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GCE JAN 2008 : A2 1 Development of Information Systems

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ERRATUM NOTICE General Certi cate of Education Information and Communication Technology Assessment Unit A2 1 assessing Module 4: Development of Information Systems [A2W11] Monday 7 January, Afternoon Notice to Invigilator Before the start of the examination the following should be read to candidates. 1. Go to page 4 of the Question Paper. (Pause) 2. Go to Table One halfway down the page (Pause) 3. Go to the column heading Coach ID (Pause) 4. The rst reading in this column is C29 (Pause) 5. Please amend this to read C26 Repeat 1. Go to page 4 of the Question Paper. (Pause) 2. Go to Table One halfway down the page (Pause) 3. Go to the column heading Coach ID (Pause) 4. The rst reading in this column is C29 (Pause) 5. Please amend this to read C26 Please make this change in your question paper now. This is the end of the announcement. ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2008 Information and Communication Technology assessing Module 4: Development of Information Systems A2W11 Assessment Unit A2 1 [A2W11] MONDAY 7 JANUARY, AFTERNOON TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer all seven questions. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 90, including a maximum of 4 marks for quality of written communication. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. A2W1W8 3766 Answer all seven questions. 1 The waterfall model is used to develop a computer system. The end users are involved during the analysis stage. (a) Describe three ways in which the end user could be involved during fact finding. [6] (b) Describe how the end user could be involved during the implementation stage of system development. [4] 2 A business requires a new information system. The business could purchase an off the shelf solution. Alternatively, the business could pay a software house to develop a system for them. (a) Compare these two methods of obtaining the information system in terms of: (i) Cost (ii) Implementation time [8] (b) Describe one other way in which the company could obtain the information system and explain when it would be suitable. [4] 3 An information system is implemented using a centralised database. The alternative was to use a distributed database. (a) (i) Describe one advantage of a centralised database over a distributed database. [2] (ii) Describe one disadvantage of a centralised database over a distributed database. [2] (b) Access levels and audit trails are used on the network. (i) Explain how access levels can be used to improve the security of data on a network. [4] (ii) Explain how audit trails can be used to improve the security of data on a network. [4] (iii) Name and describe one other way in which the security of data on a network can be improved. [5] A2W1W8 3766 2 [Turn over 4 Protocols are required for network communication. (a) Name and describe a protocol which can be used to transmit data on: (i) A bus network. (ii) A WAN [6] (b) Compare co-axial cable and fibre optic cable in terms of: (i) Bandwidth. (ii) Signal interference. 5 [4] Physical factors can influence human interaction with a computer. (a) Describe three physical factors which could influence human computer interaction. [6] (b) Identify and describe two psychological factors which should be considered during the design of a human computer interface. [6] 6 Software maintenance is carried out on an information system. (a) State four ways, apart from being easily maintainable, in which the quality of an information system can be measured. [4] (b) The information system undergoes corrective maintenance. (i) Explain what is meant by corrective maintenance. [2] (ii) Users complain that The information system is taking longer to access data Some reports do not provide the information they now require. Describe how the software will need to be maintained in this case. A2W1W8 3766 3 [4] [Turn over 7 Data is collected about athletes and their sports events. (a) By referring to Table One below, explain what is meant by unnormalised data. [2] When the data is normalised to first normal form, two new tables are produced. (b) By referring to Tables Two and Three below, explain what is meant by each of the following: (i) A primary key. [2] (ii) A foreign key. [3] (c) Explain what is meant by each of the following. (i) 2NF. (ii) 3NF. [4] (d) Normalise the data in Table Three below to third normal form, showing all your work. [4] Table One Athlete ID Athlete Gender A101 Jones, A F A106 A107 Jones, B Jones, C F M Event ID E02 E05 E09 E09 E05 E02 Event 100 m 400 m 800 m 800 m 400 m 100 m Coach ID C29 C35 C64 C75 C35 C29 Coach White, D Green, A Gray, N Black, B Green, A White, D Time 13.3 56.0 120.5 121.0 58.5 12.5 Table Two Athlete ID A101 A106 A107 Athlete Jones, A Jones, B Jones, C Gender F F M Table Three Athlete ID A101 A101 A101 A106 A107 A107 A2W1W8 3766 302-056-1 Event ID E02 E05 E09 E09 E05 E02 Event 100 m 400 m 800 m 800 m 400 m 100 m Coach ID C26 C35 C64 C75 C35 C29 4 Coach White, D Green, A Gray, N Black, B Green, A White, D Time 13.3 56.0 120.5 121.0 58.5 12.5 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce ICT January 2008 Assessment Unit A2 1, Module 4: Development of Information Systems
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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