysis Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a speech by Viscount Mordaunt in the House of Lords, November 1685. He is speaking during the debate in response to James II s request for increased finance for the army. Let us not, like the House of Commons, merely speak of jealousy and mistrust. The actions of the King require a more resolute response. What we now see is perfectly clear. A standing army is in place which includes some officers who cannot be allowed to serve without overthrowing the laws. To keep up a standing army when there is neither civil nor foreign war is to establish that arbitrary government which Englishmen so detest. Source 2 Extract from William of Orange s declaration of 30 September 1688 in response to the invitation from a committee of peers to take the throne of England. The evil counsellors of James II have interfered with the privileges, and withdrawn the charters of most of those towns that have a right to be represented in Parliament. They have placed new magistrates in those towns, many of them Popish. They have likewise dealt with all military positions in the same manner. Although the laws have not only excluded Papists from all such employment and have, in particular, stipulated that they should be disarmed, James II s counsellors have, in contempt of those laws, not only armed the Papists, but have likewise raised them up to the greatest military positions, Irish as well as English. By these means, they have made themselves masters both of the affairs of the Church, of the government of the nation, and of the course of justice, thereby to enslave the nation. 6250 4 Source 3 Extract from Tim Harris, Revolution: The Great Crisis of the British Monarchy 1685 1720, published in 2006. By the summer of 1686 James had managed to establish a sizeable peacetime standing army and won a vitally important case upholding his right to excuse Catholics from the test. He also broke the Anglican monopoly of worship and established effective toleration for loyal recusants, and had appointed an Ecclesiastical Commission that could be used to discipline the Church. However, all this had been achieved at enormous political cost. James had alienated his parliament, an overwhelmingly ToryAnglican body that had shown itself deeply supportive of his succession. He had upset the Anglican hierarchy, including key figures such as Bishop Compton of London, and provoked the opposition of Tory magistrates in key corporations, while his policies in general caused outbursts of rioting in several parts of the kingdom. 1 (a) Consult all the sources and your knowledge of this period. Which of the sources would an historian value most as evidence in a study of the causes of the Glorious Revolution? [15] (b) Use all the sources and other evidence you have studied. How far do the sources support the view that religion was the most important factor in James II s loss of his throne? [20] Section B Historical Enquiry: Interpretations 2 Either (a) How important was the role of the Scots in securing the Ulster Plantation? Use relevant evidence you have studied including contemporary and later interpretations to support your answer. [35] Or (b) The Battle of Aughrim was of more significance than the Battle of the Boyne in deciding the outcome of the conflict in Ireland in the period 1688 91. How far would you agree with this verdict? Use relevant evidence you have studied including contemporary and later interpretations to support your answer. 6250 5 [35] [Turn over Answer question 1 and either question 2(a) or 2(b) Option 3: Ireland 1775 1800 Section A Historical Enquiry: source evaluation and analysis Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a speech by William Plunket in the Irish House of Commons during the debate on the proposed parliamentary union between Great Britain and Ireland, 5 February 1800. Sir, I thank members of the Government for this measure. They are, without intending it, putting an end to our divisions. Through this black cloud they have created, I see the light breaking over this unfortunate country. They have united every rank and description of men by the presentation of this grand and momentous subject. I now tell them that they will see every honest and independent man in Ireland rally round its constitution, and set aside every other consideration in his opposition to this ungenerous and hateful measure. For my part I will resist it to the last gasp of my existence and with the last drop of my blood. And when I feel the hour of my death approaching, I will, like the father of Hannibal, take my children to the altar and swear them to eternal hostility against the invaders of their country s freedom. Source 2 Extract from a speech by William Pitt, British Prime Minister, during the debate on the Union in the British House of Commons, 21 April 1800. The Union will calm the tensions, ease the animosities and virtually bring to an end the jealousies which have unfortunately existed between Britain and Ireland. It is a measure whose object is to extend to the sister kingdom the skill, capital and industry which have raised this country to such a level of prosperity. The Union will give Ireland a full participation in the commerce and constitution of England. It will unite the affections and resources of two powerful nations and place under one public will the direction of the whole force of the Empire. 6250 6 Source 3 Extract from Wendy Hinde, Castlereagh, published in 1981. More concrete ways of building up a unionist majority in the Irish Parliament were provided by the skilful distribution of government patronage. This ranged from a commission, curacy, pension or minor office for a member s relative or friend, to an important legal appointment or an influential administrative appointment in Dublin Castle for the member himself. Officeholders who had opposed the Union were dismissed and their places used to gain support. Some members who were neutral or hostile agreed to vacate their seats in favour of unionists in return for monetary compensation. This was sometimes provided by the government out of public funds and sometimes by a borough-owner who had some reason for seeking favour with the authorities. Most Irish politicians who supported the administration expected as a matter of course that their loyalty would be rewarded. Whether votes were ever actually bought for cash is uncertain. 1 (a) Consult all the sources and your knowledge of this period. Which of the sources would an historian value most as evidence in a study of the passing of the Act of Union in 1800? [15] (b) Use all the sources and other evidence you have studied. How far do the sources support the view that the passing of the Act of Union in 1800 was due solely to corruption? [20] Section B Historical Enquiry: Interpretations 2 Either (a) To what extent was lack of unity responsible for the decline of the Volunteers after 1782? Use relevant evidence you have studied including contemporary and later interpretations to support your answer. [35] Or (b) Wolfe Tone was the main inspiration for the creation of the United Irishmen. How far would you agree with this assessment? Use relevant evidence you have studied including contemporary and later interpretations to support your answer. 6250 7 [35] [Turn over Answer question 1 and either question 2(a) or 2(b) Option 4: Partition of Ireland 1900 1925 Section A Historical Enquiry: source evaluation and analysis Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a speech by John Dillon, deputy leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party, to the House of Commons, 11 May 1916. He is commenting on the response of the British Government to the Easter Rising. The Prime Minister failed to give me a promise that the executions would stop. In fact, thirteen people have been executed so far for their involvement in the Rising. In addition, a well-known Dublin journalist, Francis SheehySkeffington, and two others were arrested and shot without trial. Our Party has been regarded as traitors by the men who organised the rebellion, and you are now washing away our whole life s work in a sea of blood. The vast majority of the population was opposed to the rebellion. Now, thousands of people in Dublin, who ten days ago were bitterly opposed to the whole of the Sinn Fein movement and the rebellion, are now furious with the government because of these executions. According to the letters which I have received, this feeling is spreading throughout the country to a most dangerous degree. Source 2 Extract from a letter from Maurice Moore, a supporter of the Irish Parliamentary Party, to John Dillon, 4 March 1917. He is describing attitudes towards the Party based on meetings and interviews with nationalists in different parts of Ireland. Having discussed the political situation with Catholic priests, Irish Party supporters and members of Sinn Fein, I have some disagreeable news to report to you. Virtually all young men are Sinn Feiners. The older men, including parish priests, are gravely dissatisfied with Irish Party policy, and desire more vigorous action against any government that refuses Irish demands. They have lost faith in the Home Rule Bill. Both the young and old have lost confidence in the Irish Party, and will certainly not vote for it at the next election. I have never been a supporter of the Sinn Fein tactic of abstention from Westminster, but perhaps it is time to consider it. This policy will not be acceptable to cautious men, but the present dangers are very real and an alternative is difficult to find. 6250 8 Source 3 Extract from Jeremy Smith, Britain and Ireland: From Home Rule to Independence, published in 2000. Smith is commenting on the General Election of 1918. The electorate in 1918 consisted of many young first-time voters whose political views had been shaped by the pre-war Ulster crisis, the Rising, the British counter-reaction after 1916 and above all else the threat of conscription. Sinn Fein s startling victory owed something to the widespread intimidation of voters and the failure of the Irish Party to contest every seat. It is possible that much of Sinn Fein s support represented a rejection of the old Irish Party of Redmond rather than an endorsement of republicanism. Few understood what Sinn Fein stood for, a vagueness which probably helped its unity and electoral appeal. 1 (a) Consult all the sources and your knowledge of this period. Which of the sources would an historian value most as evidence in a study of the problems facing the Irish Parliamentary Party in the period 1916 1918? [15] (b) Use all the sources and other evidence you have studied. How far do the sources support the view that the defeat of the Irish Parliamentary Party in the General Election of 1918 was due to British Government policy after 1916? [20] Section B Historical Enquiry: Interpretations 2 Either (a) The opponents of the Third Home Rule Bill had more reason to be satisfied with the course of events by September 1914 than its supporters. How far would you agree with this statement? Use relevant evidence you have studied including contemporary and later interpretations to support your answer. [35] Or (b) How successfully did the Government of Sir James Craig respond to the problems facing Northern Ireland between 1921 and 1925? Use relevant evidence you have studied including contemporary and later interpretations to support your answer. [35] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER 6250 9 Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. 6250/3

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Additional Info : Gce History June 2009 Assessment Unit A2 2 - Revised
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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