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GCE MAY 2007 : AS 3B Experimental and Investigative Skills (Session 2)

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Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2007 assessing Module 3B: Experimental and Investigative Skills Session No. 2 ASY33 Physics Assessment Unit AS 3B [ASY33] THURSDAY 17 MAY, AFTERNOON TIME 1 hour 15 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page and on the two A4 insert sheets provided. Turn to page 3 for further Instructions and Information. For Examiner s use only 1 11-1-07EA 2 8-3-07BP Question Number 1 2 Total Marks ASY3BaS7 3031 Marks 1 11-1-07EA 2 8-3-07BP BLANK PAGE ASY3BaS7 3031 2 [Turn over Instructions to Candidates Answer both the questions in this booklet. Rough work and calculations must also be done in this booklet. Except where instructed, do not describe the apparatus or experimental procedures. The Supervisor will tell you the order in which you are to answer the questions. Not more than 35 minutes are to be spent in answering each question. In Question 1, you must stop using the apparatus after 33 minutes so that it can be re-arranged for the next candidate. At the end of the 35-minute period you will be instructed to move to the area set aside for the next question. At the end of the Test a 5-minute period will be provided for you to complete the calculations, etc., in either of the questions of the Test, but you will not have access to the apparatus during this time. Information for Candidates The total mark for this paper is 45. Quality of written communication will be assessed in Question 2. Question 1 carries 25 marks, and Question 2 carries 20 marks. 1 11-1-07EA 2 8-3-07BP Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each part question. ASY3BaS7 3031 3 [Turn over 1 Introduction In this experiment you will investigate the refraction of light at an air/perspex boundary. Aims The aims of the experiment are (a) to trace the path of light as it travels from air into a perspex block and emerges from the other side. (b) to plot a graph from the experimental results and measure the gradient. (c) to determine the refractive index of perspex. Apparatus You are provided with a rectangular block of perspex, a raybox, a protractor, a ruler and a pencil. Two sheets of A4 paper are included as inserts in this question paper. At the conclusion of the examination, attach the two A4 insert pages to this booklet using the treasury tag supplied. Procedure Place the block of perspex on one of the sheets of A4 paper and mark its outline. Remove the block and draw a normal 20mm from one of the short sides of the block. Draw a line representing the first incident ray at an angle of incidence i of 10 and label this line I1. Extend this line as a dotted line straight through the block and out the other side. This is the path of the ray if the block did not interrupt its path. Replace the block on its outline on the paper. Place the raybox on the page and direct a ray of light along the line I1. Mark the position of the emergent ray with two crosses and label it E1. Measure the length p of the path of the original unrefracted ray inside the block and measure the distance q between the point of emergence of the unrefracted ray and the normal. Measure the angle of refraction r inside the block. Record the results in Table 1.1. 1 11-1-07EA 2 8-3-07BP Remove the block and complete the emergent ray by joining the crosses to the side of the block. Construct the path of the ray through the block by joining the incident ray to the emergent ray, as shown in Fig. 1.1. ASY3BaS7 3031 4 [Turn over I1 Examiner Only Marks i r Remark NORMAL q p E1 Unrefracted path of incident ray Fig. 1.1 Using the other sheet of A4 paper, and the reverse sides if required, repeat this procedure for four more incident rays (15 , 20 , 25 and 30 ). Label the incident and emergent rays appropriately. Construct the path of the ray inside the block for each incident ray and measure the angle of refraction r, and the distances p and q. Record all the results in Table 1.1. 1 11-1-07EA 2 8-3-07BP The sheets of paper showing your construction are to be attached to this answer booklet and handed in. Make sure you have written your centre number and candidate number on each sheet. ASY3BaS7 3031 5 [Turn over Results Examiner Only Marks Remark Table 1.1 Angle of incidence i/ Angle of refraction r/ p/mm q/mm 10 15 20 25 30 [7] Analysis The ratio of the distance q to the path length p is called the path ratio R and is equal to q/p. (a) For each angle of incidence, calculate the path ratio R and insert the value in the table. Insert an appropriate column heading. [2] (b) The relationship between R and the angle of refraction r is given by R = n sin r where n is a positive constant. You are to draw a suitable linear graph to determine the value of the constant n. (i) State the quantities to be plotted on each axis of the graph. __________________ Horizontal axis: 2 8-3-07BP Vertical axis: __________________ [2] 1 11-1-07EA (ii) To allow this linear graph to be plotted you must calculate additional quantities from your results. Head the last column of Table 1.1 with an appropriate label and insert the quantities. [2] ASY3BaS7 3031 6 [Turn over Examiner Only Marks Remark 1 11-1-07EA 2 8-3-07BP (iii) Plot the graph on Fig.1.2 using suitable scales and label the axes. Draw the best straight line through the points. [5] Fig. 1.2 ASY3BaS7 3031 7 [Turn over (iv) Explain how the graph you have drawn verifies the relationship between R and r. Examiner Only Marks Remark ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [2] (v) The constant n is equal to the refractive index of perspex. From your graph, find the value of the constant n. Show clearly how the value is obtained. Enter the value, with a unit if appropriate. If a unit is not required, state no unit . Refractive index of perspex n = ____________ Unit: ____________ [3] (vi) State how, using the plotted points, a lower limit could be placed on the value of n. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Obtain this limiting value and enter it below. [2] REMINDER: Attach the sheets of paper showing your constructed rays to this answer booklet at the end of the examination. 1 11-1-07EA 2 8-3-07BP Minimum value of n = ____________ ASY3BaS7 3031 8 [Turn over Where appropriate, your answer to this question should be in continuous prose. You will be assessed on the quality of your written communication. 2 Examiner Only Marks Remark Planning and design question. Introduction In this question you are asked to plan an experiment to identify the material of a piece of wire, given the values of the resistivity of four different materials, one of which is the material of the wire. The resistivity of a material can be calculated using the formula R= l A Equation 2.1 where R is resistance, l is length and A is area of cross-section. (a) (i) Draw a circuit diagram to show how the resistance of this piece of wire could be measured using the ammeter/voltmeter method. [4] (ii) Write a brief account of how you would perform the experiment to measure the resistance of this piece of wire accurately. 2 8-3-07BP ______________________________________________________ 1 11-1-07EA ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [4] ______________________________________________________ ASY3BaS7 3031 9 [Turn over (b) (i) In order for the resistivity to be determined, it is necessary to find two other quantities. Table 2.1 shows these quantities. Complete the table with the name of an appropriate instrument to measure the quantity. State the uncertainty associated with measurements made with each instrument. Examiner Only Marks Remark Table 2.1 Quantity to be measured Instrument to measure quantity Uncertainty in measurement Length of wire Diameter of wire [4] (ii) From Equation 2.1, obtain the expression for resistivity in terms of A, l and R. ___________________________________________________ [1] (iii) State how you would use the measurements of resistance, length and diameter of the wire to determine the resistivity. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [1] (iv) It is more important to measure the diameter of the wire accurately than either the resistance or the length of the wire. Explain why this quantity has a greater influence on the uncertainty in the calculated value for resistivity. ______________________________________________________ 1 11-1-07EA 2 8-3-07BP ___________________________________________________ [2] ASY3BaS7 3031 10 [Turn over (c) (i) The resistivity of the material of the wire is calculated from the experimental data and found to be (48.8 4.6) 10 8 m. Examiner Only Marks Remark Given the following resistivities, identify the material of this wire by placing a tick in the appropriate box. Resistivity of silver = 1.6 10 8 m Resistivity of copper = 1.7 10 8 m Resistivity of manganin = 44 10 8 m Resistivity of constantan = 49 10 8 m [1] (ii) Comment on the reliability of your identification. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [2] Quality of written communication [1] 1 11-1-07EA 2 8-3-07BP THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER ASY3BaS7 3031 11 [Turn over S 1/07 7-153-1 1 11-1-07EA 2 8-3-07BP Insert for AS3B Session 2 Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ASY3BaS7 3031.04 Insert for AS3B Session 2 Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ASY3BaS7 3031.04 Insert for AS3B Session 2 Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ASY3BaS7 3031.04 Insert for AS3B Session 2 Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ASY3BaS7 3031.04

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Additional Info : Gce Physics May 2007 Assessment Unit AS 3B, Module 3B: Experimental and Investigative Skills (Session 2)
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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