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GCE MAY 2007 : (AS 2) Software Applications and Tools

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Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certi cate of Education 2007 assessing A3J21 Applied Information and Communication Technology Assessment Unit AS 2 Number of printouts attached (to be completed at the end of the examination) Unit 2: Software Applications and Tools [A3J21] MONDAY 21 MAY FRIDAY 25 MAY TIME 2 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. Save each document using the name speci ed in each task. Always add your Candidate Number, Centre Number, Question Number and Printout Label to every printout produced. All printouts may be labelled by hand. All printouts must be attached to the examination paper at the end of the examination in the correct order. Use the treasury tag provided to attach your printouts to the examination paper. You may not take the examination paper with you. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 100. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. To complete the examination you should have access to the following: supersavers.mdb savings.xls graphics folder A3J2S7 3668 For Examiner s use only Question Marks Available DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 DB8 SS1 SS2 SS3 WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 MM1 MM2 3 3 3 3 5 8 3 9 11 9 12 5 2 4 7 3 10 Total 100 Marks Remark In order to complete this examination you should have access to the following: supersavers.mdb, savings.xls and a folder called graphics A database has been set up called supersavers.mdb Open the database and examine the relationships between the data tables. Edward O Reilly has now set up four tables to store data about Bridgetown Community Centre savers. TASK DB1 Payments can be made in cash or cheque. This needs to be recorded in the PAYMENT table. Open the PAYMENT table in design view and create a new eld as follows: Fieldname Data Type Text Field Size Payment Type 6 Print a screenshot of the design of the PAYMENT table showing clearly the eldname, data type and eld size of the new eld you have added. Label the printout PAYMENTDESIGN. Close the PAYMENT table and save the changes. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB2 Payments cannot be made for dates in the future. Create a validation rule for the Date eld in the PAYMENT table to ensure that dates will only be accepted if they are on or before today s date. Produce a screenshot showing the validation rule and validation text you have entered. Save the screenshot as VALIDATION. Print VALIDATION. Label the printout VALIDATION. Close the PAYMENT table and save the changes. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J2S7 3668 2 TASK DB3 To test your validation, open the PAYMENT table and add the following record: Payment Ref Saver No Amount Date 1001 14 10 25-10-2007 Produce a screenshot which shows that the data has been entered as shown and that a validation rule has worked. Save the screenshot as DATA. Label the printout DATA. Close the PAYMENT table without saving changes. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB4 Using the relationships feature, create a one-to-many relationship between the SAVER table and the PAYMENT table. Print a copy of the new relationship layout for the database on one A4 page. Label the printout RELATIONSHIPS. Close the Relationships view and save changes. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J2S7 3668 3 [Turn over TASK DB5 Create a data-capture form for entering saver details. The form should display SAVER DETAILS as the title on screen. Save the form as SAVERFORM. Produce a screenshot showing SAVERFORM in design view. Save the screenshot as FORMDESIGN. Print FORMDESIGN Label the printout FORMDESIGN Use your form to add the following new saver. Saver No Saver First Name Saver Last Name Saver Address Saver Telephone Date Joined Sex Area No (automatic) Emily Franklin 44 Meadowbank Lane 05877654322 01/05/2007 F D Produce a printout showing ONLY the above record, ensuring all data is fully visible. Label the printout SAVERFORM. [5] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB6 In this task you will use the AREA table, the SAVER table and the PAYMENT table to create a query. Using the query function, create a query which will show all payments made to collectors in Areas A and B during April 2007. The query should show the Area No, Area Name, (from the AREA table), Saver No (from the SAVER table), Date and Amount. Save the query as APRIL2007. Produce a screenshot of the design of the query, making sure all of the criteria and elds are visible. Save the screenshot as APRIL2007DESIGN. Print APRIL2007DESIGN. Label the printout APRIL2007DESIGN. [8] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J2S7 3668 4 TASK DB7 Run the query APRIL2007. Print a copy of the results of the query on one A4 page in Landscape view making sure all data is visible. Label the printout APRIL2007. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB8 Margaret wishes to get a list of all collectors details and the payments they have collected to date. Create a report which will produce these details. The report should show the Collector No, Collector Name, Payment Ref, Date and Amount. The report should be grouped by Collector No and Collector Name. The report should be ordered by Date. Use the Summary Options button to produce summary data showing a subtotal for each collector. The report should display the title COLLECTOR DETAILS. Save the report as COLLECTORDETAILS. Print a copy of COLLECTORDETAILS making sure all data is visible. Label the printout COLLECTORDETAILS. Close the database. [9] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The database activities are now complete. A3J2S7 3668 5 [Turn over Margaret has the job of entering the savings records from the collectors onto a spreadsheet for each of the areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H in the Super Savers scheme. Open the spreadsheet called savings.xls and examine the data closely. TASK SS1 Margaret has to make further changes to the layout of the sheets. Open Sheet H and enter the text Number of Savers into cell E1. In sheet H, enter a formula in cell G1 to count the number of saver records in this sheet. Enter the text Number of Savers into cell E1 for each of the other sheets, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Enter a similar formula in cell G1 for each of the other sheets, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. In the footer of the sheet enter today s date, your Candidate Number, your Centre Number and the question number SS1. Produce a screenshot showing all the data in Landscape view ensuring that gridlines plus Row and Column headings are visible. Save the screenshot as RECORDCOUNTH. Print RECORDCOUNTH on one A4 page. Label the printout as RECORDCOUNTH. In sheet H, move to cell G1 to show the formula in the formula pane. Produce a screenshot showing the formula in cell G1. Save the screenshot as RECORDFORMULAH. Print RECORDFORMULAH. Label the printout RECORDFORMULAH [11] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J2S7 3668 6 TASK SS2 Margaret has to produce a summary of all collections for each quarter for the Board of Directors. Insert a new sheet before Sheet A. Rename the sheet as Summary Sheet. Enter the following data in the cells shown: A Target for Collector 1 B C D E 250 2 3 John McMenamin HILLVIEW 4 Stephen Harris BRIDGE END 5 Frank Arbuckle PORTVILLE 6 James Little BALLYBAY 7 David Maguire CARRYMUIR 8 Harry Porter OAKLAND 9 David Richards MERCHANTVILLE 10 William Potts BALLYRUNE 11 12 Total number of Savers in ALL areas Enter a formula in cell C12 to calculate the total number of savers in ALL of the areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. Enter the following data in the cells shown: F 1 G H I J Jan Feb Mar Total Target Met? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Enter formulae in cells F3 to H10 which will display the total amount for ALL areas for each month. Enter formulae in cells I3 to I10 that will calculate the total amounts for the months January, February and March, for each area. Produce a screenshot showing all the data in cells A1 to J12 in the Summary Sheet. Save the screenshot as TARGETDATA. Print the screenshot on one A4 page. Label the printout as TARGETDATA. [9] A3J2S7 3668 7 [Turn over TASK SS3 Each collector is given a target amount of savings for their area for the quarter January, February and March. This target ( 250) is shown in cell B1 of the Summary Sheet. Enter formulae in cells J3 to J10 that will calculate if the Total has equalled or exceeded the target set for each collector for this quarter. If the target has been achieved the cell should display yes . If the target has not been achieved then the cell should display no . For full marks you must use absolute cell referencing. Produce a screenshot of the formulae in cells A1 to J12 in the Summary Sheet. Save the screenshot as TARGETFORMULAE. Print the screenshot on one A4 page, making sure all formulae are visible. Label the printout TARGETFORMULAE. [12] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The spreadsheet activities are now complete. A3J2S7 3668 8 TASK WP1 Margaret Mercer had been asked by the Management Committee to make arrangements for a meeting with the Collectors. In the following tasks you will use a word processor to create an agenda for the meeting. Open a new blank document. Your document should use Arial as the font and 14 as the character size. The margins in your document should be set as follows: Top 3 cm Left 4 cm Bottom 3 cm Right 4 cm Your document should be A4 in size. Save the document as AGENDA1. Produce a screenshot of AGENDA1 showing that it is A4 in size, uses Arial as the font, 14 as the character size and has the margins set as required. Save the screenshot as SCREENSHOT1. Print a copy of SCREENSHOT1. Label the printout as SCREENSHOT1. [5] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK WP2 Using the Format menu, go to the Background option and select Printed Watermark. Insert the Super Savers logo from the graphics folder as the background to the document you have created. Save the document as AGENDA2. Print a copy of AGENDA2. Label the printout as AGENDA2. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J2S7 3668 9 [Turn over TASK WP3 Enter the following text into the document you have created Meeting on Wednesday 20th June 2007 at 7.30 in the Community Centre AGENDA New Members Keeping your records safe Using e-mail Sending attachments Any Other Business Position the text appropriately. Format the Agenda items using the following bullet format: Save the document as AGENDA3. Print a copy of AGENDA3. Label the printout as AGENDA3. ! Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J2S7 3668 10 [4] TASK WP4 In order to deliver the Agenda to the Collectors, Margaret Mercer needs to produce address labels. Open a new blank document. Using the mailmerge wizard and the Labels option, produce labels of size Avery Standard 3110-sticker. Select recipients from the COLLECTOR table in the Supersavers database. All records should be selected. Arrange your labels and use More items . . . to insert the Collector No, Collector Name and Collector Address. Each eld should be on a separate line. Update all labels. Produce a screenshot showing the design of your labels. Save the screenshot as SCREENSHOT2. Print a copy of SCREENSHOT2 on one A4 page. Label the printout as SCREENSHOT2. Preview the labels. Complete the merge. Save the document as LABELS. Print a copy of LABELS on one A4 page. Label the printout as LABELS. [7] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The wordprocessing activities are now complete. A3J2S7 3668 11 [Turn over Margaret Mercer is going to give a presentation at the meeting organised for the Collectors. She wants to explain to the Collectors how to upload their records and send them by e-mail. Select an appropriate package to present this information to the Collectors. Create a presentation that: Uses a Master Slide containing The club logo appropriately sized in the top left hand corner; your candidate number and your centre number in the footer area; Uses NO MORE than SIX slides to present the information speci ed; Makes use of navigation buttons; Contains accurate and suf cient information on the selected topic. TASK MM1 Print a screenshot of the Slide Master. Label this printout SLIDEMASTER [3] TASK MM2 Use the Master Slide as the basis for the presentation to the Collectors. Change the view to Normal. Create six blank slides. Copy the Agenda you created in WP3 and insert it onto Slide 1 using Paste Special. Place the title, New Members, on Slide 2 and insert text to explain the bene ts of using a database for storing member data. Place the title, Keeping your Records Safe, on Slide 3. Place the title, Using e-mail, on Slide 4. Place the title, Sending Attachments, on Slide 5. Insert an appropriate image from the graphics folder and insert text to explain how to send an attachment. Place the title, Any Other Business, on Slide 6. Print the slides in HANDOUT format so that THREE slides t onto a single A4 page making sure that all information is visible. Label your printouts as SLIDES1 and SLIDES2. [10] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in the footer of the above document. The multimedia activities are now complete. A3J2S7 3668 12 Final Check You should have the following 21 printouts in this order. Each should have your candidate number, Centre Number and Question Number and be labelled with the printout name in each task. Indicate that you have completed the task by ticking the appropriate box in the table below. Label 1. DB1 VALIDATION DB2 3. DATA DB3 4. RELATIONSHIPS DB4 5. FORMDESIGN DB5 6. SAVERFORM DB5 7. APRIL2007DESIGN DB6 8. APRIL2007 DB7 9. COLLECTORDETAILS DB8 10. RECORDCOUNTH SS1 11. RECORDFORMULAH SS1 12. TARGETDATA SS2 13. TARGETFORMULAE SS3 14. SCREENSHOT1 WP1 15. AGENDA2 WP2 16. AGENDA3 WP3 17. SCREENSHOT2 WP4 18. LABELS WP4 19. SLIDEMASTER MM1 20. SLIDES1 MM2 21. 3668 PAYMENTDESIGN 2. A3J2S7 Task SLIDES2 MM2 13 Completed [Turn over S 4/07 7-180-1 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce Applied ICT May 2007 Assessment Unit AS 2 - Software Applications and Tools
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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