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GCE JAN 2008 : (AS 1) The Study of Poetry Written after 1800 and the Study of Twentieth-Century Dramatists

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ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education January 2008 English Literature Assessment Unit AS 1 Module 1: The Study of Poetry Written after 1800 and the Study of Twentieth-Century Dramatists ASL11 assessing [ASL11] FRIDAY 18 JANUARY, MORNING TIME 2 hours. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer two questions. Answer one question from Section A and one question from Section B, each on a different text. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 60. All questions carry equal marks, i.e. 30 marks for each question. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. You should have with you your copies of the prescribed texts for this examination. ASL1W8 3303 Read all of this page first carefully Section A The Study of Poetry Written after 1800 Answer one question from this section. In Section A of this examination you will be marked on your ability to show detailed understanding of the ways in which writers choices of form, structure and language shape meanings (AO3) show understanding of the contexts in which literary texts are written and understood (AO5i). This means that in your answers, you must show an understanding of the methods a poet uses such as form and structure, language (including imagery) and tone, and relate your comments on methods to the point of the question show a knowledge of the type of context mentioned in the question and apply it relevantly. ASL1W8 3303 2 [Turn over 1 Dickinson: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at The Soul selects her own Society and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Dickinson uses to present her own personal circumstances and attitude to life. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Dickinson s personal circumstances and attitude to life the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to what Dickinson has to say about her own personal circumstances and attitude to life Dickinson s language (including imagery) and tone in writing about her own personal circumstances and attitude to life. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at It was not Death, for I stood up and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Dickinson uses to explore the dark and frightening aspects of life from her particular New England point of view. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Dickinson s particular New England point of view the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Dickinson s exploration of the dark and frightening aspects of life from her particular New England point of view Dickinson s language (including imagery) and tone in exploring the dark and frightening aspects of life from her particular New England point of view. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. ASL1W8 3303 3 [Turn over 2 Frost: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at The Mountain (from the volume North of Boston, 1914) and with reference to one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Frost uses to explore the individual s relationship to place in rural New England. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about the natural and social features of New England where Frost lived and worked the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Frost s exploration of the individual s relationship to place in rural New England Frost s language (including imagery) and tone in exploring the individual s relationship to place in rural New England. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your treatment of the poem which you selected for reference. (b) By looking closely at Mending Wall (from the volume North of Boston, 1914) and with reference to one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Frost uses to explore the self-reliance of those within the New England farming community. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Frost s experience of the New England farming community the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Frost s exploration of the self-reliance of those within the New England farming community Frost s language (including imagery) and tone in exploring the self-reliance of those within the New England farming community. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your treatment of the poem which you selected for reference. ASL1W8 3303 4 [Turn over 3 Heaney: Opened Ground Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at Bogland (from the volume Door into the Dark, 1969) and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Heaney uses to explore the relationship between landscape and the past. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Heaney s ideas on the relationship between landscape and the past the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Heaney s exploration of the relationship between landscape and the past Heaney s language (including imagery) and tone in exploring the relationship between landscape and the past. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at Casualty (from the volume Fieldwork, 1979) and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Heaney uses to present characters from his native place. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Heaney s relationship with people in his rural community in the north of Ireland the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Heaney s presentation of characters from his native place Heaney s language (including imagery) and tone in presenting characters from his native place. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. ASL1W8 3303 5 [Turn over 4 Hopkins: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at No worst, there is none and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Hopkins uses to express his feelings of suffering and despair. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Hopkins experiences of suffering and despair the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Hopkins expression of his feelings of suffering and despair Hopkins language (including imagery) and tone in expressing his feelings of suffering and despair. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at Felix Randal and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Hopkins uses to present working-class people of his time. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Hopkins contact with working-class people the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Hopkins presentation of working-class people of his time Hopkins language (including imagery) and tone in presenting working-class people of his time. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. ASL1W8 3303 6 [Turn over 5 Smith: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at Little Boy Sick and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Smith uses to explore a sense of isolation and abandonment in the society of her time. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about notions of isolation and abandonment in the society of Smith s time the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Smith s exploration of a sense of isolation and abandonment in the society of her time Smith s language (including imagery) and tone in exploring a sense of isolation and abandonment in the society of her time. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at Tender Only to One and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Smith uses to explore the relationship between the individual and twentiethcentury society. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about the nature of relationships between the individual and twentieth-century society the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Smith s exploration of the relationship between the individual and twentieth-century society Smith s language (including imagery) and tone in exploring the relationship between the individual and twentieth-century society. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. ASL1W8 3303 7 [Turn over 6 Thomas: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at Man and Dog and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Thomas uses to present solitary rural English characters of the early twentieth century. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about rural England in the early twentieth century the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Thomas presentation of solitary rural English characters of the early twentieth century Thomas language (including imagery) and tone in presenting solitary rural English characters of the early twentieth century. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at Haymaking and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Thomas uses to explore traditional rural English life in the early twentieth century. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about rural England in the early twentieth century the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Thomas exploration of traditional rural English life in the early twentieth century Thomas language (including imagery) and tone in exploring traditional rural English life in the early twentieth century. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. ASL1W8 3303 8 [Turn over 7 Yeats: Selected Poems Answer either (a) or (b) (a) By looking closely at The Fisherman (from the volume The Wild Swans at Coole, 1919) and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Yeats uses to explore his hopes as an Irish writer. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Yeats hopes as an Irish writer the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Yeats exploration of his hopes as an Irish writer Yeats language (including imagery) and tone in exploring his hopes as an Irish writer. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. (b) By looking closely at Leda and the Swan (from the volume The Tower, 1928) and one other appropriately selected poem, and making use of relevant contextual information, examine the poetic methods which Yeats uses to explore his ideas about history. In your answer, consider: relevant contextual information about Yeats ideas about history the ways in which the form and structure of the poems contribute to Yeats exploration of his ideas about history Yeats language (including imagery) and tone in exploring his ideas about history. N.B. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each poem. ASL1W8 3303 9 [Turn over BLANK PAGE ASL1W8 3303 10 [Turn over Read all of this page first carefully Section B The Study of Twentieth-Century Dramatists Answer one question from this section. In Section B of this examination you will be marked on your ability to respond with knowledge and understanding to literary texts of different types and periods (AO2i) articulate independent opinions and judgements, informed by different interpretations of literary texts by different readers (AO4). This means that in your answers, you must write about the plays as plays, showing a close knowledge of the text in the evidence you give to support or illustrate your comments develop an argument expressing your views on a statement about the play given at the beginning of the question. ASL1W8 3303 11 [Turn over 8 Bolt: A Man for All Seasons Answer either (a) or (b) (a) In the play, Thomas Cromwell is a character to be thoroughly despised. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that, in the play, Thomas Cromwell is a character to be thoroughly despised reasons for thinking that, in the play, Thomas Cromwell is not a character to be thoroughly despised. * The extract begins a few pages under half-way into Act Two with the words, CROMWELL: Thank you, you come to the point very readily; what is the authority? It ends about two pages later with the stage direction, (Exit CROMWELL and RICH.) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 12 [Turn over (b) Sir Thomas More s actions in the play reveal a man who has little real concern for his family. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that Sir Thomas More s actions in the play reveal a man who has little real concern for his family reasons for thinking that Sir Thomas More s actions reveal a man who does have real concern for his family. * The extract begins about eight pages from the beginning of Act Two with the words, ALICE: So there s an end of you. What will you do now sit by the fire and make goslings in the ash? It ends about two pages later with, ALICE: God s death it comes on us quickly . . . N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 13 [Turn over 9 Friel: Making History Answer either (a) or (b) (a) In the play, the relationship between O Donnell and O Neill emphasises O Neill s inability to be a decisive leader. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that, in the play, the relationship between O Donnell and O Neill emphasises O Neill s inability to be a decisive leader reasons for thinking that, in the play, the relationship between O Donnell and O Neill emphasises O Neill s ability to be a decisive leader. * The extract begins about thirteen or fourteen pages into Act One Scene Two with the stage direction, (MABEL enters. O DONNELL embraces her warmly.) It ends just over two and a half pages later with, O DONNELL: Damned right we do! N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 14 [Turn over (b) The play is anti-English and anti-Protestant. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that the play is anti-English and anti-Protestant reasons for thinking that the play is not anti-English and anti-Protestant. * The extract begins about thirteen pages into Act One Scene One with the words, LOMBARD: Who s the new Countess, Hugh? It ends about two and a half pages later with the stage direction, (MABEL is twenty, forthright, determined.) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 15 [Turn over 10 McGuinness: Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme Answer either (a) or (b) (a) In the play, the men prefer illusion to reality. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that, in the play, the men prefer illusion to reality reasons for thinking that, in the play, the men prefer reality to illusion. * The extract begins about ten pages into PART 3: PAIRING with the stage direction, (PYPER points to the carving.) It ends about two and a half pages later with, MOORE: The whole world is bleeding. Nobody can stop it. (MOORE slowly continues his crossing.) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 16 [Turn over (b) Roulston lacks any admirable qualities. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that Roulston lacks any admirable qualities reasons for thinking that Roulston does have some admirable qualities. * The extract begins about twelve pages into PART 2: INITIATION with the stage direction, (CHRISTOPHER ROULSTON enters . . .) It ends about two and a half pages later with the stage direction, (ROULSTON leaves.) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 17 [Turn over 11 Mamet: Glengarry Glen Ross Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Moss never appeals to the audience. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that Moss never appeals to the audience reasons for thinking that Moss does appeal to the audience. * The extract begins about twelve pages into Act Two, Scene One, with the stage direction, (AARANOW sticks his head out.) It ends about two pages later, with the stage direction, (MOSS exits. Pause.) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 18 [Turn over (b) The play offers a negative view of male attitudes. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that the play offers a negative view of male attitudes reasons for thinking that the play offers a positive view of male attitudes. * The extract begins about three pages before the end of the play, with the stage direction, (ROMA comes out of the DETECTIVE S door. WILLIAMSON goes in.) It ends about two pages later, with the stage direction, (AARANOW enters.) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 19 [Turn over 12 Pinter: Betrayal Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Robert s marriage to Emma gives him an intimate understanding of her. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that Robert s marriage to Emma gives him an intimate understanding of her reasons for thinking that Robert s marriage to Emma does not give him an intimate understanding of her. * The extract begins about three or four pages from the end of Scene Seven with the words, ROBERT: I m a bad publisher because I hate books. Or to be more precise, prose. It goes on to the end of the scene. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 20 [Turn over (b) Jerry betrays his wife because he adores Emma. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that Jerry betrays his wife because he adores Emma reasons for thinking that it might not be the case that Jerry betrays his wife because he adores Emma. * The extract begins about four pages from the end of Scene Eight with the words, EMMA: Oh, why shouldn t she have an admirer? I have an admirer. It goes on to the end of the scene. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 21 [Turn over 13 Shaffer: Amadeus Answer either (a) or (b) (a) In the play, Salieri can only observe passion; he can never feel it. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that, in the play, Salieri can only observe passion, but never feel it reasons for thinking that, in the play, Salieri can feel passion. * The extract begins about three or four pages before the end of Act 1, near the beginning of the section entitled THE SAME, with the stage direction, (He moves upstage in a fever . . .) It ends about three pages later with the stage direction, (He slips off his powdered wig . . .) (In the revised version of the play, the extract ends about three pages later with the stage direction,) (He crosses to the pianoforte ...) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 22 [Turn over (b) In the play, genius is more interesting than mediocrity. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that, in the play, genius is more interesting than mediocrity reasons for thinking that, in the play, mediocrity is more interesting than genius. * The extract begins about seven pages into Act 2; that is, a page into the section entitled SALIERI S SALON, with the words, MOZART: Because I want to do a piece about real people, Baron! It ends about three pages later with, SALIERI: See him at the theatre. (In the revised version of the play, the section is entitled SALIERI S APARTMENTS.) N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 23 [Turn over 14 Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Stanley and Stella have a strong marriage. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that Stanley and Stella have a strong marriage reasons for thinking that Stanley and Stella do not have a strong marriage. * The extract begins about two or three pages before the end of Scene Three with the words, STANLEY: Stella! (There is a pause.) My baby doll s left me! It ends about two pages later with, MITCH: Ho-ho! There s nothing to be scared of. They re crazy about each other. N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. ASL1W8 3303 24 [Turn over (b) Stanley acts like an animal, not a human being. Using the extract given below* as a starting point and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the play, construct an argument in response to the above statement. In your argument, consider the two bullet points below in coming to your own conclusions: reasons for thinking that Stanley acts like an animal, not a human being reasons for thinking that Stanley acts like a human being, not an animal. * The extract begins about two pages before the end of Scene Four with the words, BLANCHE: He acts like an animal, has an animal s habits! It ends about a page later with, BLANCHE: Don t don t hang back with the brutes! N.B. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER ASL1W8 3303 25 [Turn over S 2/07 302-021-1

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Additional Info : Gce English Literature January 2008 Assessment Unit AS 1 Module 1: The Study of Poetry Written after 1800 and the Study of Twentieth-Century Dramatists
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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