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GCE JAN 2009 : (A2 1) Physical Processes and Human Interactions

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ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2009 Geography assessing Module 4: Physical Processes and Human Interactions A2G11 Assessment Unit A2 1 [A2G11] MONDAY 12 JANUARY, MORNING TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer two questions. Answer one question from each of the two optional units you have studied. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 70. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. You are strongly recommended to read through and consider the questions before choosing those you are going to answer. This paper is accompanied by a Resource Booklet. SYNOPTIC ASSESSMENT The synoptic element of each question is indicated by syn. These synoptic elements require you to demonstrate an understanding of the connections between physical and human geography. 3971 Unit A: Managing Fluvial and Coastal Environments 1 (a) (i) Explain how channelisation of a river may cause increased: stream velocity; channel gradient; channel capacity. [6] (ii) Explain why these impacts are useful in reducing flood risk. [4] (iii) Study Resource 1 (page 2 of the Resource Booklet) which shows a channelised stretch of the River Shimna, Newcastle. Suggest how channelisation may have disrupted the habitats within this river channel. [4] (b) With brief reference to an example, explain why the technical viability of a coastal protection scheme should be considered at the planning stage. [6] syn (c) With reference to case study material: 2 discuss the effects of human pressure on a fragile sand dune ecosystem; describe the remedial strategies implemented and evaluate their effectiveness. [15] (a) Physical processes create coastal landforms. With reference to place, identify one coastal landform and, with the aid of a diagram, describe its formation. [8] (b) Study Resources 2A and 2B (page 3 of the Resource Booklet), which show coastal protection measures at the foot of the dune system, East Strand, one of the tourist amenities of Portrush. With reference to the resources: (i) suggest reasons why coastal protection measures have been put in place along this section of the coastline; [5] (ii) explain fully how the measures shown may protect the dune system. [6] syn (c) With reference to a regional scale case study of basin management: (i) outline the strategies used to manage the river; [6] (ii) discuss the beneficial outcomes and conflicts of interest which resulted from the use of these strategies. [10] 3971 2 [Turn over Unit B: The Nature and Vulnerability of Tropical Ecosystems 3 (a) Tropical grasslands are generally located between the tropical forest and tropical semi-arid biomes. With the aid of a diagram, explain the reasons for this global distribution of the tropical grassland biome. [10] (b) Study Resource 3 (page 4 of the Resource Booklet) which shows the soil profiles of an oxisol and an aridisol. Identify and account for the contrasts in the characteristics of these tropical zonal soils. [10] syn (c) In many tropical countries the benefits resulting from the irrigation of farmland are outweighed by the problem of salinisation. With reference to a regional scale case study: outline the potential benefits of irrigation; describe the impact of salinisation; evaluate the possible solutions to the salinisation problem. 4 [15] (a) With the aid of a diagram of an appropriate nutrient cycle, describe the nutrient flows associated with tropical forest ecosystems. [9] syn (b) Study Resource 4 (page 5 of the Resource Booklet) which is a newspaper report on proposed large scale deforestation of tropical forest in Uganda. (i) Discuss the economic and environmental reasons behind the decision to reject the proposed deforestation. [8] (ii) NatureUganda supports sustainable management of tropical forest ecosystems. How does the paragraph in bold in Resource 4, demonstrate this approach? [3] (c) With reference to regional case studies of a tropical forest and a tropical semi-arid ecosystem, describe and explain the differences in their biomass, productivity and trophic structure. [15] 3971 3 [Turn over Unit C: Pollution and its Management 5 (a) Pollution occurs when human activity causes substances to be released into the environment in harmful concentrations. Discuss the extent to which you agree with this definition. [6] (b) Study Resources 5A 5C (pages 6 7 of the Resource Booklet), concerning the impacts of radio-active contamination of the environment. (i) The resources indicate that the levels of radiation pollution produced by the Chernobyl incident varied geographically. Identify the mapping technique which has been used in Resource 5A to illustrate this variation in radiation concentration and explain why it was chosen. [3] (ii) With reference to these resources only, discuss the economic and social implications of radiation pollution. [6] (iii) What do Resources 5B and 5C indicate about the limitations of our knowledge of the impacts of radiation pollution? [5] syn (c) With reference to a small scale study of urban solid waste disposal: 3971 describe the challenges of urban waste disposal in this location; discuss the role of recycling, reduction and reuse in meeting these challenges. [15] 4 [Turn over 6 (a) With reference to places for illustration, explain how pollution incidents may be classified by their frequency. [6] (b) Study Resources 6A and 6B (page 8 of the Resource Booklet), which relate to the monitoring of air quality in Northern Ireland. (i) Describe how the daily mean concentration of suspended particulate matter would be calculated and suggest why this is an appropriate statistic by which to examine changes in this type of pollution over time. [4] (ii) With reference to Resources 6A and 6B, describe and evaluate the steps taken to reduce urban air pollution to acceptable levels. [6] (iii) If the Belfast Metropolitan Transport Plan proposals for sustainable transport are unsuccessful, outline the possible health effects of suspended particulate matter. [4] syn (c) With reference to case study material at the global scale, discuss the economic, social and environmental threats posed by continued emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. [15] 3971 5 [Turn over Unit D: Natural Hazards and Human Activity 7 (a) Study Resource 7 (page 9 of the Resource Booklet) which illustrates the potential hazards of volcanic activity. (i) With reference to places for illustration, describe some of the potential negative social and economic impacts for people living in the intermediate zone. [6] (ii) Discuss how some of the volcanic hazards shown in Resource 7 could eventually benefit the environment and economy in the long term. You should make general reference to places for illustration purposes. [8] (b) Describe and evaluate methods used to predict earthquake activity. No case study material is required. [6] syn (c) With reference to small-scale case studies of earthquake activity in a LEDC and a MEDC, discuss how the impact and management of primary and secondary effects reflects knowledge and perception. [15] 8 (a) With the aid of a diagram, explain the cause and distribution of earthquake and volcanic activity at either a destructive (convergent) or constructive (divergent) plate margin. [10] (b) Study Resource 8 (page 10 of the Resource Booklet) which shows the date of onset and the proportion of annual rainfall from the wet summer monsoon in India. (i) Describe the nature of the wet monsoon at locations A and B. [4] (ii) Discuss the possible impacts on the economy and society at C, if the onset of the monsoon rain were to be delayed until August. [6] syn (c) With reference to either a prolonged drought or an extreme storm in mid-latitudes: 3971 describe its impacts; describe the human responses to the meteorological event. 6 [15] [Turn over THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER A2G1W9 3971 7 [Turn over 935-025-1 8 [Turn over ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2009 Geography Assessment Unit A2 1 assessing Module 4: Physical Processes and Human Interactions [A2G11] MONDAY 12 JANUARY, MORNING RESOURCE BOOKLET 3971.02 RESOURCE 1 PHOTOGRAPH OF A STRETCH OF THE RIVER SHIMNA, NEWCASTLE, CO. DOWN, AFTER CHANNELISATION Source: Principal Examiner 3971.02 2 [Turn over RESOURCE 2A COASTAL PROTECTION MEASURES, EAST STRAND, PORTRUSH, COUNTY ANTRIM Source: Principal Examiner Source: Principal Examiner RESOURCE 2B Source: Principal Examiner 3971.02 3 [Turn over RESOURCE 3 TROPICAL ZONAL SOIL PROFILES Oxisol Profile Ah pH 4 Thin mat of humus Very active soil fauna B1 Deep red clay (kaolin) Rich in iron and aluminium Light coloured surface horizon. A1 Little organic matter 0 pH 6 7 Depth (m) 0 Depth (m) Aridisol Profile A2 pH 6.7 B Blocky structure 4 0.5 pH 4.3 8 Up to 30m in places pH 5 B2 C Concentration of salts, calcium, sodium, gypsum C Lighter red zone Parent material Lacking nutrients Parent rock Source: Principal Examiner 3971.02 4 [Turn over RESOURCE 4 A NEWSPAPER REPORT ON PROPOSED DEFORESTATION IN UGANDA Eco-tourists save forest jewels from bulldozers A wildlife reserve, earmarked for destruction to make way for biofuel crops, has been saved after a study showed that it would earn more from eco-tourism. More than 7 000 hectares of a Ugandan forest, containing rare and beautiful wildlife, were to be torn down and replanted with sugar cane for the production of ethanol. The proposal was backed initially by the Ugandan Government but the decision to clear a third of the supposedly protected Mabira Forest Reserve, near Lake Victoria, has now been reversed. This is a tragedy averted, said Paul Buckley, of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). It was ludicrous even to think of sacrificing such a precious site to a crop that is already heavily subsidised in Uganda. Now Uganda has a brilliant opportunity to make the most of its wildlife jewels . The site is famous with eco-tourists and destroying it made no economic sense whatsoever. A study by NatureUganda, a conservation group, showed that the financial benefits of protecting the forest, which covers 30 000 hectares, and encouraging eco-tourism, vastly outstripped the potential of biofuel crops. Other parts of Uganda were much more suitable for sugar cane crops. The commercial value of tourism and carbon capture in Mabira was estimated at more than 154 million a year whereas sugar cane production would yield around 3 million annually. The executive director of NatureUganda, said: The economy of Uganda depends on the country s environmental health. Agriculture, tourism and fisheries are core to our future wellbeing, making environmental protection an overriding factor in our development . Eco-tourism in Uganda is the country s second-biggest magnet for foreign currency and the Mabira Forest Reserve brings in 62% of the income from trips to forest reserves. The report identified the forest as an unspoilt haven for 300 species of birds and 200 types of trees and it highlighted the area s importance for dozens of endangered species such as Grey-cheeked Mangabeys, a type of monkey. Among the birds in the area is the rare Nahan s Francolin, which has suffered serious decline because of deforestation, degradation of forest habitats and small-scale hunting. Destruction of the forest would have breached an agreement between the Ugandan Government and the World Bank. In 2001, the World Bank agreed to help finance the construction of a hydro-electric dam on the River Nile in return for a pledge to protect this forest. Adapted from the article Eco-tourists save forest "jewels" from bulldozers by Lewis Smith The Times 10/2007 3971.02 5 [Turn over RESOURCE 5A AREAS AFFECTED BY RADIATION FALLOUT AFTER CHERNOBYL INCIDENT 60 N 0.27 Radioactive pollution Curies per square kilometre (Ci/km2) Chernobyl Countries affected within Europe No data available A 55 N V I Other countries A 0.2 0.27 0.27 0.27 50 N 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 7 0.2 0.27 AN SC 0.27 0.27 D 7 N I 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 BRI TISH S LE IS B 0.27 45 N 0 7 0.2 5 5 Ukraine CA R PA MT TH N S S 5 0.27 0.27 N IB P 0.27 IA A 40 N L us 5 0.27 .27 0.27 e r la 7 0.2 ER IA S BALKAN No Data 0.27 35 N Tu r k e y AFRICA 500 km 30 N 5 W 3971.02 0 5 E 10 E 15 E 6 20 E 25 E 30 E [Turn over RESOURCE 5B CHERNOBYL DISASTER LINKED TO HIGHER RATE OF INFANT MORTALITY IN BRITAIN The debate over the health effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Britain re-opens today with research suggesting that infant mortality was higher in areas such as Liverpool, Bradford, Leicestershire, and Bristol where rain fell as the plume of fallout passed overhead. A study, presented at a conference marking the 20th anniversary of the disaster, suggests that infant deaths may have risen by 11 per cent between 1986 and 1989 in those areas compared with 4 per cent in other areas. The author of the report said, This new study shows that the infant mortality trend, which was otherwise downwards, rose for a period of four years in England and Wales after Chernobyl. The results, based on such a large population, suggest that the effect of radioactive fallout could be greater than previously suspected . Source: adapted from an article in The Independent, 23 March 2006 by I. Herbert and D. Linton RESOURCE 5C IS RADIATION COMING BACK? The areas of Belarus most polluted after the Chernobyl catastrophe occupy a large territory in the south and south east of the Gomel region. Attempts have been made to restore the economy in these areas through agriculture and forestry. However, according to recent data, the lands that formerly were treated as clean territories and where agriculture and forestry were restored, have suddenly shown radiation levels exceeding the norm. Now, 20 years after the Chernobyl disaster, scientists are raising the alarm. In certain districts close to the Chernobyl plant, the situation is catastrophic. There are several areas that were cultivated for the past 15 years and the wood was clean; now more than 70 per cent of these woodcutting areas show dangerously high levels of pollution. Agricultural lands have also been affected. Mikola Bulko of the Forest Institute has said that the situation is unclear and appears to contradict all previous theories about radiation. Thorough research is required. Source: adapted from an article in Belarus Today, 17 23 July, 1996 3971.02 3971.02 7 [Turn over RESOURCE 6A INFORMATION ABOUT AIR QUALITY MONITORING IN NORTHERN IRELAND Data relating to air quality in Northern Ireland is collected by kerbside stations which record hourly concentrations of particulate matter, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. The data is analysed to produce statistics including the daily mean, maximum and minimum values for all pollutants recorded. Eleven District Councils have designated areas of particular concern as Air Quality Management Areas . Some have drawn up Action Plans which outline the specific measures to be taken in order to reduce air pollution to acceptable levels. Belfast City Council has declared four Air Quality Management Areas as a result of high levels of nitrogen dioxide and particulates. Each lies along a major urban routeway. The Council, in conjunction with other bodies such as the Roads Service, the Planning Service and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, has developed an Air Quality Action Plan in order to improve air quality. The Belfast Metropolitan Transport Plan sets out a range of proposals to be implemented by 2015, including the promotion of sustainable travel such as public transport, walking and cycling. Source: adapted from a range of resources by the Principal Examiner RESOURCE 6B KERBSIDE AIR QUALITY MONITORING STATION, BELFAST Source: Principal Examiner 3971.02 8 [Turn over RESOURCE 7 THE HAZARDS OF VOLCANIC ACTIVITY ZONE TYPICAL HAZARDS 1 Crater Lava lake - Explosion 2 Adjacent Explosion - Lava flows - Ash falls - Fire - Volcanic bombs - Pyroclastic flows 3 Intermediate Lava flows - Volcanic mud flows (Lahars) - Ash falls - Nu e Ardente 4 Distant Fine ash fall - Earthquakes - Upper atmosphere impacts many km up to 20km 5km 1 2 3 4 Diagram not to scale Source: Principal Examiner 3971.02 9 [Turn over RESOURCE 8 THE WET SUMMER MONSOON IN INDIA 75 E 90 E 30 N Jul y 15 30 N J 80 B 2.5 1 uly June 15 C 90 3.5 INDIA June 10 60 4.0 June 5 15 N Ju n e1 15 N 40 5.5 A 30 6.0 400 km 75 E 90 E International boundary June 1 Average onset date of wet summer monsoon 90 3.5 % annual rainfall from wet monsoon Average duration of wet summer monsoon in months Source: adapted from a number of sources by the Principal Examiner 3971.02 10 [Turn over Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for . In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. 935-025-2 12 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce Geography January 2009 Assessment Unit A2 1 Module 4: Physical Processes and Human Interactions
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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