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GCE JUN 2009 : (AS 1) The Study of Poetry Written after 1800 and and the Study of Twentieth-Century Dramatists

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ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2009 English Literature Assessment Unit AS 1 Module 1: The Study of Poetry Written after 1800 and the Study of Twentieth-Century Dramatists ASL11 assessing [ASL11] WEDNESDAY 10 JUNE, AFTERNOON TIME 2 hours. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer two questions. Answer one question from Section A and one question from Section B. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 60. All questions carry equal marks, i.e. 30 marks for each question. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. You should have with you your copies of the prescribed texts for this examination. 4670 Read all of this page first carefully Section A The Study of Poetry Written after 1800 Answer one question from this section. In Section A of this examination you will be marked on your ability to show detailed understanding of the ways in which writers choices of form, structure and language shape meanings (AO3) show understanding of the contexts in which literary texts are written and understood (AO5i). This means that in your answers, you must show an understanding of the methods a poet uses such as form and structure, language (including imagery) and tone, and relate your comments on methods to the point of the question show a knowledge of the type of context mentioned in the question and apply it relevantly. 4670 2 [Turn over 1 Dickinson: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at Safe in their Alabaster Chambers (both versions) and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Dickinson uses to challenge New England attitudes to death and the afterlife. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about nineteenth-century New England attitudes to death and the afterlife the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Dickinson s challenging of New England attitudes to death and the afterlife Dickinson s language (including imagery) and tone in challenging the New England attitudes to death and the afterlife. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at Fairer through Fading as the Day and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Dickinson uses to present her unusual ideas about life which her nineteenth-century New England contemporaries would have found startling or surprising. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information on Dickinson s unusual ideas about life the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Dickinson s presentation of her unusual ideas about life Dickinson s language (including imagery) and tone in presenting her unusual ideas about life. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. 4670 3 [Turn over 2 Frost: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at Tree at My Window (from the volume West Running Brook, 1928) and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Frost uses to explore the individual s relationship to nature in rural New England. In your answer, consider relevant contextual information about life in rural New England the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Frost s exploration of the individual s relationship to nature in rural New England Frost s language (including imagery) and tone in exploring the individual s relationship to nature in rural New England. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at A Servant to Servants (from the volume North of Boston, 1914) and with reference to one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Frost uses to explore the experiences of women in rural New England. In your answer, consider relevant contextual information about the lives of women in rural New England the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Frost s exploration of the experience of women in rural New England Frost s language (including imagery) and tone in exploring the experience of women in rural New England. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your treatment of the poem which you selected for reference. 4670 4 [Turn over 3 Heaney: Opened Ground Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at Act of Union (from the volume North, 1975) and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Heaney uses to present the violence and pain caused by political conflict in the North of Ireland. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about the violence and pain caused by political conflict in the North of Ireland the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Heaney s presentation of the violence and pain caused by political conflict in the North of Ireland Heaney s use of language (including imagery) and tone in presenting the violence and pain caused by political conflict in the North of Ireland. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at From the Frontier of Writing (from the volume The Haw Lantern, 1987) and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Heaney uses to explore his ideas about his responsibilities and role as a poet during times of political conflict. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information on Heaney s ideas about his responsibilities and role as a poet the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Heaney s exploration of his ideas about his responsibilities and role as a poet Heaney s use of language (including imagery) and tone in exploring his ideas about his responsibilities and role as a poet. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. 4670 5 [Turn over 4 Hopkins: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at The Windhover and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Hopkins uses to present his views, as a Jesuit priest, about the relationship between God Father and Son and the world of nature. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Hopkins views as a Jesuit priest the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Hopkins presentation of his views, as a Jesuit priest, about the relationship between God Father and Son and the world of nature Hopkins use of language (including imagery) and tone in presenting his views, as a Jesuit priest, about the relationship between God Father and Son and the world of nature. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at My own heart let me more have pity on and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Hopkins uses to explore the feelings of disappointment and hopelessness which he experienced in his life. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Hopkins experiences of disappointment and hopelessness in his life the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Hopkins exploration of the feelings of disappointment and hopelessness in his life. Hopkins use of language (including imagery) and tone in exploring the feelings of disappointment and hopelessness in his life. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. 4670 6 [Turn over 5 Smith: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at The Recluse and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Smith uses to explore issues of belonging and alienation in the society of her time. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about issues of belonging and alienation in the society of her time the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Smith s exploration of issues of belonging and alienation in the society of her time Smith s use of language (including imagery) and tone in exploring issues of belonging and alienation in the society of her time. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at Egocentric and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Smith uses to present the suffering in the society of her time. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about the suffering in the society of her time the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Smith s presentation of the suffering in the society of her time Smith s use of language (including imagery) and tone in presenting the suffering in the society of her time. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. 4670 7 [Turn over 6 Thomas: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at Tears and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Thomas uses to explore his feelings about war in the early twentieth century. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Thomas feelings concerning war in the early twentieth century the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Thomas exploration of his feelings about war in the early twentieth century Thomas use of language (including imagery) and tone in exploring his feelings about war in the early twentieth century. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at Celandine and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Thomas uses to explore how the early twentieth-century English countryside inspires him. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about the early twentieth-century English countryside the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Thomas exploration of how the early twentieth-century English countryside inspires him Thomas use of language (including imagery) and tone in exploring how the early twentieth-century English countryside inspires him. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. 4670 8 [Turn over 7 Yeats: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at September 1913 (from the volume Responsibilities, 1914) and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Yeats uses to explore his attitude to Ireland in the early twentieth century. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Yeats attitude to Ireland in the early twentieth century the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Yeats exploration of his attitude to Ireland in the early twentieth century Yeats use of language (including imagery) and tone in exploring his attitude to Ireland in the early twentieth century. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at Beautiful Lofty Things (from the volume New Poems, 1938) and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Yeats uses to present memorable and significant moments in his own lifetime. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about moments that Yeats found memorable and significant in his own lifetime the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Yeats presentation of memorable and significant moments in his own lifetime Yeats language (including imagery) and tone in presenting memorable and significant moments in his own lifetime. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. 4670 9 [Turn over BLANK PAGE 4670 10 [Turn over Read all of this page first carefully Section B The Study of Twentieth-Century Dramatists Answer one question from this section. In Section B of this examination you will be marked on your ability to respond with knowledge and understanding to literary texts of different types and periods (AO2i) articulate independent opinions and judgements, informed by different interpretations of literary texts by different readers (AO4). This means that in your answers, you must write about the plays as plays, showing a close knowledge of the text in the evidence you give to support or illustrate your comments develop an argument expressing your views on a statement about the play given at the beginning of the question. 4670 11 [Turn over 8 Bolt: A Man for All Seasons Answer either (a) or (b) (a) In the play, Richard Rich is a thoroughly unpleasant character. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that, in the play, Richard Rich is a thoroughly unpleasant character reasons for thinking that, in the play, Richard Rich is not a thoroughly unpleasant character. * The extract begins about ten pages before the end of Act One with the words, steward: Master Rich is here, Sir Thomas. It ends about two pages later with the stage direction, Exit rich. All watch him; the others turn to more, their faces alert. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 12 [Turn over (b) In the play, evil triumphs over good. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that, in the play, evil triumphs over good reasons for thinking that, in the play, evil does not triumph over good. * The extract begins about three pages before the end of the play with the words, cromwell: Now we plainly see that you are malicious! It ends about three pages later with, (takes off his hat, revealing his grey disordered hair): He will not refuse one who is so blithe to go to him. (Kneeling.) more N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 13 [Turn over 9 Friel: Making History Answer either (a) or (b) (a) In the play, O Neill does little to struggle against disaster. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points given below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that, in the play, O Neill does little to struggle against disaster reasons for thinking that, in the play, O Neill does struggle against disaster. * The extract begins at the start of Act 2 Scene 1. It ends about two and a half pages later with, o neill: Names. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 14 [Turn over (b) The play shows the importance of the heroic figure in history. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points given below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that the play shows the importance of the heroic figure in history reasons for thinking that the play questions the importance of the heroic figure in history. * The extract begins about ten pages into the start of Act 2 Scene 2 with the words, lombard: Let me tell you what I m doing. It ends about three pages later with, lombard: That is my outline. I ll rewrite it any way you want. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 15 [Turn over 10 McGuinness: Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Religious belief is not important to the men. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points given below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that religious belief is not important to the men reasons for thinking that religious belief is important to the men. * The extract begins about ten pages into part 3: pairing with the stage direction, (pyper points to the carving) It ends about a page later, after Crawford s speech, with the stage direction, (Lights fade on the church.) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 16 [Turn over (b) The men s behaviour reveals a deep uncertainty about their masculine identity. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points given below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that the men s behaviour reveals a deep uncertainty about their masculine identity reasons for thinking that the men s behaviour does not reveal a deep uncertainty about their masculine identity. * The extract begins three or four pages into part 2: initiation with the words, millen: You never laid a hand on her. It ends about two pages later with, pyper: No, not a single day. I once nearly starved rather than do a day s work. In fact I did starve. You wouldn t think that to look at me, would you? N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 17 [Turn over 11 Mamet: Glengarry Glen Ross Answer either (a) or (b) (a) It is a desire for success, not fear of failure, which motivates the salesmen. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points given below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that it is a desire for success which motivates the salesmen reasons for thinking that it is a fear of failure which motivates the salesmen. * The extract begins about three and a half pages into Act One Scene One with the words, WILLIAMSON: You know what those leads cost? It ends about three pages later with, WILLIAMSON: What are we going to say? N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 18 [Turn over (b) The salesmen do not deserve our pity. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points given below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that the salesmen do not deserve our pity reasons for thinking that the salesmen do deserve our pity. * The extract begins nearly three pages into Act Two with the stage direction, (baylen goes back into the inner room.) It ends just over two pages later with the stage direction, (williamson starts back to the office . . .) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 19 [Turn over 12 Pinter: Betrayal Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Betrayal is not taken seriously by the characters in the play. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that betrayal is not taken seriously by the characters in the play reasons for thinking that betrayal is taken seriously by the characters in the play. * The extract begins about four pages before the end of Scene Five with the words, emma: We re lovers. It goes on to the end of the scene. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 20 [Turn over (b) The characters in the play are able to communicate effectively with each other. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that the characters in the play are able to communicate effectively with each other reasons for thinking that the characters in the play are not able to communicate effectively with each other. * The extract begins about three pages into Scene One with the words, EMMA: Well, it s nice, sometimes, to think back. Isn t it? It ends about four pages later with, JERRY: Well, I would remember that. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 21 [Turn over 13 Shaffer: Amadeus Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Salieri never gains the audience s sympathy. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that Salieri never gains the audience s sympathy reasons for thinking that Salieri does gain the audience s sympathy. * The extract begins about fifteen or sixteen pages into Act 2, at the beginning of the section entitled THE FIRST PERFORMANCE OF Figaro. It goes on the the end of the section. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 22 [Turn over (b) The conflict in the play is not between men, but between men and God. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that the conflict in the play is between men and God reasons for thinking that the conflict in the play is only between men. * The extract begins about eighteen pages into Act 1, about a page and a half before the end of the section entitled THE LIBRARY OF THE BARONESS WALDST DTEN, with the stage direction, (He rolls on top of her delightedly, uttering his high whinnying giggle . . .) In the revised version the extract begins about sixteen pages into Act 1, about a page and half before the end of the section entitled THE LIBRARY OF THE BARONESS WALDST DTEN, with the stage direction, (He rolls on top of her delightedly) It ends about two and a half pages later at the end of the section entitled SALIERI S APARTMENTS. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 23 [Turn over 14 Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire Answer either (a) or (b) (a) In the play, sexual desire is threatening and dangerous. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that, in the play, sexual desire is threatening and dangerous reasons for thinking that, in the play, sexual desire is not threatening and dangerous. * The extract begins about four pages before the end of Scene Three with the stage direction, (The door closes on them and the place is still . . . ) It ends about three pages later with the stage direction, (blanche comes out on the upper landing in her robe and slips fearfully down the steps. ) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 4670 24 [Turn over (b) The men in the play lack any positive qualities. Using the extract* given below as a starting-point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that the men in the play lack any positive qualities reasons for thinking that the men in the play do have some positive qualities. * The extract begins about six pages before the end of Scene Three with the words, blanche: Oh! Have you finished? Wait I ll turn on the radio. It ends about three pages later with, mitch: (sadly but firmly) Poker should not be played in a house with women. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. 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Additional Info : Gce English Literature June 2009 Assessment Unit AS 1 Module 1: The Study of Poetry Written after 1800 and the Study of Twentieth-Century Dramatists
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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