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GCE JAN 2008 : A2 2 Uses of Information Systems

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ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2008 Information and Communication Technology assessing Module 5: Uses of Information Systems A2W21 Assessment Unit A2 2 [A2W21] MONDAY 7 JANUARY, AFTERNOON TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer all seven questions. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 90, including a maximum of 4 marks for quality of written communication. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. A2W2W8 3764 Answer all seven questions. 1 A company requires a business loan from a bank. (a) Describe how the company could use a spreadsheet to produce sales figures for the bank. [4] (b) The company uses a presentation package to provide the bank with an overview of their sales figures. Identify four main features of a presentation package. 2 [4] A chain of supermarkets uses an information system for stock control. (a) Describe how this information system will assist employees in making decisions at operational level. [3] (b) Name and describe two other levels at which this information system can assist decision making. [6] 3 A company has a number of branches throughout the world. (a) Describe one way in which data communications on the company s network could be made secure. [4] (b) Describe two ways in which the company s database could be made secure from unauthorized access. [4] (c) The company suspects that some data has been altered without authority. Explain how the company could monitor their network. [4] 4 A building society makes extensive use of its Management Information System (MIS). (a) Explain what is meant by a Management Information System. [4] (b) Describe three reasons why the building society should not rely solely on the MIS. [6] A2W2W8 3764 2 [Turn over 5 An aircraft manufacturer uses a database management system (DBMS). (a) Describe three features the DBMS will provide for the IT manager. [6] (b) Identify four features the DBMS will provide for the end users. [4] (c) The components used in each type of aircraft are recorded. Every month a production report on each type of aircraft is required. Explain the difference between a data processing system and an information system in this case. [6] 6 An international health agency stockpiles medicines so that it can cope with future epidemics. The agency uses specialists doctors to research common diseases. An ICT consultant develops an expert system for the agency. (a) Describe three main components of a typical expert system. (b) Explain how the ICT consultant will develop the expert system in this case. [6] (c) Describe two disadvantages of using an expert system in this case. 7 [6] [4] A university has replaced its paper-based system with a computerised system which enables students to take examinations online. (a) A new system can be implemented using direct changeover. (i) Explain what is meant by direct changeover. [2] (ii) Name and describe two other changeover methods. [6] (b) Describe the likely impact of the online examination system on each of the following. (i) Students. (ii) Lecturers. [2] (iii) Management. A2W2W8 [2] [3] 3764 3 S 10/07 302-075-1 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce ICT January 2008 Assessment Unit A2 2, Module 5: Uses of Information Systems
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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