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GCE JAN 2008 : AS 1, Module 1

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ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2008 History assessing Module 1 ASH11 Assessment Unit AS 1 [ASH11] FRIDAY 11 JANUARY, AFTERNOON TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Choose one option. Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2 from your chosen option. Indicate clearly on your Answer Booklet which option you have chosen. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 80. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. Question 1 in each option is worth 12 marks. You are expected to present an explanation and show understanding of appropriate concepts and arrive at judgements which are substantiated with factual evidence. You should spend 15 minutes on this question. Question 2 in each option is worth 68 marks. You are expected to interpret, evaluate and use source material in its historical context. ASH1W8 3162 OPTION 1 RELIGIOUS CHANGE IN ENGLAND 1520 1547 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) Assess the extent of anti-papal feeling in England in the period 1520 1547. [12] Or (b) Assess the importance of the role played by Thomas Cromwell in accomplishing the English Reformation. [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a letter written in 1527 by King Henry VIII to Cardinal Wolsey. My own good Cardinal, I thank you for the great pain and labour that you take daily in royal business. I desire that, when you are better, and have enjoyed some recreation and relaxation, you will be fit to serve me longer. You have so well organised my business, both at home and abroad, that little or nothing can be added. The Queen sends her best wishes to you, whom she loves very well, and both she and I wish to know when you will visit us. This letter has been written by me personally, your loving master. Source 2 Extract from Hall s Chronicle, published in 1548. Edward Hall was a lawyer and Member of the Reformation Parliament of 1529 1536. In this extract he is recording the events of the year 1530. In October 1529 Cardinal Wolsey had been convicted of treason but allowed to live in his diocese of York. Whilst there, Wolsey, bitter about his fall from power and forgetting the kindness King Henry VIII had shown him, wrote to the court of Rome and other princes and did his best to persuade them to help him get revenge against the King. Dr Edward Kern, the King s Orator in Rome, was told that, because of the Cardinal, the King s divorce case would suffer. ASH1W8 3162 2 Source 3 Extract from Colin Pendrill, The English Reformation, published in 2000. By 1527, Henry VIII had no son to succeed him and he believed that there would be a succession crisis on his death. He wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn. Normally, Henry could have expected the Pope to grant him a divorce, but his case was very weak in terms of the Biblical texts, church law and the wider political context. The Pope would not agree to the divorce. Cardinal Wolsey, the papal legate, was unable to solve the problem and fell from power in 1529. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying King Henry VIII s attitude to Cardinal Wolsey? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary views on Wolsey s relationship with King Henry VIII. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the extent to which Cardinal Wolsey was responsible for the failure of King Henry VIII to obtain a divorce from the Pope. [30] ASH1W8 3162 3 [Turn over OPTION 2 CONFRONTATION IN ENGLAND 1603 1629 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How successful were the financial policies of James I between 1603 and 1625? [12] Or (b) To what extent did England experience an industrial revolution in the period 1603 1629? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a letter from Nicolo Molin, the Venetian ambassador in England, to the government of Venice, 1607. England has three religions: the Roman Catholic, the Protestant and the Puritan. The latter, besides ruining souls, tends also to ruin the monarchy because it is entirely focused on liberty and government by the people. Now, because the word liberty sounds sweet to everyone, I believe that a third of the population is Puritan. Although the King and his ministers use every tactic to destroy the Puritans, this sect is on the increase. Source 2 Extract from a petition to King James I in 1609 from Puritan clergy who had been forced to resign because of the canons [church law] imposed by Archbishop Bancroft in 1604. The petition requests toleration for themselves and other Puritans. The following considerations may persuade Your Majesty to give us satisfaction. First, the type of Church government desired by us is more compatible with your kingly rule and more advantageous to you than government by bishops. Secondly, allowing us toleration is more consistent with all your other policies. Thirdly, the authority of the bishops is drawn from the teaching of the Church of Rome and so they cast dishonour upon you and the nation s beliefs; it is from the Anti-Christ that the bishops receive justification for their ministry. The Catholics will grow stronger as Protestantism is weakened and this will be the case if the rule of bishops continues. ASH1W8 3162 4 Source 3 Extract from David Sharp, The Coming of the Civil War, 1603 1649, published in 2000. The Puritans were more extreme Protestants. The term Puritan covers a range of attitudes, though all Puritans wanted to remove anything that could be seen as being Catholic, ranging from ceremonies to bishops, even to any form of authority at all. Some, however, wanted only minor changes, such as to the way the minister dressed for services. Puritanism was to be found in all social classes but was strongest among yeoman farmers, gentry, tradesmen and merchants. Puritans stressed hard work, being careful with money and being responsible for one s life in the eyes of God. Puritanism was strongest in London, East Anglia and the clothmaking towns in the west of England. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying Puritanism in the period 1603 1629? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary views on the nature of Puritanism. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources and your own knowledge, assess the strength of Puritanism in England in the period 1603 1629. [30] ASH1W8 3162 5 [Turn over OPTION 3 REACTION AND REFORM IN ENGLAND 1815 1841 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How close was England to revolution in the period 1815 1820? [12] Or (b) How far did the Reform Act of 1832 meet the expectations of those who supported it? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a declaration by the United Committee of Dissenters in 1828 against the Test and Corporation Acts. These acts stated that Dissenters could not become MPs or local government representatives. As representatives of Presbyterians, Congregationalists and Baptists, this Committee condemns the Test and Corporation Acts. We regard these acts as unjust, as they exclude Protestant Dissenters from the civil and political advantages available to other classes of his Majesty s subjects. Fewer people are more loyal to the constitution than we are. These acts create divisions among the people of England. They also deprive the King and the country of the services of a large section of the population. Source 2 Extract from an article published in the Christian Observer, 1828. The journal supported the views of the Anglican Church and defended the Test and Corporation Acts. We note that Parliament might repeal the Test and Corporation Acts. However, these acts have rarely been enforced. As a consequence, the Test Acts only serve to anger Dissenters while failing to protect the status of the Anglican Church. If the Test Acts are to be repealed, we hope that there will be some safeguards for the Anglican Church and that some conditions will be imposed on Dissenters. One condition should be that Dissenters who take public office should declare that they would not use the influence of that office to do any harm to the Anglican Church. Such a declaration may not bring much benefit to our Church, but we will be no worse off than before. ASH1W8 3162 6 Source 3 Extract from the historian Graham Goodlad, writing in 2002 about the problems facing the Tory Party in the 1820s. The sudden departure of Lord Liverpool in 1827 brought to the surface long-standing and deep divisions over such issues as the Corn Laws, Catholic Emancipation and parliamentary reform. Tories also argued over the status of the Anglican Church; while some such as Canning believed that Dissenters should enjoy equal political rights, many believed that the position of the Anglican Church must be defended at all costs. These Tories were angry when Wellington supported the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts in 1828. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the problems associated with the Test and Corporation Acts? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary attitudes to the Test and Corporation Acts. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess whether religious reform was the most important problem facing the Tories between 1827 and 1830. [30] ASH1W8 3162 7 [Turn over OPTION 4 THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION IN EUROPE 1823 1848 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How far was the outbreak of the revolutions in the Habsburg Empire in 1848 due to the forces of nationalism? [12] Or (b) To what extent would you agree that the failure of the revolutions in Germany in 1848 was due to weak leadership? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a diary entry by Zellide Fattiboni on 18 July 1846. She is recalling the atmosphere in Cesena following the announcement by Pope Pius IX of a general amnesty for political prisoners in the Papal States. Fattiboni was the daughter of a leading member of the Carbonaro, a secret political society which had liberal and republican aims. The day after the amnesty was announced bands were playing and the air echoed with enthusiasm for Pius IX. No sovereign has ever been more cordially acclaimed. One wanted to invent new words to describe this generous act which had given peace to his peoples. Political prisoners were returning to their homes, those who had been condemned long ago were coming back and so were those still on trial, as well as those who had been exiled in foreign countries since 1831. To see them again was a supreme joy. Source 2 Extract from the Memoirs of Giuseppe Gabussi, published in 1851. Gabussi, a republican historian, is commenting on the response of the people of Rome to the Allocution Pope Pius IX delivered on 29 April 1848. The squares and streets were packed with crowds who were reading Pope Pius IX s announcement. At first they could not believe their own eyes. Then their mood changed to one of anger and fury. Was Pius IX betraying us when he granted a Constitution? And what about the War begun in his name? Was it merely an outrageous deception? And what about our independence? Is it merely a dream and an illusion? Yes indeed. The Papacy is unchangeable, it is the chief enemy of Italy, and Rome must not suffer it any longer. ASH1W8 3162 8 Source 3 Extract from Italy by Nicholas Doumanis, published in 2001. The election of Pope Pius IX on 16 June 1846 was a turning point in Italian history. His early days as Pope appeared to confirm the aspirations of liberals and radicals. He immediately issued an amnesty to political prisoners and followed this with a series of progressive measures. Positions within the Papal government which had previously been reserved for clergymen were opened to the laity and Pius also talked of the need for railways and an Italian customs union. Yet the new Pope was no liberal; in most cases he was bending to public pressure for change. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the causes of the revolutions in the Italian states in 1848? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary attitudes to Pope Pius IX. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess to what extent Pope Pius IX was responsible for the outbreak of the revolutions in Italy in 1848. [30] ASH1W8 3162 9 [Turn over OPTION 5 THE NAZIS AND GERMANY 1919 1945 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How stable was the Weimar economy in the period 1923 1928? [12] Or (b) Assess the importance of the purge of the SA in Hitler s consolidation of power between 30 January 1933 and 2 August 1934. [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from the memoirs of the Nazi Ernst Hanfstaengel, published in 1957. He took part in the Munich Putsch of November 1923. It was quite clear that the elite of the whole capital of Munich was present. Hitler was biting his fingernails and occasionally looking sideways at the platform where Kahr and Lossow sat. Kahr was on his feet, droning away at some incomprehensible and boring speech when the door behind us flew open and in burst G ring with about 25 Brownshirts with guns. Hitler began to plough his way towards the platform and the rest of us surged forward behind him. Hitler clambered on to a chair and fired a round at the ceiling. He then stated: The national revolution has broken out. The German Army is with us. Our flag is flying on its barracks. The Bavarian Government will be removed. The government of the November Criminals is going to be overthrown and the direction of policy in the national government in Berlin is going to be taken over by me. Source 2 Extract from a letter by Herr Leybold, the Governor of Landsberg Prison, to the Bavarian State Attorney s office, 15 September 1924. The offender Hitler has been preoccupied with the writing of his book. It reveals his hostility towards communism. On his release he will undoubtedly return to political life. In the future he proposes to make use of all legal democratic means to achieve power. ASH1W8 3162 10 Source 3 Extract from Weimar and the Rise of Nazi Germany 1918 1933 by Geoff Layton, published in 2005. Nazi electoral achievements by July 1932 were very impressive. The 13,745,000 voters who had supported the NSDAP represented 37.3% of the electorate, thus making Hitler s party the largest in the Reichstag. Nevertheless, he was only invited to be chancellor in January 1933 when he joined a coalition with other nationalists and conservatives. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the outbreak of the Munich Putsch of November 1923? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide different contemporary accounts of Nazi methods of trying to gain power. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the significance of the Munich Putsch in the Nazis rise to power between 8 November 1923 and 30 January 1933. [30] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER ASH1W8 3162 11 Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. SP (NF) T53249/3

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Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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