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GCE JUN 2006: AS 1, Module 1

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ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2006 History assessing Module 1 ASH11 Assessment Unit AS 1 [ASH11] FRIDAY 9 JUNE, MORNING TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Choose one option. Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2 from your chosen option. Indicate clearly on your Answer Booklet which option you have chosen. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 80. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. Question 1 in each option is worth 12 marks. You are expected to present an explanation and show understanding of appropriate concepts and arrive at judgements which are substantiated with factual evidence. You should spend 15 minutes on this question. Question 2 in each option is worth 68 marks. You are expected to interpret, evaluate and use source material in its historical context. ASH1S6 1630 OPTION 1 RELIGIOUS CHANGE IN ENGLAND 1520 1547 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How widespread was anti-clericalism in pre-Reformation England? [12] Or (b) Assess the role of Parliament in accomplishing the English Reformation in the period 1529 1536. [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a letter written by Guistiniani, the Venetian ambassador to England, to the government of Venice. The letter dates from around 1520. Guistiniani is describing the power of Thomas Wolsey, who was Lord Chancellor, papal legate, Cardinal and Archbishop of York. Wolsey had benefited from a humanist education and training at Oxford. The Cardinal is the person who rules both the King and the entire Kingdom. He is very handsome, learned and of vast ability. He alone conducts all legal business, both civil and criminal, and all state affairs. He has the reputation of being exceedingly fair; he favours the people, especially the poor. He makes lawyers work for free for all those in poverty. He has a great reputation seven times more than if he were the Pope. He has a very fine palace, where one walks through eight rooms before reaching his chamber and they are all hung with tapestry. He is supposed to be very rich indeed. Source 2 Extract from Erasmus s Praise of Folly (1509). Erasmus, one of the most influential humanists of the period, visited England on several occasions in the early sixteenth century. In this book, a character called Folly condemns the state of religious belief and practice in England on the eve of the Reformation. Here Folly describes English monks. The whole tribe of monks is so universally loathed that even a chance meeting with them is thought to bring bad luck. And yet these men are gloriously selfsatisfied. In the first place, they believe that it is the highest form of religion to be so uneducated that they cannot even read. Then they bray like donkeys in church, repeating psalms they do not even understand. ASH1S6 1630 2 Source 3 Extract from Alan Smith, The Emergence of a Nation State, published in 1984. The spread of Lutheran ideas among English intellectuals was helped by the humanist ideas associated with the great Dutch scholar, Erasmus (1466 1536). Erasmus never became a Protestant but humanism stressed the need to return to original sources in all aspects of life and the most original of all original sources was the Bible. Erasmus s ideas therefore fitted in well with the Protestant emphasis on individual interpretation of the Scriptures as the ultimate standard of belief. Erasmus also launched fierce attacks on the inadequacies and corruption of the Church, attacks which gave great comfort to Lutherans and other Protestants. Erasmus s ideas were certainly influential in England and it is significant that many sixteenth century English humanists became Protestants. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the power of Cardinal Wolsey? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary attitudes towards the clergy. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the extent to which religious belief and practice in pre-Reformation England was shaped by humanism. [30] ASH1S6 1630 3 [Turn over OPTION 2 CONFRONTATION IN ENGLAND 1603 1629 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) To what extent was King James I to blame for the lack of success in English foreign policy in the period 1603 1625? [12] Or (b) How consistent was royal policy towards English Catholics in the period 1603 1629? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a letter from Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of York, to Lord Cecil, Secretary of State, 10 August 1604. Cecil later became the Earl of Salisbury and Lord Treasurer. In this extract, Hutton is commenting on King James I s attitude to his finances. His Majesty s subjects hear and fear that he is too much inclined to giving. This will soon exhaust the wealth of this kingdom. His Majesty lived in Scotland as a noble and worthy king because he wisely saw that his expenses should not exceed his income. I am afraid that his Highness does not live like this in England and does not give sufficient attention to either his annual income or expenses. Although his income is greater, it is not limitless and he still gives in to every man s request. Source 2 Extract from a letter from the Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to Sir Julius Caesar, Chancellor of the Exchequer, June 1607. You can answer complaints and demands about money by pointing out that the King s subsidies, rents and revenues are not paid to him at once but come to him reluctantly in small amounts. How can the King pay what he owes, when what is owing to him remains unpaid? Besides, His Majesty has brought with him great expenses a Queen, a Prince and other members of his family. All good subjects must help to bear the burden willingly. ASH1S6 1630 4 Source 3 Extract from Irene Carrier, James VI and I, published in 1998. However much the reputation of James I has been revised, it is very difficult to excuse his financial incompetence. It may be asked whether the financial problems of the King were of his own making or part of the cursed legacy of Queen Elizabeth. He inherited a chaotic financial system; he had few financial skills. Expenditure was increasing and inflation was beginning to bite. The policies of his advisers were inadequate and had far-reaching and undesirable consequences. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the financial problems of King James I? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing accounts of the reasons for King James I s financial problems. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources and your own knowledge, assess the extent to which King James I was responsible for the financial problems he experienced. [30] ASH1S6 1630 5 [Turn over OPTION 3 REACTION AND REFORM IN ENGLAND 1815 1841 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How far was the Duke of Wellington responsible for the problems which faced the Tory Party between 1827 and 1830? [12] Or (b) To what extent were the Whigs to blame for their decline by 1841? 2 [12] Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from the Political Register by William Cobbett, 2 November 1816. Cobbett, a well-known radical journalist, was a strong critic of Lord Liverpool s Government. It is you, the labourers, who have enabled this country to exploit its resources. You have protected us by taking up arms. While many military commanders have been rewarded, our recent victories were due to the lower classes. Yet, in spite of your immense value to this country, our rulers dismiss you as the rabble or the mob . They would reduce the amount of parish relief or force you to seek a living abroad. The cause of our present misery is the enormous amount of taxes we have to pay for the army and war debt. The remedy for all this is to reform the House of Commons in order to enable tax payers to vote in elections which should be held annually. Source 2 Extract from a letter from Lord Liverpool to Lord Grenville, a leading member of the Tory Party, 14 November 1819. There are many causes of the present discontent in this country. Our manufacturing population, whose livelihood largely depends on foreign demand, has greatly increased. Mechanisation has transformed the lives of those involved in manufacturing and led to very high wages followed by very low wages shortly afterwards. Yet these factors alone would not have led to unrest but for the French Revolution. It has prompted the lower classes and those immediately above them to question established authority and our cherished institutions. ASH1S6 1630 6 Source 3 Extract from Howard Martin, writing in 1996 about the causes of the discontent in England in the period after 1815. While Liverpool intended the Corn Laws to benefit consumers, radicals and manufacturers rejected this. The introduction of indirect taxes also hurt the lower classes. Bad harvests and the influx of 300,000 discharged soldiers added to an already crowded labour market. Mechanisation and a rising population added to the difficulties of the post-war years. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the causes of the discontent in England in the period after 1815? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary attitudes to the discontent in England after 1815. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess to what extent Lord Liverpool s Government was responsible for the discontent in England in the period 1815 1822. [30] ASH1S6 1630 7 [Turn over OPTION 4 THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION IN EUROPE 1823 1848 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) How far was the outbreak of the revolutions in Germany in 1848 due to liberal ideas? [12] Or (b) To what extent was the failure of the revolutions in Italy in 1848 due to the role of Charles Albert, King of Piedmont? 2 [12] Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from a letter from Klemens von Metternich to an American journalist, G. Licknor, in 1830. Metternich was Chancellor of the Habsburg Empire between 1821 and 1848. Two words are enough to create evil: liberty and equality. They are ideas revolutionaries love but which have no practical meaning. Liberty can be used to do good or evil and therefore it is dangerous to grant it. Never will I be persuaded that there is such a thing as equality. Man can be equal before God and the law, but not from the point of view of his social existence. Source 2 Extract from an article by Lajos Kossuth, a Hungarian nationalist, published in his own newspaper in 1842. In this article he is outlining his aims for Hungary. We believe in liberal measures such as freedom of the press and of religion. Feudalism should be abolished in the interest of equality. The franchise should be extended and a separate independent Magyar government with its own parliament should be established. Magyar must be the only official language in Hungary. ASH1S6 1630 8 Source 3 Extract from An Introduction to Nineteenth Century European History 1815 1914, by Alan Farmer. The Habsburg Empire was threatened by the rise of Nationalism. Nationalist movements were especially strong amongst Italians, Hungarians and Czechs. However, these movements were very different in terms of their political aims. While many Italians wanted full independence, most Czechs wanted self-rule within the framework of the Empire. Hungarians were divided: some wanted independence, but most only wanted self-government. A further major complication was that the national groups did not live in neatly separated geographical areas. Croats, Serbs and Romanians had no more wish to be ruled by Hungarians than Hungarians had to be ruled by Austrians. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian assessing Metternich s views on liberty and equality in the Habsburg Empire? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide differing contemporary views on liberty and equality. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess to what extent the ideas of liberalism and nationalism brought about the revolutions in the Habsburg Empire in 1848. [30] ASH1S6 1630 9 [Turn over OPTION 5 THE NAZIS AND GERMANY 1919 1945 Answer question 1(a) or 1(b) and question 2. 1 Either (a) To what extent were the Weimar politicians responsible for the economic problems Germany faced between 1919 and 1923? [12] Or (b) How far would you agree that terror was the most important means used by the Nazis to consolidate their power in 1933 1934? [12] 2 Read the sources and answer the questions which follow: Source 1 Extract from the memoirs of Albert Speer, published in 1970. From 1942 to 1945 Speer was Minister for Armaments. In this extract he recalls joining the Nazi Party in 1931. Hitler was delivering an address to the students of Berlin University. The students were turning to the extremists and urged me to attend. Not yet convinced, I went along. Hitler gave us hope that communism would be destroyed, unemployment would end and Germany would recover economically. In January 1931 I became member number 478,481 of the Nazi Party. Hitler s magnetic force had reached out to me. I believed that I had to choose between a future communist Germany and a future Nazi Germany since the moderate political centre had melted away. Source 2 Extract from an internal report written by the Central Committee of the German Communist Party (KPD), 6 October 1930. The report is explaining how the Nazis won 107 seats in the Reichstag election of September 1930, while the KPD gained 77 seats. The Nazi Party represents an enormous danger to us because of its ability to win over the working masses who are almost entirely dissatisfied with democratic politics. Among the millions of Nazi supporters there are groups who belong to the working class but also groups such as salaried staff, civil servants, the self-employed and farmers. ASH1S6 1630 10 Source 3 Extract from Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party by Frank McDonough, published in 2003. The growth in electoral support for the Nazi Party from 1930 to 1933 was a vital factor in Hitler s rise to power. It placed the Nazi leader in a position to lead a right-wing authoritarian government with popular appeal, if that option became favoured by President Hindenburg. It was therefore the votes of the German people in democratic elections which enabled Hitler to place pressure on Hindenburg and his political advisers to invite him into office. Yet the nature of the German political system ensured that it was the conservative elites who had a much greater influence over Hitler coming to power than the electors. (a) Study Source 1. How useful is it as evidence for an historian studying the increase in support for the Nazis in the period 1930 1933? [13] (b) Sources 1 and 2 provide different contemporary accounts of who supported the Nazis. How, and why, do they differ? [25] (c) Using all the sources, and your own knowledge, assess the importance of economic discontent in the rise to power of the Nazis from 1930 until Hitler s appointment as Chancellor on 30 January 1933. [30] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER ASH1S6 1630 11 Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. SP (NF) T15211/3

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Additional Info : Gce History June 2006 Assessment Unit AS 1Module 1
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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