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GCE MAY 2010 : (AS 2) Software Applications and Tools

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Centre Number 71 Candidate Number Assessment Unit AS 2 assessing Unit 2: Software Applications and Tools [A3J21] Number of printouts attached (to be completed at the end of the examination) A3J21 Applied Information and Communication Technology *A3J21* ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2010 MONDAY 17 MAY FRIDAY 21 MAY TIME 2 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. Save each document using the name specified in each task. Always add your Candidate Number, Centre Number, Question Number and Printout Label to every printout produced. All printouts may be labelled by hand. All printouts must be attached to the examination paper at the end of the examination in the correct order. Use the treasury tag provided to attach your printouts to the examination paper. You may not take the examination paper with you. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 100. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. In order to complete this examination you should have access to the following: adventures10_june.mdb adventures10_june.xls graphics10_june folder For Examiner s use only Marks Question available DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 WP1 WP2 WP3 MM1 MM2 Total 5838 3 2 2 2 10 6 10 11 3 10 10 5 8 7 8 3 100 Marks Remark A database has been set up called adventures10_june.mdb Examiner Only Marks Remark The owners of Afterschool Adventures are developing a database to store data about the children, parents and staff, who use their facilities. Open the database and examine the relationships between the tables. TASk DB1 This database currently consists of eight tables called PARENT, CHILD, GROUP, STAFF, TRAINING, COURSE, TRIP and PLACE. At certain times of the year, trips are arranged for the children. Details relating to these trips and the children who are going on them need to be recorded within the database. When a trip is arranged, parents are asked to sign a consent form. Staff must be able to record that this form has been completed and returned before a child can go on a trip. Open the PLACE table in design view and create a new field as follows: Field Name Data Type Consent Yes/No The new field should have a default value of No. Produce a screenshot of the design of the PLACE table showing clearly the Field Name, Data Type and Field Properties of the new field you have added. Save the screenshot as PLACEDESIGN. Print PLACEDESIGN. Label the printout PLACEDESIGN. Close the PLACE table and save the changes. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5838 2 [Turn over TASk DB2 Examiner Only Marks Remark The owners of Afterschool Adventures try to ensure that trips do not involve a lot of extra expense for parents. A guarantee has been given to parents that trips will never cost more than 7.50 per child. Create a validation rule for the Cost field in the TRIP table that will ensure that a maximum cost of 7.50 can be charged for any trip. The validation text that should be shown is Cost must be 7.50 or less . Print a screenshot of the table design showing clearly the validation rule and validation text you have entered. Save the screenshot as VALIDATION. Print VALIDATION. Label the printout VALIDATION. Close the TRIP table and save the changes. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASk DB3 Trip ID 7 8 9 Description Wildlife Park Belfast Zoo Cinema Date 10/07/2010 19/08/2010 02/07/2010 Cost 4.50 75 2.50 Two of the above records should be accepted by your database. Add these two additional records to the TRIP table. Produce a screenshot that shows all the records now in the TRIP table. Save the screenshot as RULECHECK. Print RULECHECK. Label the printout RULECHECK. Close the TRIP table. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASk DB4 Using the relationships feature, create a one-to-many relationship between the CHILD table and the PLACE table. Print a copy of the new relationship layout for the database on one A4 page. Label the printout RELATIONSHIPS. Close the relationships view and save changes. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5838 3 [Turn over TASk DB5 Examiner Only Marks Remark The owners need to have a quick and easy way to book children on trips. The creation of a data-capture form for entering and displaying trip details is necessary. You are to use the form wizard to create a form as shown below. Use the TRIP, PLACE and CHILD tables to create a data capture form as shown above (Child No must be selected from the PLACE table). Save the form as TRIPFORM. Use your form to add child number 19 to the above trip. Child No Paid Consent 19 Yes Yes Produce a printout of the form showing details for Trip ID 4 and all the children booked on it. Ensure that all data is fully visible. Label the printout TRIPFORM. [10] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5838 4 [Turn over TASk DB6 Examiner Only Marks Remark The owners are concerned that there is a lot of money outstanding for trips. They have asked for a list to be produced to show outstanding payments. In this task you will use the TRIP table, the PLACE table and the CHILD table to create a query that will identify all children who have not paid for trips scheduled between today s date and the end of June. The query should show Child First Name, Child Last Name, Trip ID, Description, Date and Cost. The records should be listed in date order. Save the query as JUNETRIPS. Produce a screenshot of the design of the query, making sure all of the criteria and fields are visible. Save the screenshot as TRIPSDESIGN. Print TRIPSDESIGN. Label the printout TRIPSDESIGN. [6] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5838 5 [Turn over TASk DB7 Examiner Only Marks Remark The owners of Afterschool Adventures want to produce a report showing a breakdown of the number of children who are booked on each trip and the income generated. Produce a one page report as shown above. The report should show Description, Date and Cost per Child. Trips should be listed in date order. The report should count the Number of Children and calculate the Income Generated and the Overall Total. Appropriate formatting should be applied. The report should have the title: AFTERSCHOOL ADVENTURES Income from Trips Save your report as INCOME. Print the report. Label the printout INCOME. [10] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The database activities are now complete. 5838 6 [Turn over TASk SS1 Examiner Only Marks Remark Open the spreadsheet called adventures10_june.xls Janice has to prepare various reports for the owners of Afterschool Adventures. They are keen to expand the business and want to present a business case to their bank. She has noted the total attendances for each hour that the club is open and has summarised them in the following table. Open the sheet labelled Sheet1. Enter the headings shown above onto the sheet in the correct position. Use the chart wizard to produce a chart as shown below. Save the spreadsheet. Print the chart. Label the printout CHART. [11] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5838 7 [Turn over TASk SS2 Examiner Only Marks Remark Move to Sheet1. Insert three new rows in the position shown. Enter the additional data shown below into the appropriate cells. Late Pickups Save the spreadsheet. Print the cell range A1:J8 on one A4 page ensuring all data is fully visible. Label the printout TITLES. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5838 8 [Turn over TASk SS3 Examiner Only Marks Remark Collection fees are only charged to children picked up at 2pm. Half of the children who attend at this time are collected each day. Move to cell G5. In G5 enter a formula (using absolute cell referencing) that will calculate the Collection Fee for the year 2007. Copy this formula for the other years 2008, 2009 and 2010. Move to cell H5. In H5 enter a formula (using absolute cell referencing) that will calculate the Daily Fee for the times 2pm 6pm for the year 2007. Copy this formula for the other years 2008, 2009 and 2010. Move to cell I5. In cell I5 enter a formula (using absolute cell referencing) that will calculate the Late Fee due for the year 2007. Copy this formula for the other years 2008, 2009 and 2010. Move to cell J5. In cell J5 enter a formula that will add up the Collection Fee, Daily Fee and Late Fee for the year 2007. Copy this formula for the other years 2008, 2009 and 2010. Produce a screenshot of the formulae you have just entered. Save the screenshot as FORMULAE. Print the screenshot on one A4 page in landscape view making sure all the formulae are visible and that the row and column headings are displayed. Label the printout FORMULAE. Save the spreadsheet. [10] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the document. 5838 9 [Turn over TASk SS4 Examiner Only Marks Remark Janice wants to print the totals in a special way using a macro. Using Sheet1, create a macro with shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Z that will allow the following instructions to be carried out: In the header insert your candidate number, your school number and today s date. In the footer insert the text: Unit 2 GCE APPLIED ICT. Ensure the gridlines and row and headings are shown. Use landscape layout. Set the page size to Legal. The page should be 1 page wide and 1 page tall. Save the macro as PRINTTOTALS. Print the macrocode. Label the printout as MACROCODE. Save the spreadsheet. [10] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The spreadsheet activities are now complete. 5838 10 [Turn over TASk WP1 Examiner Only Marks Remark Afterschool Adventures wishes to recruit more staff to cope with the increased demand for childcare. In this task you will design a recruitment advertisement. Open a new blank document. The document should be in Verdana with a font size of 14. Set the page to landscape. Create the advertisement to include the following text. Childcare Assistant Required (Two vacancies) Afterschool Adventures 34 Hightown Avenue Omagh BT78 8Lk Telephone: 028 00998877 Fax: 028 00996655 Email: NVQ Level 2 in Childcare (or equivalent). Minimum of 2 Years Experience. Produce a screenshot that shows the above formatting and text. Save the screenshot as SCREENSHOT1. Print a copy of SCREENSHOT1. Label this printout SCREENSHOT1. Save the document as ADVERT. [5] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. 5838 11 [Turn over TASk WP2 Examiner Only Marks Remark Afterschool Adventures wishes to confirm all the children s medical details. In this task you will create a letter for parents/guardians asking for medical details of each child. Open a new blank document. Create a letter exactly as shown below, using the font Arial, size 12. Copy and paste the address details entered in WP1 and format as shown below. Afterschool Adventures 34 Hightown Avenue Omagh BT78 8Lk Email: Telephone: 028 00998877 Fax: 028 00996655 Dear Please complete the following medical questionnaire within one week. NHS Number: GP Name: GP Address: GP Telephone Number: Has your child developed any medical conditions since their initial application to Afterschool Adventures? No Yes If Yes please provide details: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely 5838 12 [Turn over Place a page border around your letter. Save the document as LETTER. Print a copy of LETTER. Label the printout LETTER. Examiner Only Marks Remark [8] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASk WP3 Using LETTER as your starting document use the mail merge wizard to insert the parent name and address details from the PARENT table in the adventures10_june.mdb database. Position the fields appropriately. Produce a screenshot showing the fields that are to be merged and their position. Save the screenshot as SCREENSHOT2. Print a copy of SCREENSHOT2. Label the printout SCREENSHOT2. Complete the merge. Save the merged document as MERGE. Print the SECOND page of this document. Label the printout MERGE. [7] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the document. The wordprocessing activities are now complete. 5838 13 [Turn over TASk MM1 Examiner Only Marks Remark Janice is preparing a training presentation for new staff. She wants to familiarise them with documentation in use within Afterschool Adventures. Open a new blank presentation. Using graphics from the graphics10_june folder, create three slides using each of the following headings. Data entry. Reports. Procedures. Include appropriate speaker notes content for each slide. Save the presentation as TRAINING. Print TRAINING in Handout view showing three slides to an A4 page. Label the printout SLIDES1. Print the first slide in Notes view. Label the printout NOTES. [8] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASk MM2 Using your TRAINING presentation, select Rehearse Timings from the Slideshow menu. Allow each slide to be active for at least 5 seconds. Ensure you keep your slide timings. Go to slide sorter view. Produce a screenshot showing the slide times. Save your screenshot as TIMINGS. Print TIMINGS. Label the printout TIMINGS. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The multimedia activities are now complete. 5838 14 [Turn over Final Check You should have the following 18 printouts in this order. Each should have your candidate number, Centre Number and Question Number and be labelled with the printout name in each task. Indicate that you have completed the task by ticking the appropriate box in the table below. Label Task 1. PLACEDESIGN DB1 2. VALIDATION DB2 3. RULECHECK DB3 4. RELATIONSHIPS DB4 5. TRIPFORM DB5 6. TRIPSDESIGN DB6 7. INCOME DB7 8. CHART SS1 9. TITLES SS2 10. FORMULAE SS3 11. MACROCODE SS4 12. SCREENSHOT1 WP1 13. LETTER WP2 14. SCREENSHOT2 WP3 15. MERGE WP3 16. SLIDES1 MM1 17. NOTES MM1 18. TIMINGS Completed MM2 THIS IS THE END OF THE TASK PAPER 5838 15 5838

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Additional Info : Gce Applied ICT May 2010 Assessment Unit AS 2 - Software Applications and Tools
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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