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GCE JAN 2010 : (AS 2) Software Applications and Tools

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Centre Number 71 Candidate Number Assessment Unit AS 2 assessing Unit 2: Software Applications and Tools [A3J21] MONDAY 11 JANUARY FRIDAY 15 JANUARY TIME 2 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. Save each document using the name speci ed in each task. Always add your Candidate Number, Centre Number, Question Number and Printout Label to every printout produced. All printouts may be labelled by hand. All printouts must be attached to the examination paper at the end of the examination in the correct order. Use the treasury tag provided to attach your printouts to the examination paper. You may not take the examination paper with you. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 100. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. In order to complete this examination you should have access to the following: adventures10_jan.mdb adventures10_jan.xls images10_jan folder 5837 Number of printouts attached (to be completed at the end of the examination) A3J21 Applied Information and Communication Technology *A3J21* ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certi cate of Education January 2010 For Examiner s use only Question Marks Marks Re-mark available DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 DB8 SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 MM1 MM2 MM3 5 2 2 2 7 4 1 11 4 7 13 7 2 3 2 4 2 5 6 6 5 Total 100 A database has been set up called adventures10_jan.mdb Examiners Only Marks The owners of Afterschool Adventures are developing the database to store data about the children, parents and staff, who use their facilities. Open the database and examine the relationships between the tables. TASK DB1 This database currently consists of ve tables called PARENT, CHILD, GROUP, STAFF and COURSE. Current legislation states that staff who work with children must complete regular training to ensure that their skills remain up to date. Details of courses are stored in the COURSE table. The database must record whether or not the course was completed successfully. Open the COURSE table in design view. Create a new eld called Result Use the lookup wizard to display the following two options Completed successfully Unsatisfactory Produce a screenshot of the design of the COURSE table showing clearly the lookup tab for the eld properties of the eld you have added. Save the screenshot as COURSEDESIGN. Print COURSEDESIGN. Label the printout COURSEDESIGN. Close the COURSE table and save the changes. [5] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5837 2 Remark TASK DB2 Examiners Only Marks Remark The date when a course is due to run is stored in the COURSE table. Create a validation rule for the Date eld in the COURSE table that will ensure that courses cannot be arranged for dates which have already passed. The validation text that should be shown is INVALID DATE . Produce a screenshot of the table design showing clearly the validation text you have entered. Save the screenshot as VALIDATION. Print VALIDATION. Label the printout VALIDATION. Close the COURSE table and save the changes. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5837 3 [Turn over TASK DB3 Examiners Only Marks The screenshot shown is the result of an incorrect record having been added to the COURSE table. Add a record to the COURSE table that would cause this message to be displayed. Produce a screenshot that shows the data that has been entered and the error message. Save the screenshot as RULECHECK. Print RULECHECK. Label the printout RULECHECK. Close the COURSE table without saving the changes. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB4 Using the relationships feature, create a one-to-many relationship between the STAFF table and the COURSE table. Print a copy of the new relationship layout for the database on one A4 page. Label the printout RELATIONSHIPS. Close the relationships view and save changes. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5837 4 Remark TASK DB5 Examiners Only Marks Remark The owners want to be able to add data easily to the database. The creation of a data-capture form for entering staff details is necessary. The form should appear as shown below: Save the form as STAFF. Produce a screenshot showing STAFF in design view. Save the screenshot as STAFFDESIGN. Print STAFFDESIGN. Label the printout STAFFDESIGN. Use your form to add the following new member of staff: Staff No Staff First Name McCausland Staff Home Telephone No (05791)123456 Group ID Frank Staff Last Name (automatic) ROBIN Produce a printout of the form showing ONLY the above record ensuring all data is fully visible. Label the printout STAFF. [7] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5837 5 [Turn over TASK DB6 Examiners Only Marks As part of a training review, the owners have asked for a list of training courses attended by staff during 2009. In this task you will use the STAFF table and the COURSE table to create a query that will identify all courses, attended by staff, during 2009. The query should show Staff Last Name, Staff First Name, Course Title and Date. The records should be displayed with the earliest date rst. Save the query as TRAINING09. Produce a screenshot of the design of the query, making sure all of the criteria and elds are visible. Save the screenshot as TRAININGDESIGN. Print TRAININGDESIGN. Label the printout TRAININGDESIGN. [4] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB7 Run the query TRAINING09. Print a copy of the results of the query making sure all data is visible. Label the printout TRAININGLIST. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5837 6 [1] Remark TASK DB8 Examiners Only Marks Remark In order to plan for future training requirements, the owners would like to see how much they have spent in total to date on training. You will now use the report wizard to produce a training costs report, part of which is shown below. Produce a two page training costs report part of which is shown above. The report should show Course Title, Date, Staff First Name, Staff Last Name, and Cost. Items should be listed in date order within each course. A calculation should be included to show the Course Total cost for each course and also an Overall Total at the bottom. Appropriate formatting should be applied. Ensure that the title TRAINING COSTS appears on each page. Save your report as COSTS. Print a copy of COSTS on one A4 page. Label the printout COSTS. [11] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The database activities are now complete. 5837 7 [Turn over TASK SS1 Examiners Only Marks Staff hours are recorded on a sheet each day at Afterschool Adventures. This sheet is used by the owners to produce a wages slip for each staff member. The data is kept on le in case there is a query about payment. Open the spreadsheet called adventures10_jan.xls Examine the data in each of the four sheets named Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 and Sheet4. The data shown identi es the staff member s name and the hours they have worked each week. Rename these sheets as January_Week1, January_Week2, January_Week3 and January_Week4. In the header of January_Week1 enter the following data: AFTERSCHOOL ADVENTURES WAGES WEEK 1 JANUARY 2010 Move to sheet January_Week1 and by inserting a new row enter the following data into the cells shown. A1 Name C1 D1 Hours Worked Rate E1 Total F1 Tax G1 Net Pay H1 Valid Produce a screenshot showing that all data has been entered correctly and that the sheets have been renamed. Save the screenshot as WAGES. Print WAGES. Label the printout WAGES. [4] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5837 8 Remark TASK SS2 Examiners Only Marks Remark A member of staff called Janice has the job of entering the staff hours worked onto the spreadsheet in order to produce the wages slips. In order to help her in her task, she has decided to group the staff names into a list. In the sheet named January_Week1, place the cursor in cell A2 and select the cells from A2 to A9. The Name Box should currently display A2. In the Name Box enter STAFF and press the Return/Enter key. Produce a screenshot of the Name Box showing that you have entered the list named STAFF correctly. Save the screenshot as STAFF. Print STAFF. Label the printout STAFF. Place the cursor in cell A11. Using the Data and Validation menus create data validation for the cell A11 which will show the staff names in a drop down list. Produce a screenshot showing that you have entered the Validation criteria correctly. Save the screenshot as STAFFSOURCE. Print the screenshot. Label the printout as STAFFSOURCE. Click the list box in cell A11 to show the contents of the list STAFF. Produce a screenshot showing the list box and its contents. Save the screenshot as STAFFLIST. Print a screenshot of STAFFLIST. Label the printout STAFFLIST. [7] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5837 9 [Turn over TASK SS3 Examiners Only Marks Janice now wants to work out the wages with the data entered on sheet January_Week1. She will create three formulae to calculate the following for each worker every week: Total Wages, Tax and Net Pay (Net Pay = Total Wages Tax). In cell A22 enter 6.50 the hourly rate. In cell B22 enter 25% the tax rate. Copy the rate in cell A22 into the range D2:D9. In cell E2 enter a formula to calculate the total wages for each worker. Copy this formula into the range E3:E9. Using absolute addressing, enter a formula in cell F2 to calculate the Tax due from each worker. Copy this formula into the range F3:F9. In cell G2 enter a formula that will calculate the net pay for each worker. Copy this formula into the range G3:G9. Produce a screenshot to display all formulae on one A4 page in landscape view. (Ensure the row and column headings are shown in your printout.) Save the screenshot as PAYSLIP. Print PAYSLIP. Label the printout PAYSLIP. [13] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5837 10 Remark TASK SS4 Examiners Only Marks Remark Afterschool Adventures opens 5 days per week from 2 pm until 6 pm. Janice knows that the maximum number of hours worked by a member of staff cannot exceed 20. She wants to remind herself of this fact when entering data into the spreadsheet. Move to cell H2. Enter a formula that will display the text Too many hours if the maximum hours possible is exceeded and Hours ok if the maximum hours possible is not exceeded. Copy the formula into the cell range H3:H9. Produce a screenshot to display all formulae on one A4 page in landscape view. (Ensure the row and column headings are shown in your printout.) Save the screenshot as FORMULAE. Print FORMULAE. Label the printout FORMULAE. [7] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK SS5 Move to cell C9 and enter the value 25. Produce a screenshot to show that your error message formula works. Save the screenshot as ERRORMESSAGE. Print ERRORMESSAGE. Label the printout ERRORMESSAGE. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The spreadsheet activities are now complete. 5837 11 [Turn over TASK WP1 Examiners Only Marks The management at Afterschool Adventures must record the members of staff who are present at all times. This information is required for insurance reasons and also to make sure that staff payments are correct. All staff are required to complete a daily signing in sheet as shown opposite. Open a new blank document. The document should be in Comic Sans MS with a font size of 12. Set the page to portrait. Produce a screenshot that shows this formatting. Save the screenshot as SIGN1. Print SIGN1. Label the printout SIGN1. Save the document as SIGN1. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK WP2 Using SIGN1, insert the Afterschool Adventures logo so that it is 50% of its original height and width into the left-hand corner of the header. Insert the title in Comic Sans MS font size 14 in the centre of the header. Produce a screenshot that shows this formatting. Save the screenshot as SIGN2. Print SIGN2. Label the printout SIGN2. Save the document as SIGN2. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5837 12 Remark TASK WP3 Examiners Only Marks Remark Examine the SAMPLE document shown below. Using SIGN2, enter the text as shown on the SAMPLE document. Insert a table with four columns and eleven rows as shown in the sample. Place the headings in each column as shown on the SAMPLE document. Save the document as SIGN3. Print SIGN3. Label the printout SIGN3. [4] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. AFTERSCHOOL ADVENTURES STAFF SIGN IN SHEET SAMPLE DATE: ___________ Please record your time of arrival and departure in the space provided. Staff Name 5837 Signature Arrival Time 13 Departure Time [Turn over TASK WP4 Examiners Only Marks Afterschool Adventures currently holds a le of staff details in the spreadsheet named Adventures10_jan.xls. Open this spreadsheet and copy the names of the staff. Paste special this data as unformatted text into the Staff Name column. Produce a screenshot showing you have used Paste Special (Unformatted Text). Save the screenshot as PASTESPECIAL. Print PASTESPECIAL. Label the printout PASTESPECIAL. Adjust the text so that each row contains one Staff Name. Save the document as SIGN4. Print SIGN4. Label the printout SIGN4. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK WP5 Janice has looked at SIGN4 and wants to make changes. Add a new column at the beginning of the table. Label the rst column Staff Surname. Label the second column Staff Firstname. Modify the data so that it is displayed correctly in the table. Sort the table alphabetically by Staff Surname. Save the document as SIGN5. Print SIGN5. Label the printout SIGN5. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The wordprocessing activities are now complete. 5837 14 [5] Remark TASK MM1 Examiners Only Marks Remark One of the group leaders has to give a presentation to prospective new parents. Create a master slide as shown below. Produce a screenshot of this master slide. Save the screenshot as MASTERSLIDE. Print MASTERSLIDE. Label the printout MASTERSLIDE. [6] LOGO (IN THE HEADER) ACTION BUTTONS FOOTER DETAIL Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5837 15 [Turn over TASK MM2 Examiners Only Marks Insert two additional slides which will use appropriate graphics and text to demonstrate to Afterschool Adventures staff: E-MAIL THE IMPORTANCE OF BACKING UP FILES Produce a printout in handout view showing the two slides you have created on one A4 page. Save the printout as SLIDES. Print SLIDES. Label the printout SLIDES. [6] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK MM3 With your slides in Slide Sorter View , apply the following slide transition: Cover Down Speed Medium Sound Whoosh Advance slide automatically after 15 seconds Apply to all slides. Produce a screenshot displaying this transition. Save the screenshot as TRANSITION. Print TRANSITION. Label the printout TRANSITION. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The multimedia activities are now complete. 5837 16 [5] Remark Final Check You should have the following 25 printouts in this order. Each should have your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number and be labelled with the printout name in each task. Indicate that you have completed the task by ticking the appropriate box in the table below. Label Task 1 COURSEDESIGN DB1 2 VALIDATION DB2 3 RULECHECK DB3 4 RELATIONSHIPS DB4 5 STAFFDESIGN DB5 6 STAFF DB5 7 TRAININGDESIGN DB6 8 TRAININGLIST DB7 9 COSTS DB8 10 WAGES SS1 11 STAFF SS2 12 STAFFSOURCE SS2 13 STAFFLIST SS2 14 PAYSLIP SS3 15 FORMULAE SS4 16 ERRORMESSAGE SS5 17 SIGN1 WP1 18 SIGN2 WP2 19 SIGN3 WP3 20 PASTESPECIAL WP4 21 SIGN4 WP4 22 SIGN5 WP5 23 MASTERSLIDE MM1 24 SLIDES MM2 25 TRANSITION Completed MM3 THIS IS THE END OF THE TASK PAPER 5837 17 5837

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Additional Info : Gce Applied ICT January 2010 Assessment Unit AS 2 - Software Applications and Tools
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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