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GCE MAY 2010 : AS 3, Practical Techniques (Internal Assessment) Session 2-- Revised

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Sp N ec e ifi w ca tio n Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2010 Physics assessing Practical Techniques (Internal Assessment) Session 2 AY132 Assessment Unit AS 3 [AY132] TUESDAY 11 MAY, MORNING TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. Turn to page 2 for further Instructions and Information. For Teacher s use only Question 5(a) YES Was the candidate told the equation for P? NO Marks Question Number Teacher Examiner Mark Check 1 Was the candidate told the equation for R? 2 3 110046 4 5 Total Marks 5369 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Answer all the questions in this booklet. Rough work and calculations must also be done in this booklet. Except where instructed, do not describe the apparatus or experimental procedures. The Teacher/Supervisor will tell you the order in which you are to answer the questions. One hour is to be spent on Section A and 30 minutes on Section B. Section A consists of four short experimental tests. You will have access to the apparatus for 13 minutes for each of the tests. At the end of this 13-minute experimental period there is a 2-minute changeover to the area set aside for the next test. Any spare time before the start of the next test may be used to write up anything you have not yet completed. At the end of your Section A work you will be told to move to the area set aside for Section B. Section B consists of one question in which you will analyse a set of experimental results. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 40. Section A and Section B carry 20 marks each. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each part question. You may use an electronic calculator. 5369 2 [Turn over BLANK PAGE 5369 3 [Turn over Section A 1 Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check in this experiment you are to use a converging lens to obtain focused images of an illuminated object. The apparatus has been set up as shown in Fig. 1.1, with the light box and screen a fixed distance apart, L. Do not attempt to alter distance L during this experiment. Light box Object Lens Screen Metre rule L x1 x2 Fig. 1.1 (a) (i) Measure and record the distance from the object to the screen, L. L = ________________ mm (ii) First move the lens until a sharp image is formed on the screen with the lens nearer to the light box than the screen. Record this distance x1. x1 = ________________ mm (iii) Then move the lens until a sharp image is formed on the screen this time with the lens nearer to the screen than the light box. Record this distance x2. x2 = ________________ mm 5369 [3] 4 [Turn over (b) The focal length of the lens, f may be found using the formula f= Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check L2 ( x 2 x 1)2 4L Calculate the value of f. f = ________________ mm [1] (c) State one aspect of this method that would affect the accuracy of the focal length. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ [1] 5369 5 [Turn over 2 In this experiment you are to measure the supply voltage and the current flowing at various points in a network of resistors. Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check The circuit shown in Fig. 2.1 has been set up. RC A + Power Supply - RA V RB Fig. 2.1 (a) Record the values indicated by the voltmeter and ammeter and hence calculate the circuit resistance. Voltmeter reading = ________________ V Ammeter reading, IC = ________________ mA Circuit resistance = ________________ [2] (b) (i) Change the position of the ammeter so as to record the current IA flowing through resistor RA in this circuit. Current IA = ________________ mA [1] (ii) Change the position of the ammeter again so as to record the current IB flowing through resistor RB in this circuit. Current IB = ________________ mA 5369 6 [1] [Turn over (iii) Calculate the sum of the currents IA and IB through resistors RA and RB and state how this can be used to verify the conservation of charge in this circuit. Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check IA + IB = ________________ mA ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ [1] 5369 7 [Turn over 3 In this experiment you are going to investigate the period of oscillation of a steel ball rolling in a watch glass, see Fig. 3.1. The experiment is repeated for a larger steel ball. Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check watch glass Steel ball Blu-tack Fig. 3.1 (a) (i) Hold the smaller steel ball near the edge of the watch glass and release it, so that it runs to and fro along a diameter of the glass. Record measurements to determine the period of oscillation. Period of oscillation = ________________ s (ii) Repeat the procedure to determine the period of oscillation of the larger steel ball. Period of oscillation = ________________ s 5369 8 [3] [Turn over (b) The diameter of the small steel ball is given on a card on the bench. Measure the diameter of the larger steel ball using the micrometer screw gauge. Diameter = ________________ mm Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check [1] (c) From the results in parts (a) and (b), what can you deduce about any relationship between the period and the diameter of a steel ball? ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ [1] 5369 9 [Turn over 4 In this experiment you are going to measure the extension of a spiral spring as the load is changed and use these results to find values for the spring constant k. Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check Y0 Fig. 4.1 (a) (i) Measure and record the unstretched length Y0. Y0 = ________________ mm (ii) Suspend the spring from the clamp. Add the mass hanger to the lower loop of the spring and add one 100 g mass to the hanger. Record the new total length of the spring Y1. Y1 = ________________ mm (The mass of the mass hanger is 100 g) (iii) Add two more 100 g masses to the hanger and record the new length of the spring Y2. Y2 = ________________ mm 5369 [2] 10 [Turn over (b) The spring constant k can be found from the relationship F = kx, where F is the force required to produce an extension x. Use your value of Y0, Y1 and the load to find a first value for the spring constant k, k1. Use your value of Y0, Y2 and the load to find a second value for the constant k, k2. Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check k1 = ________________ N mm 1 k2 = ________________ N mm 1 [2] (c) Explain briefly why the value k2 is likely to be more accurate. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ [1] 5369 11 [Turn over Section B 5 Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check Maximum Power Transfer and Load Resistance The power transferred from an electrical source such as a battery to an external circuit called the load resistance depends on the internal resistance of the source and the resistance of the load. A student uses the circuit shown in Fig. 5.1 to investigate the relationship between the power delivered to the load and the value of the load resistance. A Electrical Source V Load, resistance R Fig. 5.1 The variable resistor represents the load resistor R. The ammeter A measures the current I delivered by the source and the voltmeter V measures the voltage V across the load resistor. The student takes a set of values of V and I corresponding to different values of the load resistor R. The results are recorded in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 V/ V 0.00 2250 1.11 2220 2.73 1820 3.85 1540 7.33 677 8.00 5369 I/mA Power P/ 500 12 Resistance R/ [Turn over Theory Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check (a) The student plans to plot a graph of the power P delivered (on the y-axis) against the load resistance R (on the x-axis). State the equations that enable the power P and the load resistance R to be calculated from the data in Table 5.1. P = ________________ R = ________________ [2] If you are unsure about the equations to calculate P or R from the values given in the table, you may ask for assistance. A deduction of up to 2 marks may be made. Data processing (b) (i) Calculate the values of power and load resistance needed to complete the table and record them to an appropriate number of significant figures in Table 5.1. Include appropriate units in the column heading. [5] 5369 13 [Turn over (ii) On the grid of Fig. 5.2, draw the graph of the processed data in Table 5.1. Choose suitable scales and label the axes. Plot the points and draw the best smooth curve through them. The graph should reach a maximum value for the power and then decrease as R increases. [5] 5369 14 Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check [Turn over Fig. 5.2 5369 1 5 [Turn over Analysis Teacher Examiner Remark Mark Check (c) From the graph find the maximum power Pmax delivered by the source and the value of the load resistance Rm when this occurs, include appropriate units. Pmax = ________________ Rm = ________________ [2] Evaluation (d) (i) How could the student have improved the experiment so that the accuracy of the values of Pmax and Rm obtained from the graph are more precise? ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ [1] It can be shown that the internal resistance of the source will equal the load resistance when maximum power is delivered from the source to the load. (ii) Under these conditions, what is the total resistance of the circuit? Total resistance = ________________ [1] (iii) Deduce the efficiency of the power source when maximum power transfer occurs. Efficiency = ________________ % [2] (iv) A fellow student looks at Table 5.1, comments on the first reading of V and I and asks how can there be a current round the circuit when there is no voltage across the external load? . Explain how this situation arises. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ [2] 5369 16 [Turn over THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. 110046

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Additional Info : Gce Physics May 2010 Assessment Unit AS 3, Practical Techniques (Internal Assessment) Session 2 - Revised
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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