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GCE MAY 2007 : (A2 2 ) The Study of Twentieth-Century Prose

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ADVANCED General Certificate of Education 2007 English Literature assessing Module 5: The Study of Twentieth-Century Prose A2L21 Assessment Unit A2 2a [A2L21] FRIDAY 25 MAY, MORNING TIME 1 hour 10 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer one question. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 30. Quality of written communication will be assessed in your answer. You should have with you your copy of the prescribed text for this examination. A2L2S7 2358 BLANK PAGE A2L2S7 2358 2 [Turn over Read all of this page first carefully In this paper you will be marked on your ability to communicate clearly the knowledge, understanding and insight appropriate to literary study, using appropriate terminology and accurate and coherent written expression (AO1) articulate independent opinions and judgements, informed by different interpretations of literary texts by different readers (AO4) evaluate the significance of cultural, historical and other contextual influences on literary texts and study (AO5ii). This means that in your answers, you must express your ideas in a clear and well-organised way, paying careful attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar and using appropriate literary terms develop an argument in response to a statement about the text given at the beginning of the question provide information from outside the text, relevant to the question, about the context; this could be historical, social, cultural circumstances in which the text was written literary context concerned with the type of text e.g. satirical novel, short story or with a particular literary notion such as the hero. A2L2S7 2358 3 [Turn over 1 Conrad: The Secret Agent Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Winnie is a typical Victorian wife. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about four or five pages from the end of Chapter 3 with the words, Mrs Verloc had fallen asleep with the lamp (no gas was laid upstairs) turned up full . . . It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) There is too much horror alongside the humour for The Secret Agent to be described as a comic novel. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins at the opening of Chapter 11, and ends about six or seven pages further on with the words, He turned around the table in the parlour with his usual air of a large animal in a cage. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material about the comic novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S7 2358 4 [Turn over 2 Gibbons: Cold Comfort Farm Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Cold Comfort Farm conveys an attitude towards the role of women in society that is typical of the time when it was published. (The novel was published in 1932.) Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about two or three pages before the end of Chapter 5 with the words, Judith again made the blind animal gesture of repudiation. It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) Cold Comfort Farm cannot be considered to be a satirical novel as it offers no attack on the weakness of the society of the 1930s the time at which the novel was published. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins eight or nine pages into Chapter 8 with the words, As an audience, it compared most favourably with audiences she had studied in London . . . It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material about the satirical novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S7 2358 5 [Turn over 3 Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms Answer either (a) or (b) (a) For today s young female reader, Catherine Barkley is not a character who can be taken seriously. Using all of Chapter 40 as a starting-point, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your reponse to the above view. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) The Hemingway hero is remarkably selfish and irresponsible. Using all of Chapter 36 as a starting-point, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material about the hero that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S7 2358 6 [Turn over 4 Ishiguro: The Remains of the Day Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Stevens cannot be regarded as a tragic hero, as he has no power to control events. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about three or four pages from the end of the novel with the words, The man turned his gaze back to the sea again, took a deep breath and sighed contentedly. It goes on to the end of the novel. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material about the tragic hero that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) The Remains of the Day conveys an accurate picture of twentieth-century England as a country which is lacking in power and influence. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins just over a page into Day Three Evening with the words, I call them incidents but some of these were extremely minor. It ends about five pages later with, See what you can do. It was wrong, what occurred. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S7 2358 7 [Turn over 5 McGahern: That They May Face the Rising Sun Answer either (a) or (b) (a) That They May Face the Rising Sun gives a rather idealised picture of rural Ireland: it does not reflect the reality of the new, rapidly modernising Ireland of the late twentieth century. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins on page 290 of the hardback edition and page 303 of the paperback edition with the words, The Shah had just come out of the hotel . . . It goes on to the end of the novel. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) A reader needs to have a knowledge of past political events in Ireland and the more recent Troubles in Northern Ireland to understand the rural Leitrim community portrayed in the novel. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins on page 239 of the hardback edition and page 253 of the paperback edtion with the words, They re gathering on Glasdrum. In a while they ll march . . . It ends about five pages later (both editions) with, The dead can be turned into anything, he said almost in wonderment. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S7 2358 8 [Turn over 6 Madden: Authenticity Answer either (a) or (b) (a) In its concentration on the world of artists and painting, Authenticity ignores the existence of the social and economic issues of the twenty-first century. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about two or three pages from the end of Chapter 29 with Allegra s words, I brought some of my paintings along to show you . . . It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) There may be an element of tragedy in William Armstrong s life but he is no tragic hero. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about six pages into Chapter 34 with the words, She did look exhausted, William thought. It ends just over two pages later with William s words, Thanks for the wine. Will you see me out? N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual information about the tragic hero that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S7 2358 9 [Turn over 7 O Connor: Classic Irish Short Stories Answer either (a) or (b) (a) The Irish short story fails to take account of the nature of family life as it truly was in mid-twentieth-century Ireland. By close examination of The Will by Mary Lavin, and with reference to one other appropriately selected story, give your response to the above view. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the story which you select for reference. (b) The stories provide an exaggerated picture of the influence of the church in early twentieth-century Ireland. By close examination of Home Sickness by George Moore, and with reference to one other appropriately selected story, give your response to the above view. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the story which you select for reference. A2L2S7 2358 10 [Turn over 8 Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye Answer either (a) or (b) (a) The Catcher in the Rye is less a novel of adolescent rebellion than a political novel with an anti-war message. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about five pages into Chapter 18 with the words, After the movie was over, I started walking down to the Wicker Bar . . . It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material about the political novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) The Catcher in the Rye fails as an historical novel because it presents such a limited view of America in the 1940s. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about a page into Chapter 22 with the words, Oh God, Phoebe, don t ask me. I m sick of everybody asking me that, I said. It ends about five pages later with, How would you know you weren t being a phoney? The trouble is, you wouldn t. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material about the historical novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S7 2358 11 [Turn over 9 Trevor: The Collected Stories Answer either (a) or (b) (a) It is hard for the reader of the twenty-first century to be interested in characters whose lives are so lonely and undignified. By close examination of The General s Day , and with reference to one other appropriately selected story, give your response to the above view. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the story which you select for reference. (b) In order to enjoy Trevor s stories fully, an understanding of Ireland and the Irish is essential. By close examination of The Ballroom of Romance , and with reference to one other appropriately selected story, give your response to the above view. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the story which you select for reference. A2L2S7 2358 12 [Turn over 10 Walker: The Color Purple Answer either (a) or (b) (a) The Color Purple raises issues about life in the Deep South that are as relevant today as they were in the early to mid-twentieth century, the time in which the novel is set. Using all of Letter 37 as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The letter is found about seventy-two pages into the novel and begins with the words, Dear God, Harpo mope. Wipe the counter, light a cigarette, look outdoors, walk up and down. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) The Color Purple is more a philosophical than a realist novel; it is concerned more with themes and ideas than with the provision of convincing detail. Using all of Letter 73 as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The letter is found about two-thirds of the way into the novel and begins with the words, Dear Nettie, I don t write to God no more, I write to you. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material about the philosophical novel and the realist novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S7 2358 13 [Turn over 11 Wharton: The Age of Innocence Answer either (a) or (b) (a) The novel s Old New Yorkers are as distant from the twenty-first-century reader as the primitive people so frequently mentioned in the novel. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins at the start of Chapter 5 with the words, The next evening old Mr Sillerton Jackson came to dine with the Archers. It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) The Age of Innocence can be viewed as a feminist novel; no male character emerges from it with any credit. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about three pages into Chapter 1 with the words, The darling thought Newland Archer, his glance flitting back to the young girl . . . It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material about the feminist novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S7 2358 14 [Turn over BLANK PAGE Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. S 4/06 7-061-1

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Additional Info : Gce English Literature May 2007 Assessment Unit A2 2 Module 5: The Study of Twentieth-Century Prose
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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