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GCE JAN 2008 : A2 1 Energy, Oscillations and Fields

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Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2008 Physics assessing Module 4: Energy, Oscillations and Fields A2Y11 Assessment Unit A2 1 [A2Y11] FRIDAY 11 JANUARY, AFTERNOON TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. Answer all six questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this question paper. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 90. Quality of written communication will be assessed in question 3(b). Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question. Your attention is drawn to the Data and Formulae Sheet which is inside this question paper. You may use an electronic calculator. Question 6 contributes to the synoptic assessment requirement of the Specification. You are advised to spend about 55 minutes in answering questions 1 5, and about 35 minutes in answering question 6. A2Y1W8 3962 For Examiner s use only Question Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks Marks If you need the values of physical constants to answer any questions in this paper, they may be found on the Data and Formulae Sheet. Answer all six questions 1 The apparatus in Fig. 1.1 was used to determine the specific heat capacity of milk. A Thermometer V Power Supply Stirrer Insulating lid Inner metal container Heating coil Milk Outer metal container Insulating material Fig. 1.1 The results below were obtained over a 5.00 minute period for a sample of milk of mass 0.126 kg. This sample of milk completely filled the inner container. The experimenter closed the switch and simultaneously started the stopwatch, recording the starting temperature, the potential difference and the current. After 5.00 minutes he opened the switch and recorded the finishing temperature, but did nothing else during this period. Potential difference Current Starting temperature Finishing temperature A2Y1W8 3962 12.4 V 3.74 A 19.0 C 43.0 C 2 [Turn over (a) Use these results to calculate the specific heat capacity of the milk. Remember to include the appropriate unit. Examiner Only Marks Remark Specific heat capacity of milk = ________________ [4] Unit = ________________ [1] (b) Look carefully at the apparatus shown in Fig. 1.1 and describe one experimental technique to improve the accuracy of the result that should be employed during this experiment. Explain why this technique is necessary. Description _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [1] Explanation _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [2] A2Y1W8 3962 3 [Turn over (c) Assume the appropriate technique has been used during this experiment. State the major source of inaccuracy that still exists in this experiment and explain how it may be allowed for in the calculation. Examiner Only Marks Remark Source of inaccuracy ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [1] Treatment _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [2] A2Y1W8 3962 4 [Turn over BLANK PAGE (Questions continue overleaf) A2Y1W8 3962 5 [Turn over 2 The oxygen that is used by patients in hospitals and by some people in their homes normally comes in molybdenum steel containers where the inside pressure is 13.7 MPa at 15.0 C. Examiner Only Marks Remark (a) (i) Calculate the maximum temperature to which the cylinders can be exposed if they can withstand pressures of up to 25.0 MPa. Give your answer in C. Maximum temperature = ________________ C [4] (ii) Calculate the number of moles of oxygen at 13.7 MPa and 15.0 C in a cylinder of volume 0.046 m3. Number of moles = ________________ [3] A2Y1W8 3962 6 [Turn over (b) Calculate the root mean square speed of the oxygen molecules at 15.0 C. The mass of an oxygen molecule is 2.66 10 26 kg. Examiner Only Marks Remark Root mean square speed = ________________m s 1 [3] (c) State two characteristics of the condition known as the absolute zero of temperature. Characteristic 1 ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Characteristic 2 ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [2] A2Y1W8 3962 7 [Turn over 3 In part (b) of this question you should answer in continuous prose, where appropriate. You will be assessed on the quality of your written communication. Examiner Only Marks Remark The distance a golf ball flies depends on the speed of the club head at the moment of impact with the ball. The path followed by the club head, the swing plane, may be taken to be circular. (a) (i) A golfer swings a driver (his longest club). The velocity at the point of impact is measured as 36.0 m s 1. The effective radius of the swing is 1.60 m. Calculate the angular velocity of the swing at the point of impact. Angular velocity = ________________ rad s 1 [2] (ii) The golfer now uses a 9 iron, a shorter club with an effective radius of 1.35 m. The angular velocity of his swing remains the same as in (a)(i). Calculate the centripetal acceleration at the point of impact. Acceleration = ________________m s 2 [3] A2Y1W8 3962 8 [Turn over (b) A ball on the end of a string is whirled in a vertical circle. Describe, qualitatively, the size of the centripetal force and the tension T in the string at positions A, B, C and D as the ball follows the anti-clockwise circular path with a constant angular velocity for one swing. Use continuous prose in your description. Examiner Only Marks Remark A B T D C _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [3] Quality of written communication A2Y1W8 3962 [2] 9 [Turn over 4 (a) Fig. 4.1 illustrates apparatus that could be used to investigate oscillations. The signal generator varies the frequency of the oscillating piston. The piston causes the mass spring system to vibrate and the displacement of the mass can be obtained from the pointer moving against the scale. Spring Mass Oscillating Piston Scale Signal Generator Fig. 4.1 Amplitude 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Ratio of Natural frequency/Driving frequency Examiner Only Fig. 4.2 Marks Remark (i) On Fig. 4.2 sketch a graph of the amplitude of the mass as indicated by the pointer on the scale (y-axis) against the result of dividing the natural frequency of oscillation of the mass spring system by the driving frequency of the piston (x-axis). [2] A2Y1W8 3962 10 [Turn over (ii) What is the name given to describe the situation at which maximum amplitude occurs? Examiner Only Marks Remark ___________________________________________________ [1] The experiment is now repeated with a viscous damper in the form of a thick sheet of card. The mass of the viscous damper is negligible compared to the original mass. The new situation is shown in Fig. 4.3. Card Fig. 4.3 (iii) On Fig. 4.2 sketch a second graph to show the effect of the card on the oscillation of the mass spring system. Label this graph B. A mark will be deducted for not labelling this graph. [2] (iv) The signal generator is switched off while the system in Fig. 4.3 is oscillating. On the axes of Fig. 4.4, sketch the graph to show the variation of the amplitude of the damped system with time after switching off. The time axis extends over a long time. [2] Amplitude Time 0 Fig. 4.4 (b) The system in (a) is an example of a forced oscillation. Give another example of a forced oscillation. You should identify what is being forced to oscillate and what is driving (forcing) the oscillation. Example _________________________________________________ Component being driven _____________________________________ Component driving ______________________________________ [2] A2Y1W8 3962 11 [Turn over 5 Physicists use the concept of fields to explain certain behaviour. Examiner Only Marks Remark (a) (i) What do you understand by the term field? ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ [1] (ii) Complete Table 5.1 which compares gravitational and electric fields. Table 5.1 Gravitational Field Physical quantity responsible Force Electric Field mass attractive N C 1 Field strength unit [3] A2Y1W8 3962 12 [Turn over (b) In the nucleus of a lithium atom there are three protons which can be considered to exist at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side length 2.4 10 15 m, as shown in Fig. 5.1. Examiner Only Marks Remark P 60 R Q 2.4 10 15 m Fig. 5.1 (i) Calculate the magnitude of the electrical force that Q exerts on P. Force = ______________ N [2] (ii) (1) On Fig. 5.1, draw an arrow to show the direction of the resultant electrical force acting on proton P as a result of protons Q and R. [1] (2) Calculate the magnitude of the total electrical force acting on proton P. Force = ______________ N [3] A2Y1W8 3962 13 [Turn over (c) (i) Fig. 5.2 represents a point charge. On the axes of Fig. 5.3 sketch the graph of field strength magnitude against distance from the point source. Examiner Only Remark Electric field strength Marks + 0 0 Distance from point source Fig. 5.2 Fig. 5.3 + Electric field strength (ii) Fig. 5.4 shows parallel plates across which a constant potential difference is maintained. On Fig. 5.5 sketch the graph of field strength magnitude against distance from the negative plate. 0 0 Distance from negative plate Fig. 5.4 Fig. 5.5 [3] A2Y1W8 3962 14 [Turn over BLANK PAGE (Questions continue overleaf) A2Y1W8 3962 15 [Turn over Data analysis question This question contributes to the synoptic assessment requirements of the Specification. In your answer, you will be expected to use the ideas and skills of physics in the particular situations described. You are advised to spend about 35 minutes in answering this question. 6 Light Dependent Resistors Introduction A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is a semiconductor device, the resistance of which varies as the light falling on it varies. Light entering the window interacts with the sensitive coil of material. The coil is connected at each end within a circuit. Fig. 6.1 gives two views of an LDR. View from the side View from above Circular window Connecting terminals 12 mm Fig. 6.1 The variation of resistance of an LDR with illumination is given by Equation 6.1. R = R0E n Equation 6.1 where R is the resistance, measured in , where E is the illumination, measured in a unit called lux where (you are not expected to know anything about illumination or the unit lux), where R0 and n are constants for a particular LDR. A2Y1W8 3962 16 [Turn over (a) Determining the characteristics of the LDR Values measured for the LDR resistance R corresponding to the illumination E are given in Table 6.1. Table 6.1 R/ E/lux 2.877 10 5 2.051 10 4 1.533 10 3 4.513 10 2 9.327 10 1 1.930 10 1 1.0 10 1 4.0 98 4.9 10 2 3.9 10 3 3.1 10 4 Examiner Only Marks Remark (i) State the number of significant figures which have been given for the R - and E -values. Significant figures for R = _____________________ Significant figures for E = _____________________ [2] A2Y1W8 3962 17 [Turn over In order to obtain a linear graph Equation 6.1 has to be converted using logarithms. Equation 6.2 gives this log equation. log10 R = log10 R0 nlog10E Examiner Only Marks Remark Equation 6.2 (ii) Complete Table 6.2 by obtaining the values for log10 (R/ ) on the y-axis and log10 (E/lux) on the x-axis. [4] Table 6.2 R/ E/lux 2.877 10 5 2.051 10 4 1.533 10 3 4.513 10 2 9.327 10 1 1.930 10 1 0.10 4.0 98 490 3900 31 000 log10 R/ log10 E/lux Examiner Only Marks Remark (iii) On the graph grid of Fig. 6.2 select scales for the axes, label the axes, and plot log10 (R/ ) against log10 (E/lux). [5] (iv) Use your graph to obtain a value of n. n = _______________________ [3] (v) From your graph, or by appropriate calculation, obtain a value for the illumination when the LDR resistor measures 50 . E = _______________________ lux [3] A2Y1W8 3962 18 [Turn over Fig. 6.2 A2Y1W8 3962 19 [Turn over (b) A light source emits electromagnetic radiation of frequency 540 1012 Hz. The radiation is spread evenly over the surface of a hemisphere, as shown in Fig. 6.3. The LDR is placed 20 cm from the source. The power of the radiation incident on the LDR is 4.1 W. Examiner Only Marks Remark 20 cm Point light source LDR detector, diameter 12mm hemisphere Fig. 6.3 (i) Calculate the power of the light source. Note 1 The LDR diameter is 12 mm and it is 20 cm from the light source. Note 2 The surface area of a hemisphere is 2 r2. Light source power = _______________________ mW [4] (ii) Calculate the wavelength of the monochromatic radiation. Wavelength = _______________________ nm [3] A2Y1W8 3962 20 [Turn over (iii) Calculate the energy of a photon of this radiation. Examiner Only Marks Remark Photon energy = _______________________ J [3] (iv) Calculate the number of photons incident each second on the LDR. Number of photons = _______________________ [3] A2Y1W8 3962 21 [Turn over (c) (i) The LDR in part (a) is used in the circuit of Fig. 6.4. Calculate the resistance of the LDR in this circuit. Examiner Only Marks Remark R = 2.2 k 3.2 V LDR Vout = 0.38 V Fig. 6.4 Resistance = _______________________ k [4] A2Y1W8 3962 22 [Turn over (ii) Fig. 6.5 is a calibration curve of LDR resistance against illumination. 3000 2500 Resistance/ 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Illumination/lux Fig. 6.5 Examiner Only Marks Remark Use Fig. 6.5 to find the illumination incident on the LDR in the circuit of Fig. 6.4. Illumination = _______________________ lux [1] A2Y1W8 3962 23 [Turn over S 9/07 302-071-1 [Turn over GCE Physics (Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced) Data and Formulae Sheet Values of constants speed of light in a vacuum c = 3.00 108 m s 1 permeability of a vacuum 0 = 4 10 7 H m 1 permittivity of a vacuum 0 = 8.85 10 12 F m 1 1 = 8.99 109 F 1 m 4 0 ( ) elementary charge e = 1.60 10 19 C the Planck constant h = 6.63 10 34 J s unified atomic mass unit 1 u = 1.66 10 27 kg mass of electron me = 9.11 10 31 kg mass of proton mp = 1.67 10 27 kg molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K 1 mol 1 the Avogadro constant NA = 6.02 1023 mol 1 the Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 10 23 J K 1 gravitational constant G = 6.67 10 11 N m2 kg 2 acceleration of free fall on the Earth s surface g = 9.81 m s 2 electron volt 1 eV = 1.60 10 19 J A2Y11INS A2Y1W8 3962.02 USEFUL FORMULAE The following equations may be useful in answering some of the questions in the examination: Thermal physics Mechanics Momentum-impulse relation mv mu = Ft for a constant force Average kinetic energy of a molecule 1 m<c2> 2 Power P = Fv Kinetic theory pV = 1 Nm <c2> 3 Conservation of energy 1 mv 2 2 1 mu 2 = Fs 2 for a constant force Simple harmonic motion Displacement x = x0 cos t or x = x0 sin t Velocity v = x 0 2 x 2 Simple pendulum T = 2 l / g Loaded helical spring T = 2 m / k Medical physics Sound intensity level/dB = 10 lg10(I/I0) Sound intensity difference/dB = 10 lg10(I2/I1) Resolving power sin = / D Waves Capacitors Capacitors in parallel 11 1 1 = + + C C1 C 2 C 3 C = C1 + C2 + C3 Time constant = RC Capacitors in series Electromagnetism Magnetic flux density due to current in (i)i long straight (i)i solenoid B= (ii) long straight (i)i conductor B= = ay/d Diffraction grating 0I 2 a A.c. generator E = E0 sin t = BAN sin t Stress and Strain Hooke s law F = kx Strain energy E = <F > x (= 1 Fx = 1 kx 2 2 2 if Hooke s law is obeyed) Electricity Vout = R1Vin/(R1 + R2) A = N A = A0e t t1 = 0.693/ 2 Photoelectric effect 1 mv2 = max 2 de Broglie equation 1/u + 1/v = 1/ f Radioactive decay Half life Light A2Y1W8 3962.02 l Alternating currents d sin = n Potential divider 0NI Particles and photons Two-slit interference Lens formula = 3 kT 2 = h /p Particle Physics Nuclear radius 1 r = r0 A3 hf hf0

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Additional Info : Gce Physics January 2008 Assessment Unit A2 1, Module 4: Energy, Oscillations and Fields
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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