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GCE JAN 2007 : (AS 2) People in Organisations and Accounting and Finance

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ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2007 Business Studies assessing Module 2: People in Organisations, and Accounting and Finance AST21 Assessment Unit AS 2 [AST21] WEDNESDAY 10 JANUARY, MORNING TIME 1 hour. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer both questions. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 50. You will be assessed on the quality of written communication demonstrated in your response to all questions except 2(a). Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. ADVICE TO CANDIDATES You are advised to take account of the marks for each part question in allocating the available examination time. AST2W7 2854 1 Study the information below and answer the questions that follow. Induction and Health and Safety John Armstrong is the Managing Director of Alljob Ltd, an engineering firm employing forty workers. Although the business has been performing well over the past few years, the recent retirement of a senior salesperson has led to a fall in orders. This, in turn, has caused cash flow problems within the business. John has been made aware of another problem which may worsen these cash flow difficulties. It started two weeks ago when a new worker was being shown around the factory as part of his induction programme. Unfortunately, he fell down an uneven staircase and broke his arm. Following that, a secretary narrowly missed being hit by a slate falling from the roof as she arrived for work. These incidents caused many of the other workers to become concerned about health and safety in the workplace. A trade union representative investigated the issues and presented John with a long list of measures that, he claimed, needed to be implemented in order to make Alljob Ltd a safe place to work. John is concerned about the recent incidents but knows that the measures suggested will be very expensive to implement. He considers that many of the items on the list are not really necessary. However, the trade union representative insists that John must meet the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work (NI) Order 1978. (a) Explain three reasons why Alljob Ltd should have an induction programme for new workers. [10] (b) Discuss the possible impact on Alljob Ltd of meeting the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work (NI) Order 1978. [15] AST2W7 2854 2 2 Study the information below and answer the questions that follow. Balance Sheet Marie Debr came to Northern Ireland from France eight years ago to study at university. After graduating she worked as a sales manager for a local company and saved hard to build up the capital needed to start her own business. She recently became aware that a small dry cleaning business, located in her neighbourhood, was being offered for sale. Driclean was set up two years ago and seemed to be quite successful. As well as having premises on a busy street, it also operated a collect and return service, enabling clothes to be dry cleaned without the customer having to leave home. Marie enquired about Driclean even though she had no expertise in providing such a service. The owner provided her with financial information relating to the year ended 31st March 2006. This is shown in Table 1 below. Table 1 Financial information relating to Driclean for the year ended 31st March 2006 Net Profit 3,000 Debtors 2,000 Van 4,000 Premises 100,000 Cash at Bank 3,000 Creditors 2,000 Cleaning equipment 10,000 Owner s Capital 115,000 Stock 1,000 Wages 26,000 (a) (i) Explain the following terms: Creditors Owner s Capital [4] (ii) Using appropriate information from Table 1, construct a Balance Sheet for Driclean for the year ended 31st March 2006. Clearly indicate the Working Capital of the business. [6] (b) Discuss the usefulness of the financial information in Table 1 in helping Marie to decide whether to buy Driclean. [15] AST2W7 2854 3 SP (NF) T33917/1

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Additional Info : Gce Business Studies January 2007 Assessment Unit AS 2 Module 2: People in Organisations and Accounting and Finance
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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