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GCE MAY 2006 : A2 1 Development of Information Systems

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ADVANCED General Certificate of Education 2006 Information and Communication Technology assessing Module 4: Development of Information Systems A2W11 Assessment Unit A2 1 [A2W11] WEDNESDAY 17 MAY, AFTERNOON TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer all seven questions. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 90, including a maximum of 4 marks for quality of written communication. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. A2W1S6 2579 Answer all seven questions. 1 A new information system was developed for a firm of house builders. The following entity relationship (ER) diagram was produced during the data modelling stage. KITCHENUNIT HOUSE BUYER One of the links in the diagram must be modified before the diagram can be implemented as a relational database. (a) Explain, with the aid of a diagram, the required modification. (b) Describe how the entities in the modified ER diagram could be implemented in a relational database. 2 [4] [8] (a) A user can suffer from a number of physical problems when using a computer. Identify three physical problems from which a user might suffer and explain how each might be minimised. [6] (b) Describe how each of the following human factors should be considered during the design of a computer interface. (i) Short term memory. (ii) Long term memory. 3 [6] A project manager has been appointed to supervise the development of a new information system. (a) Explain what is involved in project management. [5] (b) Describe how each of the following CASE tools can assist the development of an information system. (i) A modelling tool. (ii) A code generator. (iii) A data dictionary generator. A2W1S6 2579 [9] 2 4 A bank with a number of branches uses a centralised database. (a) Physical restrictions are used to ensure that data can only be accessed by authorised users. Describe two other methods which could be used to keep the data secure. (b) Describe the main features of a centralised database. [4] (c) State two drawbacks with a centralised database. [2] (d) Name and describe one other way in which the company s database could be organised. 5 [4] [4] Testing is carried out before a new software system is delivered to the user. (a) Explain what is meant by each of the following. (i) Alpha testing. (ii) Beta testing. [6] (b) During the maintenance stage new modules are added to the software. Describe the testing which will be required. 6 [4] Data can be transmitted over a network using different types of cable. (a) Describe the main features of co-axial cable. (b) Describe four benefits of using fibre optic cable. 7 [5] [8] Analysis and design are two of the stages in the waterfall approach to system development. (a) Explain how fact finding is used during the analysis stage. [4] (b) Describe what takes place during the design stage. [4] (c) Describe why prototyping might be used with the waterfall approach. [3] A2W1S6 2579 3 2 16.6.05HF 1 12.4.05BP S 4/06 1400 302507(186) [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce ICT May 2006 Assessment Unit A2 1, Module 4: Development of Information Systems
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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