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GCE MAY 2006 : (AS 2) Software Applications and Tools

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Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2006 Assessment Unit AS 2 assessing A3J21 Applied Information and Communication Technology Number of printouts attached (to be completed at the end of the examination) Unit 2: Software Applications and Tools [A3J21] MONDAY 22 MAY FRIDAY 26 MAY TIME 2 hours 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. Save each document using the name specified in each task. Always add your Candidate Number, Centre Number, Question Number and Printout Label to every printout produced. All printouts may be labelled by hand. All printouts must be attached to the examination paper at the end of the examination in the correct order. Use the treasury tag provided to attach your printouts to the examination paper. You may not take the examination paper with you. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 100. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. Filenames to be used in the completion of this examination: rocketshakers.mdb graphics.doc tracking.xls A3J21 2687 For Examiner s use only Question Marks Marks Available DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 WP1 WP2 WP3 SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 MM1 MM2 3 4 2 3 6 4 8 8 6 4 9 9 6 3 5 4 16 Total 100 Remark In order to complete this examination you should have access to the following files: rocketshakers.mdb, graphics.doc, tracking.xls. A database has been set up called rocketshakers.mdb. Open the database and examine the data and the relationships between the data tables. Andrew has developed individual training plans for each member and has employed personal fitness trainers. He will assign a trainer to each member. He needs to record this in the Rocketshakers database. TASK DB1 Open the MEMBER table in design view and add a new field as follows: Fieldname Data Type Number Field Size Trainer Id Integer Print a screenshot of the design of the MEMBER table, showing clearly the fieldname, data type and field size of the new field you have added. Label the printout MEMBERDESIGN. Close the MEMBER table and save the changes. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB2 A Trainer Id entered into the TRAINER table can be in the range 5000 to 5050. Create a validation rule for the Trainer Id field in the TRAINER table which will only allow these values to be entered and give the user a suitable error message. Produce a screenshot showing the validation rule and validation text you have entered. Save the screenshot as VALIDATION. Print VALIDATION. Label the printout VALIDATION. [4] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J21 2687 2 [Turn over Task DB3 Using the Relationships feature create a one to many relationship between the MEMBER table and the TRAINER table. Print a copy of the new relationship layout for the database on one A4 page. Label the printout RELATIONSHIPS. Close the Relationships view and save the changes. [2] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB4 This task will test your validation rule. Test your validation rule by changing Anna Long s Trainer Id to 2222. Produce a screenshot which shows that the data has been entered as shown and that the validation rule has worked. Save the screenshot as DATA. Print DATA on one A4 page. Label the printout DATA. Change Anna s Trainer Id back to 5001. Close the TRAINER table. [3] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J21 2687 3 [Turn over TASK DB5 Only those members in the following table have been assigned trainers. Members who have not been assigned Trainers have had their Trainer Id left blank. Open the MEMBER table and assign the Trainers to members as shown (note you cannot see ALL of the members details in the table below): Membership No. Firstname Surname Trainer Id 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 Eve John Ruth Mike Eoin Paul Joseph Black Dougan Radcliffe Mayers Blackson Smyth Smythe 5001 5001 5003 5002 5002 5002 5004 Save the changes to the MEMBER table. Using the query function, create a query which will find the following details: MembershipNo, Firstname, Surname and Trainer Id (from the Member table) and Agegroup (from the Agegroup table) for those members who have been assigned Trainers. The data should be sorted by Agegroup ascending. Save the query as MTRAINER. Print a copy of the results of the query on one A4 page, making sure all of the field names and data are visible. Label the printout MTRAINER. [6] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK DB6 Produce a screenshot of the design of the query MTRAINER, making sure all of the criteria and fields are visible. Save the screenshot as MTRAINERDESIGN. Print MTRAINERDESIGN. Label the printout MTRAINERDESIGN. [4] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J21 2687 4 [Turn over TASK DB7 Andrew wishes to provide a list of member details showing the Trainers and the members assigned to them. Create a report which will produce these details. The report should show the Trainer Id, Trainer Name and then the FirstName, Surname and Agegroup for each club member. Note that you will have to use THREE tables to create this report. The report should be grouped by Trainer Id and Trainer Name. The report should be ordered by the Surname of the member. Give your report a suitable title. Include the club logo in the top right hand side of the report. You can find this in the graphics.doc file. Save the report as TRAINERDETAILS. Print a copy of TRAINERDETAILS on one A4 page making sure all data is visible. Label your printout TRAINERDETAILS. [8] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The database activities are now complete. A3J21 2687 5 [Turn over TASK WP1 In this task you will use a word processor to create a membership card layout and the mailmerge facility to produce personalised membership cards for members of the club who are in the Under 16 Agegroup. Open a new blank document. Create a membership card which includes the following details : The Rocketshakers Basketball Club 34 Hightown Avenue Lisburn BT39 8IK Telephone : 028 99 997 997 Fax : 028 99 997 998 The club logo should be sized appropriately. You will find the club logo in the graphics.doc file. Your card should leave enough space for the Member s name, MembershipNo and Agegroup. Your card should be no larger than 14 cm by 10 cm. Save the document as CARD. Take a screen shot of CARD showing that it is no larger than 14 cm by 10 cm. Save the screenshot as SCREENSHOT. Print a copy of SCREENSHOT. Label this printout SCREENSHOT. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. [8] TASK WP2 Using the mailmerge facility include on the card the fields MembershipNo, Firstname, Surname and Agegroup of all of those members in the Under 16 Agegroup from the query MTRAINER. Position the fields appropriately. Ensure the mailmerge is set to select only those members in the Under 16 Agegroup. Save your file as MAIN. Print a copy of MAIN, showing the merged fields. Label this printout MAIN. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. [6] A3J21 2687 6 [Turn over TASK WP3 Complete the mailmerge by merging the data from the query onto the membership card. Save the merged document as MERGED. Print a membership card for the members in the Under 16 Agegroup. Label the first member s letter MERGED. [4] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. The word processing activities are now complete. A3J21 2687 7 [Turn over Andrew wants to track the details of how 10 of his members fitness has improved over time and also the performance of the newly employed trainers. In the following tasks, you will prepare a spreadsheet which helps him with this. Using the spreadsheet tracking.xls which has been prepared for you, complete the following tasks. TASK SS1 Open the spreadsheet tracking.xls. Go to the sheet called Members . Enter the following data in the cells shown: Cell Reference D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 Data Trainer Id 5001 5001 5003 5002 5002 5002 5004 5002 5004 5001 Save the spreadsheet. Enter the following text in the cells shown : Cell Reference E2 F2 G2 H2 I2 J2 K2 L2 M2 Text Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Average Week 1 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Average Week 4 6 Best Time Save the spreadsheet as FIGURES. Go to column H and enter formulae which will calculate the average time taken for circuits in Week 1, Week 2 and Week 3 for each member. Save the spreadsheet. Go to column L and enter formulae which will calculate the average time taken for circuits in Week 4, Week 5 and Week 6 for each member. A3J21 2687 8 [Turn over Save the spreadsheet. Go to column M and use a function which will select the best time for each member, over the 6 week period. Do not include the averages in columns H and L in these formulae. Shade the cells containing data in columns H, L and M. Save the spreadsheet. Using the Page Setup option on the File menu, ensure the Sheet Options are set so that Row and column headings AND Gridlines will show on the printout (see below). Gridlines Row and column headings Format the data in columns H, L and M to show 3 decimal places. Print a copy of FIGURES on one A4 page. (Ensure that the Gridlines and Row and column headings are showing) Label the printout FIGURES. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. [9] TASK SS2 Print a copy of FIGURES in formula view on one A4 page. (Ensure that the Gridlines and Row and column headings are showing) Label the printout FORMULA. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. [9] A3J21 A3J21 2687 9 [Turn over TASK SS3 Sort the data ascending on the column named Trainer Id. Using the subtotals menu option, calculate the average Best Time for each of the members assigned to each trainer. Save the spreadsheet as BEST TIMES. Print a copy of BEST TIMES on one A4 page, showing all data. (Ensure that the Gridlines and Row and column headings are showing) Label the printout BEST TIMES. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. [6] TASK SS4 Print a copy of BEST TIMES in formula view on one A4 page, making sure all formulae are visible. (Ensure that the Gridlines and Row and Column headings are showing) Label the printout FORMULA2. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. [3] TASK SS5 Produce a chart showing the average Best Time for each trainer s members. The chart should have the title Trainer Performance . Label the axes appropriately. Print the chart ONLY on one A4 page. Label the printout CHART. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. [5] The spreadsheet activities are now complete. A3J21 2687 10 [Turn over Rocketshakers has now become a larger club with a small network in the office employing 2 full time staff. Andrew has set up email addresses for all of his new staff and still wants to train them in the use of virus software. You must prepare a presentation for Andrew to use with his new staff to introduce these new ideas. The headings are : Email How to send one? Email How to send an attachment? What is virus protection software? Select an appropriate package to present this information to the staff. Using the headings above and pictures from the graphics.doc file, create a presentation which Uses a Slide Master containing the following: the club logo and name your candidate number your centre number. Uses NO MORE than 3 slides to present the information specified in the headings above. Makes use of navigation buttons on each slide. Contains accurate and sufficient information on the topic outlined. REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR PRESENTATION REGULARLY. TASK MM1 Print a screenshot of the Slide Master. Label this printout SLIDEMASTER. [4] Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. TASK MM2 Print the slides so that two slides fit onto a single A4 page making sure all information is readable. Label the printouts SLIDES1 and SLIDES2. [16] The multimedia activities are now complete. Do not forget to include your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number in a header or footer on the above document. A3J21 2687 11 [Turn over Final Check You should have the following 18 printouts in this order. Each should have your Candidate Number, Centre Number and Question Number and be labelled with the printout name in each task. Indicate that you have completed the task by ticking the appropriate box in the table below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. S 4/06 1000 302507(199) Label MEMBERDESIGN VALIDATION RELATIONSHIPS DATA MTRAINER MTRAINERDESIGN TRAINERDETAILS SCREENSHOT MAIN MERGED FIGURES FORMULA BEST TIMES FORMULA2 CHART SLIDEMASTER SLIDES1 SLIDES2 Task DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 WP1 WP2 WP3 SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 MM1 MM2 MM3 Completed

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Additional Info : Gce Applied ICT May 2006 Assessment Unit AS 2 - Software Applications and Tools
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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