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GCE JUN 2009 : AS 1, Module 1

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ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2009 History assessing Module 1 ASH11 Assessment Unit AS 1 [ASH11] MONDAY 8 JUNE, MORNING TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Choose one option. Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2 from your chosen option. Indicate clearly on your Answer Booklet which option you have chosen. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 80. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. Question 1 in each option is worth 12 marks. You are expected to present an explanation and show understanding of appropriate concepts and arrive at judgements which are substantiated with factual evidence. You should spend 15 minutes on this question. Question 2 in each option is worth 68 marks. You are expected to interpret, evaluate and use source material in its historical context. 4458 OPTION 1 RELIGIOUS CHANGE IN ENGLAND 1520 1547 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How widespread was anti-clericalism in England on the eve of the English Reformation? [12] Or (b) How far was the dissolution of the monasteries in Henry VIII s reign due to economic considerations? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow. Source 1 Extract from a private remark made by King Henry VIII to a deputation of MPs in May 1532. He made this comment after he had studied the oaths taken by the bishops to the King and the Pope on their appointment. I thought that the clergy of my kingdom were fully my subjects. But I now realise that they are only half my subjects indeed scarcely my subjects at all. For all the bishops make an oath to the Pope, completely contrary to the oath they make to me, so that they seem to be his subjects and not mine. Source 2 Extract from Hall s Chronicle, published in 1542. Edward Hall was a lawyer and a member of the Reformation Parliament from 1529 to 1536. In this extract he is describing a speech made by Henry VIII at Bridewell Palace in November 1528. The King assembled at his palace his nobility, judges and advisers, to whom he declared the great worthiness of his wife (Catherine of Aragon), both for her nobility and virtue. The King said that, if he were to marry again, he would marry her of all women, if the marriage were to be found good and lawful. But, despite her worthiness and the fact that he had a fair daughter by her, the King said that he was deeply tormented in his conscience for he understood from many great advisers whom he had consulted that he had lived all his time in detestable and abominable adultery. 4458 2 Source Extract from Richard Rex, Henry VIII and the English Reformation, published in 1994. Sixteenth-century Catholic historians of the English Reformation were convinced that its cause was Henry VIII s decision to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn. However, although the divorce does not account for the ultimate triumph of Protestantism over Catholicism in England, it was very important because it secured a foothold for evangelical preachers and their doctrines. Henry s primary motivation for the divorce was not pure lust or, as he himself maintained, scruples of conscience. The problem was the lack of a legitimate male heir to inherit the crown. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the attitude of Henry VIII to the Church? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide different motives for Henry VIII s break with Rome. How, and why, do they differ? (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the reasons for the English Reformation. 4458 [25] [30] [Turn over OPTION 2 CONFRONTATION IN ENGLAND 160 1629 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How far was Charles I s foreign policy responsible for the growth of opposition to the Crown in the period 1625 1629? [12] Or (b) How far did England experience an agricultural revolution in the period 1603 1629? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow. Source 1 Extract from the Millenary Petition, representing the views of 1,000 Puritan clergy. It was presented to James I as he travelled south from Scotland to take up the English throne in 1603. We request a number of changes to the church service. The cross should be removed from baptism and confirmation as it is unnecessary. We want the removal of the ring in marriage and some words used by priests in absolution. We also want a reduction in the length of church services and changes to church songs and music. We want an end to disrespect for the Lord s day. Popish opinion should no longer be taught or defended and ministers should not ask the faithful to bow at the name of Jesus. A uniform doctrine should be introduced. Source 2 Extract from the Canon Laws of 1604 of the Church of England. They were issued following the Hampton Court Conference which took place in the same year. The form of God s worship in the Church of England is established by law and contained in the Book of Common Prayer. Anyone who states that it is a corrupt, superstitious or unlawful worship of God or contains anything offensive to the Scriptures should be excommunicated. He can only be re-admitted into the church by an Archbishop if he repents and publicly disowns his wicked errors. Likewise, anyone who states that the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England are wicked, anti-Christian or superstitious should be excommunicated. 4458 4 Source Extract from David Smith, A History of the Modern British Isles, 1603 1707: The Double Crown, published in 1998. Smith is commenting on the attitude of James I to the Puritans. James was by no means uncritical of the bishops and accepted several of the Puritans key demands, including the reform of the Court of High Commission and some revisions to the Book of Common Prayer. Most important of all, he agreed to a new translation of the Bible, which appeared as the Authorised Version of 1611. In return for these concessions to moderate Puritan opinion, James made it clear that he expected conformity to the established Church. James wanted to accommodate moderate Puritans inside the fold provided that their reservations about the worship and discipline of the Church did not threaten its stability. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the position of Puritans in England in the period 1603 1629? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary views of the position of Puritans in England. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the extent to which James I was able to accommodate Puritanism within the Church of England. [30] 4458 5 [Turn over OPTION REACTION AND REFORM IN ENGLAND 1815 1841 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) To what extent was the Duke of Wellington responsible for the weakness of the Tory Governments of 1827 1830? [12] Or (b) How successful were the economic and social reforms of the Whig Governments between 1833 and 1841? 2 [12] Read the sources and answer the questions which follow. Source 1 Extract from a letter from Lord Sidmouth to a colleague, Lord Sheffield, 1 November 1816. Sidmouth was Home Secretary in Lord Liverpool s Government. Shortly after this letter, he reminded magistrates in England of their wide powers to deal with unrest. I am very concerned about the state of the country. The distress of the people appears to be extreme. However, some reports suggest that the tendency to cause disturbances is less general than I might have expected. Yet we must expect a difficult winter. If so, it is possible that our military authorities will be sufficiently strong to ensure law and order. Source 2 Extract from the memoirs of Samuel Bamford, published in 1844. Bamford, a weaver from Middleton, near Manchester, was twice imprisoned for his radical activities. In this extract he is describing radical activity in England between 1815 and 1820. During this period the writings of William Cobbett became very popular among the working-class. Cobbett was a well-known radical journalist who was strongly critical of Lord Liverpool s Government. His writings were widely read in the manufacturing towns of South Lancashire, as well as Leicester, Derby and Nottingham. Cobbett wrote that the sole source of working-class discontent was bad government, and the only cure was parliamentary reform. Rioting became scarce as political clubs were established in many large towns. At meetings, people demanded the right of every male to vote and annual parliaments. Cobbett s books were printed cheaply, and were read by labourers who, having benefited from a Sunday School education, were willing to spread the word to others. 4458 6 Source Extract from a newspaper report of a meeting held on Hunslet Moor, near Leeds, 20 September 1819. This meeting was held a month after Peterloo and the crowd of 30,000 was the largest ever known in the history of Leeds. Of the many flags and banners held up by the crowd, one proclaimed the words We demand our rights as men, Liberty, Justice and Humanity . There were other slogans on display, such as Britons never Shall Be Slaves and No Corn Laws . Resolutions were passed condemning the Corn and Combination Laws, and describing the House of Commons as a perfect mockery of what it ought to be, that is, the guardian of the labour, property, liberties and lives of the people. Parliamentary reform was demanded as an absolute necessity. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the unrest in England after 1815? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary attitudes towards the unrest in England after 1815. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess how close England came to revolution in the period 1815 1820. [30] 4458 7 [Turn over OPTION 4 THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION IN EUROPE 182 1848 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How far was Pope Pius IX responsible for the outbreak of revolutions in Italy in 1848? [12] Or (b) To what extent would you agree that the failure of the revolutions in the Habsburg Empire in 1848 was due to the firm response of government? 2 [12] Read the sources and answer the questions which follow. Source 1 Extract from a political pamphlet issued by an unnamed supporter of Friedrich Hecker (1811 81). The extract was written early in April 1848. Hecker, a member of the Pre-Parliament at Frankfurt, was a radical republican who staged a revolt against the Grand Duke of Baden on 12 April 1848 but it attracted little support. Friedrich Hecker is a full-blooded healthy man. You see at once that, unlike the leaders of the Liberals, he does not sit behind a desk but belongs to the vigorous people who want a drastic change in life in Baden. He is more like a radical student activist than a mere theorist. It is these qualities which explain his rousing effect on the young men of western Germany, who are very different from the young revolutionaries of the north, especially the Berliners. The young men of south and west Germany have no use for theorists and their ideas. Source 2 Extract from a statement by Karl Mathy to the Lower House of the Parliament in Baden, 7 April 1848. Mathy (1807 68) was the moderate leader of the Liberals in Baden and later became one of the leaders of the Frankfurt Parliament. He was a former newspaper correspondent and publisher. In this extract he is responding to Hecker s claims that he was a hypocrite for supporting the Grand Duke of Baden. Delegate Hecker is right to warn against hypocrisy but he himself is the real hypocrite. The true friend of the Fatherland abandons his personal wishes when they are opposed by the will of the majority. Hecker has described fellow Germans who take up arms in the cause of German unity as foreign troops . Hecker ought to be ashamed of himself for having so little understanding of the great idea of German unity. Does he believe that disorder is a Republican virtue? He who works for civil war is no friend of the German people. 4458 8 Source Extract from The Unification of Germany by Andrina Stiles, published in 1998. An important reason for the failure of the Frankfurt Parliament was the divisions among its members. The radical minority, who wanted to change society, do away with the princes and replace them with a republic, were less concerned with drawing up a constitution than overthrowing the existing Governments. They found themselves in conflict with the majority of liberal members who wanted a moderate settlement with a minimum of social change. They wanted a written constitution accepted by the national monarch. There was also a small conservative group who wanted to preserve the rights of individual states and ensure that neither the Frankfurt Parliament nor the Central Government would exercise too much control. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the revolutionaries in the German states in 1848? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary attitudes towards Friedrich Hecker. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess to what extent divisions among the revolutionaries were responsible for the failure of the revolutions in the German states in 1848. [30] 4458 9 [Turn over OPTION 5 THE NAZIS AND GERMANY 1919 1945 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How far was Hitler s appointment as Chancellor in January 1933 due to the electoral successes of the Nazi Party after 1929? [12] Or (b) How important was the Enabling Act in helping Hitler to consolidate his power by August 1934? 2 [12] Read the sources and answer the questions which follow. Source 1 Extract from the diary of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, 10 November 1938. Goebbels and Hitler were together in Munich on the evening of 9 10 November when a pogrom (organised attack) began against the Jews throughout Germany, known as the Night of Broken Glass. I brief Hitler on the colossal activity. He decides to allow the demonstrations to continue and pull back the police. The Jews must be given a taste of the public anger. Hitler has directed that 30,000 Jews are to be arrested immediately. We await further bulletins. In Berlin fifteen synagogues are ablaze. Now the people s fury is aroused. It is impossible to do anything else against it. Not that I want to. Let it rip. As I drive back to the hotel there is the sound of breaking glass. Bravo! As was to be expected the entire nation is in uproar. Hitler is in agreement with everything. His views are quite radical and aggressive and he wants to proceed to very harsh measures against the Jews. Source 2 Extract from a report by a Social Democrat to the party leadership in exile, 15 November 1938. The Social Democratic Party had been banned by the Nazis in June 1933 but continued to operate as an underground organisation within German society. All the reports from our members confirm that the steps taken against Jews have been heavily criticised by the majority of Germans. During the first few days of the pogrom there were arrests of Germans throughout the Reich because they had publicly expressed their indignation against these measures. One report from Munich claims that most of the population took no part in the activities of the Nazis; in fact there were many examples of people opposing these arrests. Many people are taking care of Jewish women and children. The severity of Nazi actions varied considerably from town to town. There were towns in Bavaria where nothing at all happened. 4458 10 Source Extract from the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour, 15 September 1935. It was known as one of the Nuremberg Laws, which also denied Jews German citizenship. Marriages between Jews and German nationals are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance of this law are void. Relations outside marriage between Jews and German nationals are forbidden. A person who acts contrary to these prohibitions will be punished with hard labour or imprisonment. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the Night of Broken Glass of November 1938? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide different contemporary opinions of public attitudes in Germany towards the Night of Broken Glass . How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the impact of Nazi policies on Jews in Germany from 1933 to 1945. [30] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER 4458 11 Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. T80848/2

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Additional Info : Gce History June 2009 Assessment Unit AS 1Module 1
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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