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GCE JAN 2007 : AS 1, Module 1

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ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2007 History assessing Module 1 ASH11 Assessment Unit AS 1 [ASH11] FRIDAY 12 JANUARY, AFTERNOON TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Choose one option. Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2 from your chosen option. Indicate clearly on your Answer Booklet which option you have chosen. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 80. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. Question 1 in each option is worth 12 marks. You are expected to present an explanation and show understanding of appropriate concepts and arrive at judgements which are substantiated with factual evidence. You should spend 15 minutes on this question. Question 2 in each option is worth 68 marks. You are expected to interpret, evaluate and use source material in its historical context. ASH1W7 1901 OPTION 1 RELIGIOUS CHANGE IN ENGLAND 1520 1547 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) To what extent was the Church in need of reform on the eve of the Reformation? [12] Or (b) How far did Henry VIII s Reformation simply mean Catholicism without the Pope ? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a statement issued by the Convocation of the Church, January 1531. This statement was accompanied by a grant of 100,000 to King Henry VIII and awarded him the title of Supreme Head of the Church in England and Wales . This was in return for his withdrawing his charge of praemunire (or treason) against every clergyman in England and Wales. The King has, in the past, most studiously with his pen, and most splendidly in battle, defended the world-wide Church against its enemies. At the present time, our enemies, especially the Lutherans, plot to destroy the Church and clergy of England, whose protector and highest head the King is. They rage against our bishops with lies and books. But his wise and most excellent Majesty has so outwitted and repressed them that their boldness begins to lessen. Source 2 Extract from a private comment made by King Henry VIII to a deputation of MPs in May 1532. He made this observation after he had studied the oaths taken by bishops to the King and to the Pope on their appointment. I thought that the clergy of my kingdom were fully my subjects. But now I realise that they are only half my subjects indeed, scarcely my subjects at all. For all the bishops make an oath to the Pope, completely contrary to the oath they make to me, so that they seem to be his subjects and not mine. ASH1W7 1901 2 Source 3 Extract from Keith Randell, Henry VIII and the Reformation in England, published in 1993. For the conservatives , the hope was that long established religious traditions would be maintained. Few of them had any desire to see the Pope re-established as Head of the Church. The reformers looked upon the Bible as the only source of knowledge about God and so they rejected what the conservatives valued most. The gap between them was enormous. Henry regretted this and wanted his loyal subjects to leave such issues to him. He sought to punish those who held either extreme conservative views or extreme reformist views, while holding out hope to the moderates that royal decisions might favour them. In this way he aimed to minimise the risk of any group being driven to armed insurrection. This evenhanded approach has provided historians with ample evidence to make a case either that Henry moved the country to Protestantism or that he held it true to its Catholic past. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the attitude of the Church to King Henry VIII? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing views on the relationship between King Henry VIII and the Church. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the reasons for King Henry VIII s decision to break with Rome. [30] ASH1W7 1901 3 [Turn over OPTION 2 CONFRONTATION IN ENGLAND 1603 1629 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) To what extent were King James I s Lord Treasurers to blame for the financial difficulties he experienced in his reign? [12] Or (b) How consistent was royal policy towards the Puritans in the period 1603 1629? 2 [12] Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a speech made by the Duke of Buckingham in Parliament on 8 June 1626, defending himself against charges of impeachment. I freely confess that I have been raised to honour and fortune in the state, beyond my merit. What I have lacked in ability and experience, I have tried to make up for by dedication and hard work. If, in future, I should ever find myself unwilling to serve the state, because of anything that should happen to me, I would be the most ungrateful man alive. Source 2 Extract from the Earl of Clarendon s History of the Great Rebellion, written between 1646 and 1660. Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon (1609 1674), supported the monarchy after 1641 and became a leading adviser of Charles I and Charles II. Here he is describing the Duke of Buckingham. His rise was so quick that it seemed more like a flight than a growth. He was guided more by greed than judgement. He promoted almost all his own family and dependents people who had no qualities or merit other than their relationship with him. This offended both the nobility and people of all other classes. The revenues of the Crown were sacrificed to the enriching of his family. His ambition was like a weed that grows in the best soil. ASH1W7 1901 4 Source 3 Extract from Graham Seel and David Smith, The Early Stuart Kings 1603 1642, published in 2001. Buckingham was certainly increasingly distrusted by the majority of the political nation, not least because of his association with Catholics and high churchmen, or anti-Calvinists. He became friendly with William Laud in the 1620s and firmly identified himself with the anti-Calvinists at the York House debates in February 1626. Attacks on Buckingham were also inspired by the knowledge that his mother had recently converted to Catholicism and that Katherine, his wife, was Catholic until her marriage facts that to many observers placed the King s favourite at the centre of some sort of popish plot. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the rise to power of the Duke of Buckingham? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing views on Buckingham s attitude to service to the state. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the reasons for the opposition to the Duke of Buckingham between 1614 and 1628. [30] ASH1W7 1901 5 [Turn over OPTION 3 REACTION AND REFORM IN ENGLAND 1815 1841 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How successful were the domestic reforms of Lord Liverpool s Government between 1822 and 1827? [12] Or (b) How important were the changes made to the parliamentary system by the Reform Act of 1832? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from the Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Law in England, published in 1834. The Commission, established by the Whig government in 1832, proposed drastic changes to the way in which assistance was provided for the poor. Its recommendations were implemented in the Poor Law of 1834. We believe that the present arrangement of outdoor relief, whereby assistance is given to the poor living at home, must change. This system merely encourages the poor to be lazy and not to seek employment. It is expensive for the ratepayers and inefficient. Therefore, all relief should be provided in workhouses, where living conditions will be worse than those experienced outside. Men, women and children will be separated inside these workhouses. These measures will discourage the poor from seeking relief and will save money. Efficiency will be ensured by the creation of a Board of Central Commissioners. Source 2 Extract from an editorial in the Northern Star, a newspaper reflecting the views of the working class, February 1839. The newspaper was commenting on the Poor Law of 1834. This Poor Law operates in a most cruel way. The workhouses are nothing more than prisons, containing thousands of poor people who have no employment through no fault of their own. The inmates are punished for breaking workhouse rules. They are forced to wear a workhouse uniform, and husbands and wives are separated. This Poor Law treats poverty as a crime. Men of property in Parliament are using this Law to save money with a system of relief designed to discipline the labouring poor. ASH1W7 1901 6 Source 3 Extract from the historian Derrick Murphy, writing in 2004 about the Poor Law of 1834. From the ratepayers point of view, the Poor Law was a success, since the number of those receiving poor relief fell dramatically after 1834. However, the abolition of outdoor relief caused much distress among the working class, especially in industrial areas affected by unemployment. There was a great deal of anti-Poor Law agitation, particularly in the North of England. The Poor Law Commissioners had made no attempt to tackle the causes of poverty as they assumed that the system would discourage rather than encourage people from depending on the state relief. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the problem of poverty in England during the 1830s? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary attitudes in England to the Poor Law of 1834. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess whether the response of the Whig Governments to the problem of poor relief in England was the most successful aspect of their domestic legislation from 1833 to 1841. [30] ASH1W7 1901 7 [Turn over OPTION 4 THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION IN EUROPE 1823 1848 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How far was the outbreak of the revolutions in Italy in 1848 due to the ideas of the Risorgimento? [12] Or (b) To what extent were divisions among the revolutionaries responsible for the failure of the revolts in the Habsburg Empire in 1848? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a memorandum by King William I of W rttemberg to the Russian Ambassador in Berlin, 10 March 1848. At this time I cannot leave my capital and my country without great danger. I try to gain time in order to find out if the German major powers are able or willing to come to my assistance. The Tsar will judge things differently from his viewpoint. Explain my position to him. By naming a new ministry I have gained time and avoided bloody scenes. However, this cannot continue. It is possible to hold down a city by the power of the bayonet, but not a country. Source 2 Extract from a letter written by King Frederick William IV of Prussia to his sister Charlotte, 25 October 1848. The King was responding to the decision of the Prussian Assembly in Berlin to delete the phrase by the grace of God from his royal title. I carry out my holy duties for the protection of my people on the basis of the authority granted to me by God. I have surrounded Berlin with an army of 30,000 men. I dismissed the liberal Auerswald-Hansemann ministry since it refused to obey my orders. I have now appointed a ministry under Count Brandenburg, a conservative soldier. On 15 October I wrote a declaration to the people granting them certain freedoms. But my ministers refused to countersign it because the freedoms I allowed were based solely on my authority by the grace of God . ASH1W7 1901 8 Source 3 Extract from Andrina Stiles, The Unification of Germany 1815 1890, published in 1986. The failure of the Frankfurt Parliament was predictable because of the opposition of the rulers who generally wished to restore their original powers. When the ruling monarchs and princes feared that they were about to lose many of their powers or even their thrones because of revolutions within their own territories, they were generally prepared to support the work of the Frankfurt Parliament. But once the rulers were able to re-establish their authority, they lost all reason to support the Parliament. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it to an historian studying the response of the ruling monarchs and princes in Germany to the revolutions in 1848? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary attitudes of German monarchs to the revolutions in Germany in 1848. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess to what extent the reaction of the ruling monarchs and princes to the unrest in Germany in 1848 was responsible for the failure of the revolutions. [30] ASH1W7 1901 9 [Turn over OPTION 5 THE NAZIS AND GERMANY 1919 1945 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How significant was the failure of the Munich Putsch of 1923 for the Nazis rise to power in the period 1924 1933? [12] Or (b) How far did the lives of young people and women in Germany change as a result of Nazi policies between 1933 and 1939? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from an article by Rudolf Hess, the Deputy F hrer, in the Nazi newspaper V lkischer Beobachter, 13 October 1936. How tremendous indeed are the economic achievements of the Third Reich! In January 1933 we took over an economy which stood on the brink of collapse due to high unemployment. Within a few years we brought about a recovery bringing millions back into work, securing bread for our people and building up a modern army. We are rearming fully and this brings greater certainty for German mothers that their children will not be killed in any future war. Source 2 Extract from a secret report by a Social Democrat to the party leadership in exile, September 1938. The Social Democratic Party had been banned by the Nazis in June 1933. A large number of the skilled workers who were unemployed for a long time are not enthusiastic Nazis. They often complain that they earn much less now than they did before 1929. Poorer sections of the work force complain that their wages continually buy less and less and it cannot be denied that the slave-driving gets worse and worse every day. The exploitation of labour has increased and so has the employment of women despite the Nazi ideal of women. The Nazis are obsessed with rearmament but even they cannot achieve all their aims. ASH1W7 1901 10 Source 3 Extract from R. J. Overy, The Nazi Economic Recovery 1932 1938, published in 1982. It was during the period of growing war preparations that the limits of the German economic recovery were shown. From 1936 all the statistics indicate that growth had begun to slow down. If the short-term recovery had been achieved with remarkable speed, the longer-term prospects for growth were less encouraging. The switch to war preparations did not produce any real crisis in the economy before the outbreak of war in September 1939, but it did increasingly undermine the achievements already made. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the economic recovery under the Nazis by 1936? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide different contemporary accounts of the consequences of Nazi economic policies. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess how successful Nazi economic policies were in the period 1933 1939. [30] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER ASH1W7 1901 11 Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. SP (NF) T32662/3

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Additional Info : Gce History January 2007 Assessment Unit AS 1Module 1
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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