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GCE JAN 2010 : A2 3B Experimental and Investigative Skills

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Centre Number 71 Candidate Number ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2010 Physics Assessment Unit A2 3B Module 6: Experimental and Investigative Skills A2Y32 assessing [A2Y32] FRIDAY 8 JANUARY, MORNING TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. Turn to page 3 for further Instructions and Information. For supervisor s use only Question 1(a) Did the supervisor assist in connecting the circuit? Yes No For Examiner s use only Question Number 1 2 3 Total Marks 5424 Marks BLANK PAGE 5424 2 [Turn over Instructions to Candidates Answer all the questions in this paper, using this booklet. Rough work and calculations must also be done in this booklet. Except where instructed, do not describe the apparatus or experimental procedures. The Supervisor will tell you the order in which you are to answer the questions. Not more than 28 minutes are to be spent in answering each question, and after 26 minutes you must stop using the apparatus in Questions 1 and 2 so that it can be re-arranged for the next candidate. At the end of the 28-minute period you will be instructed to move to the area set aside for the next question. At the end of the Test a 6-minute period will be provided for you to complete the answer to any question, but you will not have access to the apparatus during this time. Information for Candidates The total mark for this paper is 70. Quality of written communication will be assessed in Question 3(d). Questions 1 and 2 carry 25 marks each, and Question 3 carries 20 marks. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each part question. Question 3 contributes to the synoptic assessment of the Specification. In this question, you will need to make and use connections between different areas of physics and to use your knowledge and understanding of more than one area. 5424 3 [Turn over 1 Introduction In this experiment, you will determine the value of the resistance of an unknown resistor and the resistivity of resistance wire by taking current readings. Aims The aims of this experiment are: (a) (b) (c) (d) to construct a circuit from information given in a circuit diagram, to take current readings in this circuit, to analyse the results and plot a linear graph, to use this graph to determine a value for the resistance of an unknown resistor and the resistivity of the resistance wire. Apparatus You are provided with a battery of fixed voltage, an ammeter labelled A, an unknown resistance labelled X, a length of resistance wire, two crocodile clips, a metre rule and a number of connecting leads. Procedure Fig. 1.1 shows the circuit to be used: X Switch A Crocodile clips securing a length of resistance wire Fig. 1.1 5424 4 [Turn over (a) Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 1.1 with a 40 cm length of resistance wire between the crocodile clips. [2] Examiner Only Marks Remark Before switching on the battery supply, ask the Supervisor to check your circuit. You will be told whether the circuit is correct or incorrect. There will be no deduction of marks for this check. However, if you have difficulty in connecting a working circuit, you may ask the Supervisor for assistance. A deduction of 2 marks will be made. Switch on the battery supply. Take the current reading I from the ammeter. Record your readings in Table 1.1. (b) (i) Repeat this procedure for five different lengths L of resistance wire up to a maximum value of approximately 100 cm. Results Table 1.1 L/m I/A (V/I )/ ________ [3] (ii) Taking the battery voltage to be 1.5 V, calculate V/I for each length. Insert a suitable unit for V/I in the column heading. 5424 5 [2] [Turn over Analysis Examiner Only Marks Remark The relationship between V/I and L is represented by the equation below V = X + KL I Equation 1.1 In these equations, K and X are constants. (c) From the trend of your results in Table 1.1, explain why Equation 1.1 is of a suitable form. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [2] (d) You are to plot a linear graph of the equation which will allow you to find the value of X. (i) State the quantities to be plotted on each axis of the graph Vertical axis ______________________ Horizontal axis ___________________ [1] (ii) On the grid in Fig. 1.2, label the axes and choose suitable scales (starting from the 0 value on both axes). Plot the points and draw the best straight line through them. [5] (iii) Use your graph to find the value of X. X = _____________ Unit ___________ [1] (iv) Use your graph to obtain a value for K. K = _____________ Unit ___________ 5424 6 [3] [Turn over 0 0 Fig. 1.2 5424 7 [Turn over Uncertainty Examiner Only Marks (e) (i) On the graph of Fig. 1.2, draw a line of extreme fit . Remark [1] (ii) Hence calculate a value for the percentage uncertainty in your value for K. Uncertainty = _________ % [3] The value for K depends on the cross-sectional area (A) and the resistivity (r) of the resistance wire according to the relationship K = r/A Equation 1.2 (f) Given that the diameter of the resistance wire is 0.023 cm, calculate the resistivity of the resistance wire. Resistivity = ______________ cm 5424 [2] 8 [Turn over BLANK PAGE (Questions continue overleaf) 5424 9 [Turn over 2 Introduction In this experiment, you will investigate the oscillations of a metre rule suspended horizontally by two vertical cords of fixed separation, but variable length. This arrangement is called a bifilar pendulum. Aims The aims of the experiment are: (a) to show that the rule can be made to oscillate about a vertical axis through the centre of the rule, (b) to determine the period T of the oscillations for a number of lengths L of the suspending cords, (c) to analyse the results to determine the relationship between T and L. Apparatus The apparatus in Fig. 2.1 has already been set up for you. Vertical axis L L Rule Fig. 2.1 It consists of a metre rule suspended horizontally and symmetrically by two vertical cords of equal length L. The distance between the cords is fixed. In addition to the apparatus in Fig. 2.1, you are provided with a stopwatch (or stopclock) and a half-metre rule. 5424 10 [Turn over Procedure Examiner Only Marks Remark The initial value of L has been set at 400 mm. Cause the rule to oscillate about the vertical axis through the centre of the rule (Fig. 2.1). Vertical axis Rule View from above Fig. 2.2 This is best achieved by holding the rule lightly at its centre between finger and thumb, and twisting gently. When you release the rule, it will execute horizontal oscillations of small angular amplitude about the central vertical axis. Decrease the length L of the suspending cords to about 350 mm, ensuring that the rule remains horizontal. Measure L and record the value in Table 2.1. Set the rule into oscillation as before, and take readings to determine the period. Record all your observations in Table 2.1. Repeat this procedure until you have 5 sets of readings. The range of values of L should be from 400 mm to about 200 mm. Results Table 2.1 L/mm T/s 400 [7] The blank column in the centre of Table 2.1 is for you to record your timing readings. The other two blank columns will be used later. 5424 11 [Turn over Analysis Examiner Only Marks Remark (a) For each value of length L of the supporting cords, calculate the corresponding period of oscillation T. Enter the values in Table 2.1. [2] (b) The relationship between T and L is given by T = ALB Equation 2.1 where A and B are constants. You are to draw a suitable straight line graph from which you will determine values of constants A and B. In order to do this, Equation 2.1 must be adapted by taking logarithms of each side. (i) Complete Equation 2.2 by taking logarithms to base 10 of the right hand side of Equation 2.1. log10T = ________________ Equation 2.2 [1] (ii) State the values to be plotted on the axes of the graph. Vertical axis __________________ Horizontal axis ________________ [1] (iii) To plot this graph, it is necessary to calculate other values. Enter the calculated values in the blank columns in Table 2.1. Remember to quote these values to an appropriate number of decimal places. Remember also to label the headings of the columns you use. [3] (iv) On the grid of Fig. 2.3, label the axes and choose suitable scales. Plot the points and draw the best fit line. [5] 5424 12 [Turn over Fig. 2.3 5424 13 [Turn over (v) Use your graph to find the numerical value of B. Show clearly how you obtained your value (units may be ignored in this part). B = ____________ Examiner Only Marks Remark [3] (vi) Using your results and your value for B, calculate a value for A. A = ____________ 5424 [3] 14 [Turn over Where appropriate, your answer to this question should be in continuous prose. You will be assessed on the quality of your written communication in part (d). 3 Examiner Only Marks Remark Introduction Polarised light may be produced by passing light through a sheet of polaroid. If two sheets of polaroid, with their faces in contact, are arranged so that there is an angle between their polarising planes, the intensity I of the light transmitted by the sheets is given by Equation 3.1. I = Io (cos )2 Equation 3.1 where Io is a constant. Problem You are to design an experiment to verify the relationship given in Equation 3.1. The polaroid sheets are square. The polarising plane of each sheet is parallel to an edge, but there is no indication as to which edge. Assume that the normal equipment of a school or college Physics laboratory is available. Assume also that a light-detecting device is available. The output voltage from this device is proportional to the intensity of the light falling on it. Planning and design procedure (a) Explain how you can identify when the polarising plane of the polaroid sheets are at right angles and when they are parallel. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [2] (b) Explain why a filament light bulb would be a better light source to use than that from a laser. _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [1] 5424 15 [Turn over (c) In the space below, draw a labelled sketch of a possible arrangement of apparatus to carry out an experiment to verify Equation 3.1. Examiner Only Marks Remark [4] (d) Outline the method you propose to use to obtain the necessary readings. In your answer, you should describe how the equipment is manipulated and name any measuring instruments needed. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [4] Quality of written communication 5424 [2] 16 [Turn over (e) Describe how you would test graphically whether Equation 3.1 is an adequate description of the behaviour of the polaroid system. Remember, the output from the light detector is a voltage. Examiner Only Marks Remark _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [3] (f) In carrying out such an experiment, a pupil obtained results where the variation in I with angle was minimal. Give a reason why the experimental set-up gave rise to this and suggest a solution. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [2] 5424 17 [Turn over Fig. 3.1 indicates a more accurate technique to determine . Examiner Only Marks Remark Polaroid sheet 1 (static) The arrow on each polaroid sheet indicates its direction of polarisation A1 A2 Fig 3.1 The second polaroid sheet is moved from position A1 to position A2. The light detector is lined up at the two positions indicated by the dots. At each of these positions, the light intensity detected is exactly the same. The angle between these two positions is measured. Simple geometry shows that = 2 . (g) Explain why this technique is better. _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ [2] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER 5424 18 [Turn over 5424 20 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce Physics January 2010 Assessment Unit A2 3B, Module 6: Experimental and Investigative Skills
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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