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GCE MAY 2006 : (A2 2 ) The Study of Twentieth-Century Prose

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ADVANCED General Certificate of Education 2006 English Literature assessing Module 5: The Study of Twentieth-Century Prose A2L21 Assessment Unit A2 2a [A2L21] FRIDAY 26 MAY, MORNING TIME 1 hour 10 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer one question. The total mark for this paper is 30. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. You should have with you your copies of the prescribed texts for this examination. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF 3 4/10/05BP INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES A2L2S6 392 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF 3 4/10/05BP BLANK PAGE A2L2S6 392 2 [Turn over Read all of this page first carefully In this paper you will be marked on your ability to communicate clearly the knowledge, understanding and insight appropriate to literary study, using appropriate terminology and accurate and coherent written expression (AO1) articulate independent opinions and judgements, informed by different interpretations of literary texts by different readers (AO4) evaluate the significance of cultural, historical and other contextual influences on literary texts and study (AO5ii). This means that in your answers, you must express your ideas in a clear and well-organised way, paying careful attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar and using appropriate literary terms develop an argument in response to a statement about the text given at the beginning of the question provide information from outside the text, relevant to the question, about the context; this could be historical, social, cultural circumstances in which the text was written literary context concerned with the type of text e.g. satirical novel, short story or with a particular literary notion such as the hero. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF 3 4/10/05BP A2L2S6 392 3 [Turn over 1 Conrad: The Secret Agent Answer either (a) or (b) (a) The Secret Agent fails to give a realistic picture of the class conflict which existed in early twentieth-century England. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about six or seven pages into Chapter 10 with the words, He knew he would be welcomed here. It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) The novel s concern with the terrorist threat makes The Secret Agent as relevant today as it was in the period when it was first published. (The novel was published in 1907.) Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about three pages into Chapter 4 with the words, They know, interrupted the little man crisply, leaning against the straight chair back. . . It ends about six pages further on with, 3 4/10/05BP . . . I do my best by perfecting a really dependable detonator. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S6 392 4 [Turn over 2 Gibbons: Cold Comfort Farm Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Cold Comfort Farm depends entirely for its humour on parody of other writers. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins at the opening of Chapter 3 with the words, **Dawn crept over the Downs like a sinister white animal . . . It ends about five or six pages later with, She seemed fitted for any stage, however enormous. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material on the nature of parody that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) Cold Comfort Farm is not a successful satirical novel because its criticisms are far too gentle. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about nine pages into Chapter 8 with the words, Flora, observing the faces of the Brethren as they crowded into the dogkennel, thought that Amos had probably under-estimated the strength of their nerves. 3 4/10/05BP It ends about six pages later with, 2 25/07/05HF . . . yer eyes will be beatin like great red hot balls against yer shrivelled eye-lids . . . 1 10/04/05EA N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material on the nature of the satirical novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S6 392 5 [Turn over 3 Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Faith and belief have disappeared from the world of A Farewell to Arms, but it is still a deeply religious novel. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about eight pages from the end of the novel with the words, I m not brave any more, darling. I m all broken. They ve broken me. I know it now. It ends about five pages further on with, I think the cup of water on the burning log only steamed the ants. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material on the nature of the religious novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) A Farewell to Arms cannot be called a historical novel as it is not primarily concerned with the great public events of the time. Using Chapter 23 as a starting-point, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF 3 4/10/05BP N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material on the nature of the historical novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S6 392 6 [Turn over 4 Ishiguro: The Remains of the Day Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Relationships in the world of Darlington Hall reflect the reality of the class system found in Britain as a whole in the first half of the twentieth century. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about seven or eight pages before the end of Day Three Evening with the words, As I recall, I was rung for late one night it was past midnight to the drawing room where his lordship had been entertaining three gentlemen since dinner. It goes on to the end of this section of the novel, finishing with, . . . and it is quite illogical that I should feel any regret or shame on my own account. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) In The Remains of the Day we read about an England which exists only in Stevens memory far from the realities of life in England in the 1930s and 1950s. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. 3 4/10/05BP * The extract begins about five pages into Day One Evening with the words, I would suppose it was shortly after four o clock that I left the guest house . . . 2 25/07/05HF It ends about four or five pages further on with, . . . that is to say, the question what is a great butler? 1 10/04/05EA N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S6 392 7 [Turn over 5 McGahern: That They May Face the Rising Sun Answer either (a) or (b) (a) That They May Face the Rising Sun does not reflect the Ireland of change and modernisation that we see around us. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins on page 199 of the hardback edition or page 210 of the paperback edition with the words, I find it hard to believe it is Christmas Day and that there are just the two of us, Kate said . . . It ends about six pages later (both editions) with, I go to entertain them in their own houses, he said as he walked towards the waiting car, carrying the plastic bag. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) A knowledge of the nature of the Leitrim Roscommon area in which the novel is set is essential to a full appreciation of That They May Face the Rising Sun. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. 3 4/10/05BP * The extract begins at the opening of the novel and continues for about six and a half pages, ending with, You re right, Jamesie. Pay no heed to him, Kate said. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S6 392 8 [Turn over 6 Madden: Authenticity Answer either (a) or (b) (a) Authenticity cannot be called a realist novel as its portrayal of society is too bleak. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about ten or eleven pages into Chapter 33 with the words, One of the strange anomalies of Roderic s drinking was that it made Dennis feel he was the one with the problem. It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material on the nature of the realist novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) Authenticity is a feminist novel in which the main female character is idealised, while the male characters are unattractive. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about nine or ten pages into Chapter 7 with the words, While she was looking at the photograph he realised that he wanted to tell her everything . . . 3 4/10/05BP It goes on to the end of the chapter. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material on the nature of the feminist novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S6 392 9 [Turn over 7 O Connor: Classic Irish Short Stories Answer either (a) or (b) (a) The very nature of the short story prevents meaningful development of character, setting and plot. By close examination of Prongs by L. A. G. Strong, and one other appropriately selected short story, give your response to the above view. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material on the nature of the short story that is relevant to the question. 2. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each story. (b) The Irish short story provides a view of the Irish that is entertaining but not true to reality. By close examination of The Jury Case by Eric Cross, and one other appropriately selected short story, give your response to the above view. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF 3 4/10/05BP N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. Equal marks are available for your treatment of each story. A2L2S6 392 10 [Turn over 8 Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye Answer either (a) or (b) (a) The twenty-first-century reader is unlikely to be shocked by those features of adolescent rebelliousness which so disturbed readers in the 1940s when the novel was first published. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about two pages into Chapter 18 with the words, I had quite a bit of time to kill till ten o clock, so what I did, I went to the movies at Radio City. It was probably the worst thing I could ve done . . . It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) The Catcher in the Rye fails as a realist novel because Holden s point of view is too personal and extreme. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about four or five pages into Chapter 22 with the words, That was about all I could think of, though. 3 4/10/05BP It goes on to the end of the chapter. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material on the nature of the realist novel that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S6 392 11 [Turn over 9 Trevor: The Collected Stories Answer either (a) or (b) (a) The incidents and characters in Trevor s stories are so far removed from the world of the twenty-first century that the young reader of today is unable to relate to them. By close examination of The Day we got Drunk on Cake , and with reference to one other appropriately selected story, give your response to the above view. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the story which you select for reference. (b) Trevor s characters could never be described as heroes or heroines. By close examination of Raymond Bamber and Mrs Fitch , and with reference to one other appropriately selected story, give your response to the above view. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF 3 4/10/05BP N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material on the notions of the hero and the heroine that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the story which you select for reference. A2L2S6 392 12 [Turn over 10 Walker: The Color Purple Answer either (a) or (b) (a) The Color Purple ignores the historical fact that society in the Deep South at the end of the 1930s had not changed for the better. Using all of Letter 90 as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * This letter is the final one of the novel and begins with the words, Dear God. Dear stars, dear trees, dear sky, dear peoples. Dear Everything. Dear God. Thank you for bringing my sister Nettie and our children home. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) The Color Purple gives a false picture of the role of the Church and the Christian religion in the Deep South in the early twentieth century. Using all of Letter 22 as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract which consists of Letter 22 and is found about one-sixth of the way into the novel, begins, 3 4/10/05BP Dear God, Shug Avery sick and nobody in this town want to take the Queen Honeybee in. Her mammy say She told her so. Her pappy say, Tramp. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S6 392 13 [Turn over 11 Wharton: The Age of Innocence Answer either (a) or (b) (a) May Welland does not have the qualities of the true heroine. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about four or five pages into Chapter 16 with the words, For a moment she remained motionless . . . It goes on to the end of the chapter. N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material about the notion of the heroine that is relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. (b) The twenty-first-century reader rejects the novel s central idea that personal happiness is less important than one s responsibility to society. Using the given extract as a starting-point*, and with reference to other appropriately selected parts of the novel, give your response to the above view. * The extract begins about three or four pages into Chapter 29 with the words, No. You ought not to have come today . . . It goes on to the end of the chapter. 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF 3 4/10/05BP N.B. 1. You must include in your answer contextual material from outside the text and relevant to the question. 2. One quarter of the marks for this question are available for your use of the extract. A2L2S6 392 14 [Turn over 1 10/04/05EA 2 25/07/05HF 3 4/10/05BP BLANK PAGE A2L2S6 392 15 3 4/10/05BP 2 25/07/05HF 1 10/04/05EA Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. S 4/05 2250 302507(8) [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce English Literature May 2006 Assessment Unit A2 2 Module 5: The Study of Twentieth-Century Prose
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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