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GCE JAN 2010 : (A2 7) Investigating Systems

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Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2010 Applied Information and Communication Technology A6J11 Assessment Unit A2 7 assessing Unit 7: Investigating Systems [A6J11] THURSDAY 14 JANUARY, AFTERNOON TIME 2 hours. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. Answer all eleven questions. For Examiner s use only Marks Question available The total mark for this paper is 100. Quality of written communication will be assessed in questions 2, 5, 6 and 11. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. This paper is accompanied by a Case Study. You must not use your own annotated copy of this Case Study. ADVICE TO CANDIDATES You are advised to take account of the marks for each part question in allocating the available examination time. 5859 6 2 12 3 7 4 4 5 15 6 9 7 12 8 4 9 16 10 6 11 9 Total INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES 1 100 Marks Remark BLANK PAGE 5859 2 [Turn over 1 Janet Legg, the owner of TIP TOP TOES, is introducing a computer system to her business. List three reasons why Janet might consider introducing a new or improved computer system. Examiner Only Marks Remark (a) Reason 1 _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Reason 2 _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Reason 3 _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ [3] (b) For each of the above reasons, give a specific example from TIP TOP TOES to justify your answer. Reason 1 example _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Reason 2 example _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Reason 3 example _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ [3] 5859 3 [Turn over 2 Chris Smith, the Senior Systems Analyst, has asked two junior analysts to draw up a plan of fact finding activities showing the order in which they should take place. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Plan 1 Interview all customers Observe the therapist for one day Interview Janet Legg Interview all staff Review documentation provided by Janet Legg 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Plan 2 Interview Janet Legg Review documentation provided by Janet Legg Send questionnaires to all customers Interview key members of staff Observe secretary for one day (a) (i) Which of the above plans should be used? Examiner Only Marks Remark ___________________________________________________ [1] (ii) Explain what is wrong with the plan you have not chosen. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [6] 5859 4 [Turn over Janet has provided some documentation for the analysts to review, but Chris Smith has advised them to investigate the documentation further. Examiner Only Marks Remark (b) Complete the following table by entering a tick ( ) to show which document contains the necessary information. Question Weekly Supplier Appointment Client Stock schedule receipts books history order book file How many staff are on duty at any time? How often are stock orders placed? How many suppliers do TIP TOP TOES have? What is the most popular day/time for appointments? What details are recorded about each client? [5] 5859 5 [Turn over 3 Chris Smith is allocating tasks to the analysts and he needs to ensure that they have access to key personnel within TIP TOP TOES for the various phases of the project. (a) Identify with a tick ( ) those people who should be involved in each of the activities listed below. ACTIVITIES PEOPLE INVOLVED Janet Legg Analysts Users Programmer Customers Suppliers Providing data through fact finding activities Developing data models Deciding which options within feasibility study to implement Putting the system specification into practice Testing the new system Examiner Only [5] Marks Remark (b) List two people, other than Janet Legg, who can be classed as users of the system. User 1 _________________________________________________________ User 2 _______________________________________________________ [2] 5859 6 [Turn over 4 DYNAMIC DESIGNS is currently recruiting a new analyst. They are keen to employ a staff member who will be able to adapt to a range of projects. The following personal statements have been provided on CVs. Examiner Only Marks Remark Applicant A A self-motivated person who can work well individually or as part of a team. Previous experience in a range of business areas. Excellent technical and communication skills as well as an ability to apply creativity to problem solving tasks. Applicant B A technical individual who enjoys the challenge of new situations. Particularly interested in developing technical skills across new application programs and development environments. (i) Which person should DYNAMIC DESIGNS employ? _______________________________________________________ [1] (ii) Give two reasons for your choice. Reason 1 _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ [1] Reason 2 _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ [1] (iii) Suggest a job role which would be suitable for the unsuccessful candidate. _______________________________________________________ [1] 5859 7 [Turn over 5 Following their initial research, the analysts have created a context diagram and a level 1 diagram. Examiner Only Marks Remark (a) (i) Give two reasons for drawing data flow diagrams. Reason 1 _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [1] Reason 2 _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [1] (ii) Chris Smith has been asked to identify two people from within TIP TOP TOES to take part in the data flow diagramming process. Select two people and justify why they should be involved. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [6] 5859 8 [Turn over (b) Chris has spent a lot of time examining the way appointments are managed within the current system. He has made a list of the processes which he believes are currently carried out within TIP TOP TOES and has chosen one of these processes to discuss in detail with Janet. Complete the following partial level 1 data flow diagram by identifying the missing elements. Write your answers in the spaces provided. (vii) (vi) (v) appointment request M1 appointments (i) personal details 4 manage client appointments (iii) M2 (ii) * (iv) cancellation details M3 cancellations Examiner Only Marks (i) Remark ___________________________________________________ [1] (ii) ___________________________________________________ [1] (iii) ___________________________________________________ [1] (iv) ___________________________________________________ [1] (v) ___________________________________________________ [1] (vi) ___________________________________________________ [1] (vii) ___________________________________________________ [1] 5859 9 [Turn over 6 Chris Smith has decided that a prototype system should be developed and Janet Legg has asked for an explanation of this approach. Examiner Only Marks Remark Statement A A working system that has been developed to let the users see exactly what the new system will do. Statement B A system that will be progressively developed with a lot of user involvement to achieve a fully functional system. (a) (i) Which of the above statements best describes what this approach will involve? ___________________________________________________ [1] (ii) Give one advantage of prototyping: _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [1] (iii) Give one disadvantage of prototyping: _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [1] 5859 10 [Turn over (b) Identify and evaluate characteristics associated with two methodologies that could be applied to the development of the new system at TIP TOP TOES. Examiner Only Marks Remark _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ [6] 5859 11 [Turn over 7 Chris has asked one of the analysts to look specifically at stock control within the business and the following structure has been suggested for this part of the database. STOCK Examiner Only Marks Remark SUPPLIER provides appears on ORDER ITEM consists of ORDER (a) Each of the following statements is either true or false. Based on the above diagram, place the word TRUE or FALSE into the space opposite each statement. TRUE/FALSE Each supplier can supply many items of stock Each item of stock can be ordered many times A supplier can only receive orders for one item TIP TOP TOES has only one supplier [4] (b) A data dictionary has been created for the SUPPLIER table. Complete the missing information in the table below. Field Name Data Type/Size Comments Sample Data 100 Primary key automatically allocate a number None Supplier Address Text, 50 Wholesale Cosmetics None 56 Lurgan High Road Input mask >LL00 0LL Supplier Telephone None 028 91348991 [8] 5859 12 [Turn over 8 The analysts are using story boarding techniques to complement their prototype. Chris has noticed some problems due to the fact that there are two analysts involved with the storyboard. Examiner Only Marks Remark SCREEN 1 Pale blue background and all fields requiring data entry in yellow. SCREEN 2 All required fields should be displayed in red. Screen background should be yellow. Buttons blue. Give examples from the screens above that will illustrate the identified problems. Problem Example 1 Example 2 Data entry Forename and surname should be separate fields Address details should be divided out street, town, postcode Inconsistent layout Use of colour [4] 5859 13 [Turn over 9 Chris has identified the tasks that he feels are necessary for the final stages of the project. Activity Description Predecessor Duration (days) A Produce system specification 3 B Create database A 8 C Source hardware A 2 D Produce documentation B 4 E Create test data files A 2 F Install hardware C 2 G Program testing B, E 2 H System testing F, G 2 I Training D, H 2 J Acceptance testing I 3 K System review J 3 (a) Complete the GANTT chart below to show all activities from the above table. A B C Activity D E F G H I J K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Duration (days) [11] 5859 14 Examiner Only Marks Remark [Turn over (b) What is the shortest time that this project could be completed in? Examiner Only Marks Remark _______________________________________________________ [1] (c) How would each of the following events impact on the plan, if at all? EVENT IMPACT Hardware arriving two days late Analyst who was writing documentation off sick for three days Janet Legg taking two days holiday Hardware arriving six days late [4] 5859 15 [Turn over 10 The following test plan has been created. Complete the table below to identify one type of test appropriate for each activity. Activity Examiner Only Marks Remark Type of test Check that total calculation appears correctly on customer receipt. Check that backup occurs automatically when database is closed each evening. Check that chiropodist is able to create a new client file. Check that stock report flags those products where stock level is less than re-order level. Check that rescheduled appointments appear on the correct staff member s appointment list. Check that a new user is added correctly to the system. [6] 5859 16 [Turn over BLANK PAGE (Questions continue overleaf) 5859 17 [Turn over 11 Chris has been involved in several projects where problems have occurred due to an incorrect method of system changeover being employed. In order to decide on the correct method of system changeover, Chris has decided to ask Janet Legg a series of questions. Examiner Only Marks Remark (a) Complete the following table to explain why Chris has decided to ask each question. Question Reason for question Could you close the business for a few days? Would you be prepared to employ extra staff during the changeover period? Would you be prepared to introduce the stock control module of the new system before the appointment module? [3] 5859 18 [Turn over (b) Based on Janet s answers to these questions, Chris and Janet need to make a decision as to which changeover strategy is most appropriate. Discuss the alternative changeover strategies available and provide a justified recommendation. Examiner Only Marks Remark _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ [6] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER 5859 19 [Turn over Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. 1312-070-1 ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2010 Case Study Assessment Unit A2 7 assessing A6J11CSI Applied Information and Communication Technology Unit 7: Investigating Systems [A6J11] THURSDAY 14 JANUARY, AFTERNOON You must use this clean copy of the Case Study in the examination and not your own annotated copy. 5859.02 TIP TOP TOES TIP TOP TOES provides the ultimate in foot care for the public. Opened in Bangor in 2004, the TIP TOP TOES private clinic has now more than 1000 clients. The owner of the business, Janet Legg, a highly quali ed chiropodist, came up with the idea of providing more than just a chiropody service to the public. Along with all of the normal facilities offered by this kind of practice, she decided to make a total range of foot care available to the public. The services include chiropody services, foot therapies and treatments. A full range of foot care products is also available for purchase. Janet put a great deal of effort and money into launching the business and there is no doubt that it is hugely successful. The clinic is open Monday to Friday from 8am until 8pm. Janet believed that this would be very helpful to people who would have to make arrangements to leave work to attend appointments. This has proved to be absolutely correct and is one of the many advantages the clinic offers. The clinic also provides a home visit service which is of particular bene t to elderly clients. Home visits are conducted in the mornings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and in the afternoons on Tuesday and Thursday. Janet is also considering the possibility of Saturday opening. The clinic is staffed by Janet and four other fully trained chiropodists as well as a therapist, two secretaries and two cleaning staff. The secretaries work either from 8am until 2pm or from 2pm until 8pm. At any one time there are at least two trained chiropodists working in the clinic with a third one doing the home visits. The therapist is available every day from 2pm until 8pm. There is a huge demand on the resources of the clinic because of its popularity. The staff are stretched to the limit and on a day when someone is sick it is sometimes necessary to reschedule times by trying to t clients in with one of the other chiropodists or to just cancel the appointment. The secretary will rst of all try to accommodate the client with another chiropodist and if that does not work will try to cancel the appointment and agree an alternative one over the phone. This is not very satisfactory for the client and there have been occasions when it has not been possible to contact a client and they have turned up. This is not good for the business and if this happens, Janet allows the next appointment free of charge. When the therapist is off, there is no alternative other than to reschedule the appointment. Clients can make appointments for chiropody services (15 minute duration), foot treatment services (30 minute duration) or therapy services (30 minute duration). Sessions can be booked in multiples of these time slots if a double session or more is required for a particular service. Appointment books are kept beside the telephone in the reception area. There is one book for Chiropody Treatment and one for Therapy services. Time is marked in 15 minute intervals on the left hand side of the page. The secretary has a weekly schedule on the notice board indicating which staff members are working in each time slot for that week. Every Monday, the secretary will blank out the times each staff member is not available for each day of that week and indicate who is doing the home visits for that week. 5859.02 2 [Turn over The secretary must also indicate the type of appointment by writing C (chiropody), TR (treatment) or TH (therapy) after the name. When a client rst makes an appointment, usually by telephone, the name, address, telephone number and type of appointment is recorded in a New Client notebook and an appointment card is sent out. The appointment is then recorded in the relevant appointment book. Existing clients can book further appointments on the day of their treatment or by telephone. These are recorded in the same way. When a new client attends for the rst time, an extra 15 minutes is assigned to the appointment time. This is to allow time for a client history to be recorded as a le has to be created for each client. This le has to be updated each time the client attends thereafter. The secretary must have these records led by either 2pm or 8pm each day. In addition, the les for the next day must be selected and placed in order of appointment time for each member of staff. The client history les must be updated by the staff member at the end of each appointment and left for ling by the secretary. Clients can pay immediately after their appointment by cash, cheque, debit card or credit card. They are given a receipt of payment and the transaction is noted in a payment ledger book. This book is organised by date and the secretary records the client name, the amount and the transaction type (CA cash), (CH cheque), (D debit card), (CC credit card). Alternatively, clients who are having a course of treatment receive an invoice at the end of their treatment. Payment may be made in person or by post using any of the methods noted already. The transactions are recorded in exactly the same manner and receipts are issued accordingly. Clients wishing to purchase foot care products make their request and if the product is available, they pay the secretary by cash, cheque, debit card or credit card. Again these transactions are recorded in the payment ledger book (P purchase) and a receipt issued. If the required product is not in stock, the secretary notes the item and places it on a stock out list. The secretary is responsible for ordering stock at the end of each month and must record the orders in a stock order book. The secretary must also take care of stock deliveries and ensure that the original orders match the delivery details. Sometimes this is not the case and the supplier must be noti ed. Invoices are also received from suppliers and the supplier payment issued. Supplier receipts are recorded. Management of the stock is problematic because there is often quite a delay from when an item is out of stock until when it is replaced. Clients are generally not too happy about this especially since the chiropodists and therapist will frequently recommend particular products to them. The secretaries nd the whole process very tedious and time consuming. In addition to this, Janet is not keen to carry too much stock. Space is an issue as well as the unpredictability of sales and the worry of being left with a lot of expensive items. 5859.02 3 [Turn over The secretary must also deal with cancellations and clients who do not attend. When a cancellation is made, the secretary crosses out the client name in the appointment book and makes a note of the time slot and available staff member on a spare appointment list. Quite often, clients will ring up looking for an immediate appointment. Their details are recorded on a waiting list . The secretary tries to allocate the available cancellations on a rst come rst served basis unless a genuine emergency arises. Cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours before the appointment, otherwise a cancellation fee of 10 is imposed. This amount must be paid before any further appointments can be made. Clients who cancel without appropriate notice and clients who do not attend for an appointment are billed for this amount. Payments can be made in the same way and are recorded in the payment ledger book (B bill). The client details are recorded in a Non Attendance book. When the payment is made, the client name is crossed off. Sometimes clients manage to make further appointments in spite of having an outstanding fee to pay because the secretary does not remember. This is unsatisfactory and can lead to some embarrassment for the secretary who has to request payment before the appointment can proceed. Some clients actually claim that they have made the cancellation payment and this is even more dif cult to deal with. Janet is facing a range of issues that must be addressed to ensure that her business continues to be successful. She is aware that there is signi cant manual effort involved in all of the administrative processes associated with the business. She is also very aware that the only way she can obtain any useful management information is by physically looking through records and les. She cannot generate useful reports. She cannot track client history, money or stock. Janet has decided to seek advice! CCEA 5859.02 1312-070-2 4 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce Applied ICT January 2010 Assessment Unit A2 7 - Investigating Systems
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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