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GCE JAN 2007 : (AS 2) Software Applications and Tools

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Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certi cate of Education January 2007 assessing Unit 2: Software Applications and Tools A3J21 Applied Information and Communication Technology Assessment Unit AS 2 Number of printouts attached (to be completed at the end of the examination) [A3J21] MONDAY 15 JANUARY FRIDAY 19 JANUARY TIME For Examiner s use only 2 hour 30 minutes. Question Marks Available DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 DB8 SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 MM1 MM2 2 3 2 3 1 8 3 8 6 6 7 15 4 6 3 8 3 12 Total 100 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. Save each document using the name speci ed in each task. Always add your Candidate Number, Centre Number, Question Number and Printout Label to every printout produced. All printouts may be labelled by hand. All printouts must be attached to the examination paper at the end of the examination in the correct order. Use the treasury tag provided to attach your printouts to the examination paper. You may not take the examination paper with you. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 100. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. Filenames to be used in the completion of this examination: bridgetown.mdb collections.xls graphics.doc A3J21 3213 Marks Remark In order to complete this examination you should have access to the following les: bridgetown.mdb, collections.xls, graphics.doc A database has been set up called bridgetown.mdb Edward O Reilly has set up three tables to store data about Bridgetown Community Centre savers. Open the database and examine the data and relationships between the data tables. TASK DB1 Open the COLLECTOR table in design view and add a new eld as follows: Fieldname Data Type Text Field Size Collection Day 9 Print a screenshot of the design of the COLLECTOR table, showing clearly the eldname, data type and eld size of the new eld you have added. Label the printout COLLECTORDESIGN Close the COLLECTOR table and save the changes. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB2 Collections can only be done on a TUESDAY and THURSDAY. Create a validation rule for the Collection Day eld in the COLLECTOR table which will only allow these values to be entered and give the user a suitable error message. Produce a screenshot showing the validation rule and validation text you have entered. Save the screenshot as VALIDATION. Print VALIDATION. Label the printout VALIDATION. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J21 3213 2 TASK DB3 Using the Relationships feature, create a one to many relationship between the AREA table and the SAVER table. Print a copy of the new relationship layout for the database on one A4 page. Label the printout RELATIONSHIPS. Close the Relationships view and save the changes. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB4 This task will test your validation rule. Test your validation rule by adding the following data to the COLLECTOR table: Collector No: Collector Name: Collector Address: Collector Telephone: Area No: Collection Day: 99 James Stewart 14 Longend 02875 456721 A Friday Produce a screenshot which shows that the data has been entered as shown and that a validation rule has worked. Save the screenshot as DATA. Print a copy of the screenshot on one A4 page. Label the printout DATA. Close the COLLECTOR table. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J21 3213 3 [Turn over TASK DB5 A number of people have applied to become members of SUPER SAVERS. Their Area No must be added to their details so that a Collector can be allocated. Open the SAVER table and add the Area No for each of the records shown below. (Note: you cannot see all savers details in the table below.) Saver No Saver First Name Saver Last Name 15 16 17 18 19 20 Katy Michael William Peter Patrick Molly Williamson Mc Daid Platt Williams Smith Melville Area No E H H E B D Save the changes to the SAVER table. Produce a screenshot showing the data you have entered. Save the screenshot as SAVERAREAS. Print SAVERAREAS on one A4 page. Label the printout SAVERAREAS. [1] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB6 Using the query function, create a query that will show the following details: Saver No, Saver First Name, Saver Last Name, Saver Address (from the SAVER table), Area Name (from the AREA table) and Collector Name (from the COLLECTOR table) for those members who joined in 2005. Sort the data on Saver Last Name ascending. Produce a screenshot of the design of the query on one A4 page making sure all of the criteria, tables and elds are visible. Save the screenshot as MEMBERS05DESIGN. Print MEMBERS05DESIGN. Label the printout MEMBERS05DESIGN. [8] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J21 3213 4 TASK DB7 Run the query MEMBERS05DESIGN. Print a copy of the results of the query on one A4 page, making sure all of the eld names and data are visible. Label the printout MEMBERS05RESULTS. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB8 Margaret wishes to get a list of all savers details. Create a report that will produce these details. The report should show the Area No, Area Name, Saver First Name, Saver Last Name, Saver Address and Saver Telephone. The report should be grouped by Area No and Area Name. The report should be ordered by the last name of the savers. Give the report a suitable title. Include the club logo in the top left hand corner of the report. Save the report as SAVERDETAILS. Print a copy of SAVERDETAILS on one A4 page making sure all data is visible. Label your printout SAVERDETAILS. Close the database [8] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The database activities are now complete. A3J21 3213 5 [Turn over TASK SS1 Margaret has to produce a special report for the Management Committee for each area for each yearly quarter. She has been asked to look at AREA A (HILLVIEW), for the months January, February and March. Open the spreadsheet called collections.xls Go to the sheet called Area A. Enter the following text in the cells shown: Cell Reference Text J2 O2 T3 U3 January February March QTOTAL BONUS Enter the following text in the cells shown: Cell References Text E2 E3, J3, O3 F3, K3, P3 G3, L3, Q3 H3, M3, R3 I3, N3, S3 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 TOTAL Format all cells from E4 to U24 as currency. Select all the data in the worksheet from A1 to U24. Go to the Format menu option and choose Autoformat. Choose the Simple style. Produce a screenshot showing data in the worksheet from A1 to U24. Save the screenshot as SIMPLESTYLE. Print the screenshot on one A4 page. Label the printout SIMPLESTYLE. Save the spreadsheet. [6] TASK SS2 A3J21 Select column D in the spreadsheet Go to the Window option and select Freeze Panes Scroll horizontally to display only columns A, B, C, O, P, Q, R, S, T and U showing at least rows 1 24 in the right hand pane. Produce a screenshot of columns A, B, C, O, P, Q, R, S, T and U showing at least rows 1 24. Print the screenshot on one A4 page. Label the printout FREEZEPANE. Save the spreadsheet. [6] 3213 6 TASK SS3 Scroll horizontally until column D is visible. Go to row 24. Enter formulae to calculate the total collected each week for each of the 12 weeks. Go to columns I, N and S. Enter formulae to calculate the monthly totals for each saver. Produce a screenshot showing data for saver details, savings and totals for January. Print the screenshot on one A4 page. Label the printout DATATOTALS. Produce a screenshot showing formulae for all saver details, savings and totals for January on one A4 page. Print the screenshot on one A4 page. Label the printout FORMULAE. Save the spreadsheet. [7] In order to attract more savers the Bridgetown Community Centre committee has agreed that any member who has saved a minimum of 25.00 will be awarded a bonus worth 5% of their savings. TASK SS4 Go to column T. Column QTOTAL should contain the sum of the monthly totals for each saver. Enter formulae to calculate the quarterly totals (QTOTAL) for each saver. Go to column U. Column BONUS should contain the bonus that a saver is due. If a saver is not entitled to a bonus the words NOT YET should be displayed. Enter formulae that will either calculate the bonus a saver is due or display the words NOT YET . Produce a screenshot of QTOTAL and BONUS for columns A, B, C, T and U showing this data. Print the screenshot on one A4 page. Label the printout BONUSDATA. Produce a screenshot of QTOTAL and BONUS for columns A, B, C, T and U showing formulae only. Print a screenshot on one A4 page. Label the printout BONUSFORMULAE Create a macro called PRINTAREAA that will print saver number, saver name and all savings and totals for January. Create a suitable keyboard shortcut to execute the macro. Produce a screenshot of the macro PRINTAREAA showing the instructions necessary to execute the macro. Print a screenshot on one A4 page. Label the printout MACRO. Save the spreadsheet. Close the spreadsheet. [15] Do not forget to include your candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above documents. The spreadsheet activities are now complete. A3J21 3213 7 [Turn over TASK WP1 In this task you will use a wordprocessor to create a Collector Record Sheet that could be completed by a Collector each week and handed in to the Secretary. Open a new blank document. Your document should use Arial as the font and 12 as the character size. Your document must be A4 in size. Save the document as SHEET1. Produce a screenshot of SHEET1 showing that it is A4 in size and uses Arial as the font and 12 as the character size. Save the screenshot as SCREENSHOT1. Print a copy of SCREENSHOT1 on one A4 page. Label this printout as SCREENSHOT1 and include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number. [4] TASK WP2 Create a Header in your document. Insert the Super Savers logo in the left hand corner of the header. The logo must be correctly sized and positioned. Enter the following text beside the logo: COLLECTOR RECORD SHEET Save the document as SHEET2. Produce a screenshot of the document showing the header. Save the screenshot as SCREENSHOT2. Print a copy of SCREENSHOT2. Label this printout as SCREENSHOT2 and include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number. [6] TASK WP3 Create a Footer in your document. Place the following data in the footer: . SUPER SAVERS - Bridgetown Community Centre Telephone : 028 99 483 750 Fax : 028 99 483 751 A3J21 Save the document as SHEET2. Produce a screenshot of the document showing the footer. Save the screenshot as SCREENSHOT3. Print a copy of SCREENSHOT3. Label this printout as SCREENSHOT3 and include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number. [3] 3213 8 TASK WP4 Place the following title at the top of SHEET2: COLLECTOR NAME: COLLECTOR NO: Insert a table in SHEET2 that will record transactions for 20 Savers and has the following headings in the rst row: No. AREA: WEEK NO: Name Amount Initials Change the outer border around the table to double line style. Format the columns in the table so that No. is 1 cm wide, Name is 8 cms wide, Amount is 2 cms wide and Initials is 2 cms wide respectively. Save the document as SHEET3. Produce a screenshot of the document showing the title, the table and the column widths. Save the screenshot as SCREENSHOT4. Print a copy of SCREENSHOT4. Label this printout as SCREENSHOT4 and include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number. [8] The word processing activities are now complete. A3J21 3213 9 [Turn over Edward O Reilly, from the rm of Computer Consultants, employed to give advice on the development of a new computer system, has prepared a short presentation for the Of ce staff. The headings he has used are as follows: Introduction How to add a printer How to change the display settings on your computer Where les can be saved to help SUPER SAVERS backup their les. Select an appropriate package to present this information to the staff of the Community Centre. Using the headings above and pictures from the graphics.doc le, create a presentation that: Uses a Master Slide containing: the scheme s name and logo your candidate number your centre number Uses NO MORE than FOUR slides to present the information speci ed above. Makes use of navigation buttons on each slide. Contains accurate and suf cient information on the selected topic. TASK MM1 Print a screenshot of the Slide Master. Label this printout SLIDEMASTER. [3] TASK MM2 Print the slides so that they are in handout format on TWO A4 pages making sure that all information is readable. Label your printouts as SLIDES1 and SLIDES2. [12] The multimedia activities are now complete. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in the footer of the above documents. A3J21 3213 10 Final Check You should have the following 22 printouts in this order. Each should have your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number and be labelled with the printout name in each task. Indicate that you have completed the task by ticking the appropriate box in the table below. Label Task 1. COLLECTORDESIGN DB1 2. VALIDATION DB2 3. RELATIONSHIPS DB3 4. DATA DB4 5. SAVERAREAS DB5 6. MEMBERS05DESIGN DB6 7. MEMBERS05RESULTS DB7 8. SAVERDETAILS DB8 9. SIMPLESTYLE SS1 10. FREEZEPANE SS2 11. DATATOTALS SS3 12. FORMULAE SS3 13. BONUSDATA SS4 14. BONUSFORMULAE SS4 15. MACRO SS4 16. SCREENSHOT1 WP1 17. SCREENSHOT2 WP2 18. SCREENSHOT3 WP3 19. SCREENSHOT4 WP4 20. SLIDEMASTER MM1 21. SLIDES1 MM2 22. SLIDES2 MM2 A3J21 3213 Completed 11 [Turn over 1 12.10.05ES S SW1W6 A 11/06 900 9-063-1 12 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce Applied ICT January 2007 Assessment Unit AS 2 - Software Applications and Tools
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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