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GCE JAN 2009 : AS 1 - Revised

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Sp N ec e ifi w ca tio n Assessment Unit AS 1 [AH111] FRIDAY 16 JANUARY, AFtERNooN AH111 History *AH111* ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education January 2009 tIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INStRUCtIoNS to CANDIDAtES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Choose one option. Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2 from your chosen option. Indicate clearly on your Answer Booklet which option you have chosen. INFoRMAtIoN FoR CANDIDAtES The total mark for this paper is 60. Quality of written communication will be assessed in question 1 and question 2(b). This assessment unit is an historical enquiry and candidates are advised to draw on all the relevant material they have studied when answering question 2(b). 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_1 1 17/11/08 10:11:57 option 1: England 1520 1570 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) Explain why heresy was a growing force in pre-Reformation England. [12] or (b) Explain how Somerset and Northumberland responded to the economic and social problems England faced in the period 1547 1553. [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a proclamation written by Sir Thomas Wyatt. It was read out on 25 January 1554 on Market Day in Maidstone and other Kentish towns. Wyatt is urging armed resistance to the government. It has been announced by the Lord Chancellor and others of the Privy Council that the Queen is determined to marry a foreigner. Therefore we appeal to you, because you are our neighbours, our friends, and because you are Englishmen, that you will join with us, as we with you, unto death in this our cause. We seek no harm to the Queen but only better counsel and counsellors. Even now, Spaniards have arrived at Dover, a hundred passing up to London, fully armed. The first are already at Rochester. We ask you therefore to go to such places as we ask, to assemble there and determine what may be best for the advancement of liberty and to bring with you such aid as you can. Source 2 Extract from a despatch by Simon Renard (1513 1573) in 1554. Renard was the Emperor Charles V s ambassador in England from June 1553 to May 1555. He is referring here to Mary s speech to Londoners at the Guildhall during Wyatt s Rebellion in 1554. Queen Mary spoke to the people and said that her aims since coming to the throne were to administer justice, keep order and protect the people s peace. The rebel, Wyatt, had taken up arms under the pretext that she had married King Philip II of Spain, but Wyatt s actions showed clearly that he aimed to overthrow the Queen and intended to impose tyranny on the people. So moving was the Queen s speech that all the people cried out loudly that they would live and die in her service and that Wyatt was a traitor. 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_2 2 2 17/11/08 10:11:57 Source Extract from Colin Pendrill, The English Reformation, 1485 1558, published in 2000. The Spanish marriage helped to spark off the only rebellion of the reign, led by Sir Thomas Wyatt. The marriage of the reigning Queen was a new problem, of course, and there were bound to be many who were fearful of a Spanish takeover. The limited appeal of the rising indicated that hard-line Protestantism or Puritanism, which in future would be a desperate enemy of Catholicism, had not made headway in England by 1554. Even Kent and London, later the centres of Puritan opinion, showed little enthusiasm for the overthrow of the Catholic Queen. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying Wyatt s Rebellion of 1554? [13] (b) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the extent to which Mary s attempts to restore Roman Catholicism in England between 1553 and 1558 were successful. [35] 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_3 3 [turn over 17/11/08 10:11:58 option 2: England 160 16 9 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) Outline James I s financial policies in the period 1603 1625. [12] or (b) Explain the reasons for Parliament s victory in the Civil War up to 1646. 2 [12] Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from John Rushworth, Historical Collections, published in 1659. Rushworth fought for Parliament in the Civil War as Secretary of the New Model Army and was a prominent critic of Charles I. He was a Puritan who was to play a leading role in the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of an English Republic. Shortly after his appointment as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1633, William Laud caused great offence by placing pictures in the windows of his chapels at Lambeth and Croydon, bowing towards the altar and using special garments for the priests at communion. People protested against these actions as popish, superstitious and idolatrous. Mr Samuel Ward, an Anglican minister in Ipswich, preached against the common bowing at the name of Jesus, and against the King s Book of Sports. He was suspended in the Court of High Commission in 1635 and committed to prison, where he spent a long time. Source 2 Extract from the Impeachment Articles issued against Archbishop William Laud by Parliament in 1641. Laud has traitorously tried to alter and undermine God s true religion established by law in this kingdom and to set up popish superstition and idolatry; and to that end he has supported in speeches and printed books many popish doctrines and opinions. Without the consent of the law he has ordered many popish and superstitious ceremonies and has cruelly persecuted those who opposed them by corporal punishment and imprisonment. 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_4 4 17/11/08 10:11:58 Source Extract from Richard Wilkinson, Years of Turmoil, published in 1999. The widespread resentment created by Laud s influence and actions helped to create opposition to Personal Rule itself. While anger at the changes in the Church may have been limited to a Puritan minority, the fear of Catholicism and the actions of the Laudian clergy had a much wider impact. By 1637 there were signs of mounting discontent and a growing desire for Parliament to be called, since there was no other legal means of expressing grievances. What caused even more concern, however, was that by 1637 Charles appeared to have achieved a method of raising money which could make him permanently independent of Parliament. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the impact of Archbishop Laud s policies on the Church of England during Charles I s Personal Rule? [13] (b) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the extent to which Archbishop Laud was responsible for the opposition to King Charles I during his Personal Rule. [35] 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_5 5 5 [turn over 17/11/08 10:11:58 option : England 1815 1868 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) Explain the causes of discontent in England between 1815 and 1822. [12] or (b) Explain why the Reform Act of 1832 was so significant. 2 [12] Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a speech by the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Peel, in the House of Commons on 17 September 1841. Peel was explaining how he intended, as Prime Minister, to lead the Conservative Party in government. It is my intention only to propose legislation to Parliament which my own beliefs and sense of public duty regard as desirable. I shall reserve the right to introduce those measures which I believe are for the benefit of the country. I will not hold the position of Prime Minister and allow myself to be influenced by the opinions of others. The role of Prime Minister only has value if the person who holds it works for the good of the country. Free as the wind, I will reserve the right to retire from my position the moment it becomes clear to me that I cannot carry out my duties to the satisfaction of the public and in keeping with my own conscience. Source 2 Extract from an assessment of Sir Robert Peel, written by Benjamin Disraeli in 1852. Disraeli had criticised Peel s support for the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846. Peel had many admirable qualities. He was a man of great strength and energy, and had an outstanding memory for detail, yet he lacked imagination. Rather than being cautious, Peel was impulsive and at times acted rashly. This was clear when he supported the repeal of the Corn Laws. For a very clever man he lacked knowledge of human nature. 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_6 6 6 17/11/08 10:11:58 Source Extract from Eric Evans, The Birth of Modern Britain, 1780 1914, published in 2000. Evans is writing about the reforms of Peel s Second Ministry of 1841 1846. Peel is widely regarded as the dominant politician of his age. During his five years in power, he remodelled the nation s finances, apparently laying the foundations for the great Victorian boom of the 1850s and 1860s. He lost power only after his backbenchers refused to support the repeal of the Corn Laws. Peel believed that the removal of these Laws was essential not only to set Britain firmly on the road to free trade but also for removing social tensions. Giving workers cheaper bread, he thought, was the best way to remove the causes of their discontent. Radical movements would therefore be much less of a threat to the ruling classes. When he died in 1850, there was a great outpouring of public grief. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying Peel s Second Ministry of 1841 1846? [13] (b) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess how successful Peel was in dealing with England s economic and social problems in his Second Ministry of 1841 1846. [35] 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_7 7 7 [turn over 17/11/08 10:11:58 option : Unification of Italy and Germany 1815 1871 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) Explain why revolutions broke out in Italy in 1848. [12] or (b) Outline the role of Garibaldi in achieving the unification of Italy. 2 [12] Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a letter from Otto von Bismarck, Prussian Envoy to the German Diet in Frankfurt, to Otto von Manteuffel, Minister-President and Foreign Minister of Prussia, 26 April 1856. Vienna s policy has made Germany suddenly too small for both Austria and Prussia. So long as an honourable agreement over the influence of each of us in the whole of Germany is not reached, Austria will remain the only state to which we continually lose and from which we could continually gain. Austria and Prussia have a great number of conflicting interests. I do not intend that we should immediately direct our policy to bringing about the decision between Austria and ourselves. I only wish to express my conviction that we shall be obliged, sooner or later, to fight Austria for our existence. Source 2 Extract from a speech by Otto von Bismarck, Minister-President of Prussia, to the Budget Commission of the Prussian Parliament, 29 September 1862. Germany doesn t look to Prussia s liberalism, but to its power. Not by means of speeches and majority verdicts will the great decisions of the time be made that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849 but by blood and iron. 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_8 8 8 17/11/08 10:11:58 Source Extract from Andrina Stiles, The Unification of Germany, 1815 90, published in 1986. For many historians the unification of Germany has meant Bismarck. It seems reasonable to assume that Bismarck had long-term aims, involving war with Austria and the extension of Prussian power over the other German states. But he was also a supreme opportunist and, at least as far as politics were concerned, a realist. There are, however, historians who argue that Bismarck did not make Germany; Germany made Bismarck. They believe that the economic conditions in 1862 were such that Bismarck was able to build on them and gain the credit for bringing about a unification, which, given time, would probably have developed naturally. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the reasons for the outbreak of the Austro-Prussian War in 1866? [13] (b) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess to what extent Bismarck was responsible for achieving the unification of Germany by 1871. [35] 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_9 9 9 [turn over 17/11/08 10:11:59 option 5: Germany 1918 19 5 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) Explain how the Weimar Republic was unstable in the period 1919 1923. [12] or (b) Explain how Jews were affected by Nazi racial policies between 1933 and 1939. 2 [12] Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from the memoirs of Christabel Bielenberg, published in 1968. She was a young Englishwoman studying at Hamburg University. During 1932 I learned that no government in Germany remained in power longer than a few months. Hans, a son of the family with whom I was lodging, believed that the Nazi party was the solution to all of Germany s problems. He told me that he thought Hitler was the only person who could save Germany from economic and political chaos. Hans escorted me to some of his Nazi party meetings and, as we left each one, we passed rows of tables with many new recruits queuing up to sign for party membership. Source 2 Extract from the diary of Joseph Goebbels, 30 May 1932. Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda chief, is describing the collapse of Chancellor Br ning s government. In the subsequent Reichstag election of 31 July 1932, the Nazis won 230 seats and became the largest party in the Reichstag. At noon Chancellor Br ning presented the resignation of the entire Cabinet to President Hindenburg. The President had lost confidence in his Chancellor. The plan is to create a new Presidential Cabinet under Article 48. The main point as far as we are concerned is that the existing Reichstag is dissolved. Von Papen is likely to be appointed as Chancellor. An Election! It is the support of the people we want. 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_10 10 10 17/11/08 10:11:59 Source Extract from Hitler 1889 1936 by Ian Kershaw, published in 1998. There was no inevitability about Hitler s rise to power. With Germany turning the corner of the economic depression, and with the Nazi movement facing potential break-up if power were not gained soon, the future might have been very different. Even as the new cabinet argued outside Hindenburg s door on the morning of 30 January 1933, keeping the President waiting, there was a possibility that a Hitler Chancellorship might not materialise. Political miscalculation by those with regular access to the corridors of power rather than any actions on the part of the Nazi leader played a larger role in placing him in the Chancellor s seat. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the rise of the Nazis during the political crisis in the Weimar Republic from 1930 until 30 January 1933? [13] (b) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess to what extent the rise to power of the Nazis from 1930 until 30 January 1933 was due to the impact of the depression which began in 1929. [35] tHIS IS tHE END oF tHE QUEStIoN PAPER 4768 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_11 11 11 17/11/08 10:11:59 Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. T79846/2 170261_T79846_ASH11_History_AS1_12 12 17/11/08 10:11:59

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Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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