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GCE JAN 2010 : (A2 1) Physical Processes and Human Interactions

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ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2010 Geography assessing Module 4: Physical Processes and Human Interactions A2G11 Assessment Unit A2 1 [A2G11] FRIDAY 22 JANUARY, AFTERNOON TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer two questions. Answer one question from each of the two optional units you have studied. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 70. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. You are strongly recommended to read through and consider the questions before choosing those you are going to answer. This paper is accompanied by a Resource Booklet and a OS Map insert. SYNOPTIC ASSESSMENT The synoptic element of each question is indicated by syn. These synoptic elements require you to demonstrate an understanding of the connections between physical and human geography. 5201 Unit A: Managing Fluvial and Coastal Environments 1 (a) Study Resource 1A, which is the OS Map insert sheet, and Resources 1B and 1C (page 2 of the Resource Booklet) which illustrate human use of the River Corrib and its valley in County Galway. (i) Using evidence from the Resources, describe the varied demands upon, and uses of, this river and valley zone. [9] (ii) For any one of these demands, briefly discuss how exploitation of the natural environment may provide benefits for the people of Galway. [4] (iii) For any one of these demands, briefly discuss how exploitation of the natural environment may impact negatively upon the habitats of the River Corrib and its valley. [4] syn (b) With reference to a small-scale case study of a coastal sand dune ecosystem: (i) describe the ways in which the fragile natural balance of the ecosystem may be upset by human intervention; and [6] (ii) describe and evaluate the management strategies which have been used to reduce the impact of human pressure on the environment. [12] 2 (a) With reference to locational examples, distinguish between hard and soft engineering strategies for coastal protection. [8] (b) Study Resources 2A and 2B (page 3 of the Resource Booklet) which show landforms created within dynamic coastal environments. With the help of an annotated diagram or diagrams, explain the processes leading to the formation of one of these landforms. [9] syn (c) With reference to a regional scale case study of river basin management: (i) describe the management strategies used; and [6] (ii) discuss the extent to which beneficial outcomes of the scheme have compensated for the conflicts which it created. [12] 5201 2 [Turn over Unit B: The Nature and Vulnerability of Tropical Ecosystems 3 (a) Study Resource 3 (page 4 in the Resource Booklet) which shows the impacts of large-scale deforestation on tropical forest ecosystems. Describe how any two of the following outcomes may be caused by deforestation of tropical forests: Reduced plant diversity Local climate change Increased risk of flooding Changes to soil. [8] syn (b) With reference to places for illustration, describe and explain how a traditional slash and burn agricultural system maintains the nutrient cycle in tropical forests. [12] (c) For a regional scale case study of a tropical semi-arid ecosystem, describe its characteristics with reference to biomass, productivity, trophic structure and nutrient cycling. [15] 4 (a) Study Resource 4 (page 5 in the Resource Booklet) which is a table showing the changes in vegetation and soil characteristics following abandonment of a slash and burn plot in tropical forest compared to uncleared forest. (i) To what extent has the nature of the vegetation been restored ten years after abandonment? [4] (ii) Describe and explain the changes to the soil characteristics over the ten years. [5] (b) Describe the main characteristics of an aridisol (desert soil) and explain how these are influenced by the climate in semi-arid tropical regions. [10] syn (c) With reference to a small-scale case study of tropical forest: (i) describe the large-scale deforestation that has taken place; and [6] (ii) discuss how management strategies attempt to use the forest resources in a sustainable way. 5201 3 [10] [Turn over Unit C: Pollution and its Management 5 (a) With reference to places for illustration, describe how pollution incidents may be classified according to their frequency of occurrence. [5] (b) Study Resource 5 (page 6 of the Resource Booklet) which illustrates the contribution of a range of atmospheric pollutants to environmental outcomes. With the aid of the Resource: (i) describe the human activities which contribute to the Greenhouse Effect; and [8] (ii) describe the potential impacts of any one of the environmental outcomes, other than the Greenhouse Effect, upon the physical and human environment. [7] syn (c) With reference to a regional scale case study of river pollution: identify the causes of the pollution; and evaluate the effectiveness of the pollution management strategies implemented. [15] 6 (a) What are the problems associated with attempting to define pollution? [5] (b) Outline two reasons why waste management is an increasing issue for MEDCs. [6] (c) Study Resource 6 (page 7 of the Resource Booklet) which shows three key policies and actions associated with the Northern Ireland Waste Management Strategy 2006 2020. Discuss how each of the three key policies shown may contribute to a sustainable solution for modern waste management. [9] syn (d) With reference to a regional scale case study of nuclear resource development: outline the potential benefits of nuclear resource development for the region; and describe how the impact of radiation pollution can limit this potential. [15] 5201 4 [Turn over Unit D: Natural Hazards and Human Activity 7 (a) Study Resource 7 (page 8 of the Resource Booklet) which shows features and activity associated with a plate boundary in Indonesia. (i) State the type of plate boundary shown. [1] (ii) With the aid of a diagram based on the cross section line A B on the map, illustrate and explain the features resulting from tectonic activity. [10] (b) With general reference to places for illustration, describe the economic hazards and benefits of volcanic activity. [9] syn (c) With reference to a case study of either a MEDC or a LEDC, discuss how its stage of development influenced the management of the primary and secondary impacts of earthquake activity. [15] 8 (a) Study Resource 8 (page 9 of the Resource Booklet) which is a newspaper article concerning the 2007 summer monsoon flooding in India. With reference to the Resource, describe the impact on India s rural communities of the variable summer monsoon. [9] (b) With the aid of a diagram, describe the airflows and weather associated with a summer monsoon. [10] syn (c) With reference to a case study of an extreme meteorological event in the mid-latitudes: (i) describe its causes; and [6] (ii) discuss the human responses to it. 5201 [10] 5 [Turn over THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER A2G1W9 3971 6 [Turn over 1312-034-1 8 [Turn over 5201.03 ONE WAY TRAFFIC SYSTEM ANTIQUITY FIRE STATION INDEPENDENT HOSTEL GARDA PARKING POST OFFICE EMERGENCY HOSPITAL TOURIST OFFICE THEATRE LIBRARY MUSEUM BUILDING OF NOTE TENNIS GROUND SOCCER GROUND GAELIC GROUND SHOPPING COMPLEX CINEMA CHURCH OF NOTE Location of photograph in Resource 1C Location of photograph in Resource 1B MARSH WATER HOSPITAL BUILDING OF NOTE BUS/RAIL STATION PUBLIC BUILDING WOODED AREA PUBLIC/GREEN PARK/AREA BUILT UP AREA RAILWAY NARROW/STREET PRIVATE ROADS OTHER ROADS STREETS MAIN ROADS/ STREETS REGIONAL ROAD NATIONAL SECONDARY ROAD NATIONAL PRIMARY ROAD N I H G F E D 9 10 11 13 Ordnance Survey Ireland Permit number 8660 Ordnance Survey Ireland 12 PART OF THE RIVER CORRIB, GALWAY, COUNTY GALWAY RESOURCE 1A ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2010 Geography Assessment Unit A2 1 assessing Module 4: Physical Processes and Human Interactions [A2G11] FRIDAY 22 JANUARY, AFTERNOON RESOURCE BOOKLET 5201.02 RESOURCE 1A is the OS map insert RESOURCE 1B SALMON WEIR, RIVER CORRIB, GALWAY (GRID REFERENCE: G11) Source: Principal Examiner RESOURCE 1C 2 30-10-06RR 3 9-1-07BP FORMER WATER POWERED MILL REDEVELOPED FOR RESIDENTIAL USE, RIVER CORRIB, GALWAY (GRID REFERENCE: H11) 1 4/9/06EA Source: Principal Examiner 5201.2 2 [Turn over RESOURCE 2A SEATON CLIFFS, NORTH OF ARBROATH, SCOTLAND Source: Principal Examiner RESOURCE 2B 1 4/9/06EA 2 30-10-06RR 3 9-1-07BP EAST STRAND SAND DUNE SYSTEM, PORTRUSH, COUNTY ANTRIM Source: Principal Examiner 5201.2 3 [Turn over RESOURCE 3 THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF LARGE-SCALE DEFORESTATION OF TROPICAL FORESTS LOCAL CLIMATE CHANGE REDUCED PLANT DIVERSITY Air movements change Reduced number of plant species Patterns of rainfall change Daily temperature range increases Above 35 C plant growth is restricted Air humidity is reduced Bare soil increases the albedo Lack of vegetation increases temperature of soil during the day Seeds fail to germinate Soil fertility declines Transpiration is reduced DEFORESTATION Bare soil increases surface runoff Humus is removed More water enters rivers Increased risk of downstream flooding Topsoil eroded: minerals and nutrients leached Sediment supply to rivers increases INCREASED RISK OF FLOODING Iron and aluminium oxides accumulate in soil CHANGES TO SOIL Adapted from: Ecosystems and Human Activity by RSPB edited by Judith Woodfield, published by Collins Educational, 1994, ISBN 0003266443. Reproduced by permission of Harper Collins Ltd, publishers 1 4/9/06EA 2 30-10-06RR 3 9-1-07BP Impermeable laterite layer forms Topsoil rapidly weathered 5201.2 4 [Turn over RESOURCE 4 CHANGES IN VEGETATION AND SOIL CHARACTERISTICS FOLLOWING ABANDONMENT OF A SLASH AND BURN PLOT Years from Abandonment Trees Number (per Ha) Trees Mean Height (m) Plant Species Soil Diversity Number of Organic Index* tree species matter (%) Soil Nitrogen (%) 1 56 1.3 0.37 2 2.5 0.19 3 512 2.5 0.43 7 2.2 0.19 7 2270 4.7 0.71 15 3.1 0.31 10 2670 5.8 0.71 19 4.2 0.29 Uncleared tropical forest (for comparison) 2260 10.4 0.71 25 5.4 0.49 1 4/9/06EA 2 30-10-06RR 3 9-1-07BP *Diversity Index the higher the value, the greater the range of plant species in the ecosystem. 5201.2 5 [Turn over RESOURCE 5 THE CONTRIBUTION OF VARIOUS ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTANTS TO THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT, ACID RAIN, PHOTOCHEMICAL SMOG AND THE DEPLETION OF STRATOSPHERIC OZONE GREENHOUSE EFFECT 55% carbon dioxide CO2 6% ACID RAIN sulphur dioxide SO2 nitrogen dioxide NO2 15% hydrocarbons e.g. methane CH4 24% chlorofluorocarbons CFCs PHOTOCHEMICAL SMOG DEPLETION OF STRATOSPHERIC OZONE O3 Key: Environmental Outcomes Atmospheric Pollutants 1 4/9/06EA 2 30-10-06RR 3 9-1-07BP Source: adapted from Ecology: Principles and Applications, 2nd Edition, Chapman and Reiss, Cambridge University Press 2003 5201.2 6 [Turn over RESOURCE 6 NORTHERN IRELAND WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2006 2020: KEY POLICIES Key Policies 1 2 Waste Prevention The aim is to stabilise waste generation in order to minimise impact on the environment, improve resource efficiency and reduce the cost of waste management in Northern Ireland through: government leadership; site waste management plans; financial incentives to reduce waste; preventing waste in the business sector; preventing waste at home. Recycling and Recovery The aim is to increase resource ef ficiency through the promotion of recycling and recovery of waste, based on a life cycle approach which balances consumption and production by: enabling and encouraging participation 3 Waste Planning The aim is to support the development of an integrated network of facilities for the recycling, recovery and disposal of waste within Northern Ireland and to ensure that these facilities are planned, designed and operated to provide a high level of protection for the environment and for public health by: 2 30-10-06RR 3 9-1-07BP in recycling, composting and recovery; stimulating markets through sustainable purchasing; developing viable reprocessing capacity and end markets for recycled and recovered materials; implementing the producer responsibility policy; setting targets for household waste recycling and composting. planning for the management of waste in Northern Ireland procuring the right infrastructure 1 4/9/06EA Crown Copyright adapted from: 5201.2 7 [Turn over RESOURCE 7 MAP SHOWING FEATURES ASSOCIATED WITH TECTONIC ACTIVITY IN INDONESIA PHILIPPIN Trench South China Sea Volcanoes Sulu Sea Philippine Sea E TR EN PACIFIC OCEAN CH Celebes Sea Borneo Sumatra Sulawesi (Celebes) B S N Banda Sea Java U N D 500km Sumba A A T R Timor E N C H AUSTRALIA 1 4/9/06EA 2 30-10-06RR 3 9-1-07BP CCEA 5201.2 8 [Turn over RESOURCE 8 THE INDIAN SUMMER MONSOON OF 2007 Every year during the full moon in June, the people of the small southern village of Puchaldini appeal to the gods to bless them with a healthy monsoon starting in late June. But this year the annual monsoon festival was different. A week before, unusually heavy rains submerged their f elds, destroying crops, drowning cattle and goats and killing 10 people, part of a death toll of 160 across southern and western India in less than four days. The deluge turned this village into a living example of India s chronic vulnerability to the rains, which come too heavily in some years and not at all in others, destroying lives and livelihoods and sending ripples through the entire economy. Even as India bounds ahead in development, two out of three citizens live in the countryside and still largely subsist on rain-fed agriculture, nearly everything life, prices, politics remains at the mercy of the rains. The monsoon death toll so far this year has surpassed 500 across India. The resulting calamities can be attributed as much to poor state planning as to nature. India is not equipped to harness and store its rains, and lacks the adequate irrigation network that could liberate its farmers from the variability of the monsoon. In Puchaldini, only one third of the land is irrigated so most of the farmers rely solely on rainfall to water their f elds. When the monsoon is poor, men and women migrate to work in nearby cities. Those who still farm, plough and sow their f elds each year just before the late June rains. This year, they watched with satisfaction as the young green shoots emerged from the ground. Then their hopes were dashed on June 23rd as 110 mm of rain fell, equal to the normal total for July. In early June, farmer S. Kanappa had sown his two hectares with rice. By June 25th the water in his f elds nearly came up to his knees, ruining his crop. He said he would sow another set of seeds and pray again for adequate rain during the remainder of the monsoon. The rains on June 23rd did bring delight to the more fortunate farmers in Puchaldini, whose lands are irrigated from a simple network of ponds, which store rainwater, and canals that channel it slowly into the f elds. This year, said B. Khadiarayya with a broad smile, there would be enough water for rice to be sown across the irrigated belt. 1 4/9/06EA 2 30-10-06RR 3 9-1-07BP From the New York Times 6 July 2007 The New York Times. All rights reserved. Used by permission and protected by the copyright laws of the United States. The printing, copying, redistribution or transmission of the Material without express written permission is prohibited. 5201.2 9 [Turn over 3 9-1-07BP 2 30-10-06RR 1 4/9/06EA Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for . In some cases, efforts to contact copyright holders may have been unsuccessful and CCEA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgement in future if notified. 1312-034-2 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce Geography January 20109Assessment Unit A2 1 Module 4: Physical Processes and Human Interactions - Revised
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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