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GCE JAN 2008 : (A2 1) Physical Processes and Human Interactions

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ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2008 Geography assessing Module 4: Physical Processes and Human Interactions A2G11 Assessment Unit A2 1 [A2G11] MONDAY 7 JANUARY, AFTERNOON TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer two questions. Answer one question from each of the two optional units you have studied. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 70. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. You are strongly recommended to read through and consider the questions before choosing those you are going to answer. This paper is accompanied by a Resource Booklet. SYNOPTIC ASSESSMENT The synoptic element of each question is indicated by syn. These synoptic elements require you to demonstrate an understanding of the connections between physical and human geography. A2G1W8 3340 Unit A: Managing Fluvial and Coastal Environments 1 (a) Study Resources 1A and 1B (page 2 of the Resource Booklet) which show methods of artificial drainage in areas of contrasting land use. (i) Outline the reasons why efforts have been made to ensure efficient drainage of these landscapes. [6] (ii) With the aid of an annotated hydrograph diagram, describe and explain the changes in discharge that result from culvert construction associated with urbanisation. [9] (b) What is meant by the term channelisation and why might it conflict with habitat protection? [5] syn (c) With reference to a regional coastal case study, evaluate the role of both hard and soft engineering in balancing the need for protection, costs and environmental sustainability. [15] 2 (a) Study Resources 2A and 2B (page 3 of the Resource Booklet), a report on illegal dumping in coastal areas and a photograph of coastal pollution. (i) Briefly discuss possible reasons why the Council is attempting to reduce illegal dumping along the coastline. [4] (ii) Describe the attempts which have been made to reduce this form of coastal pollution. [4] (b) Identify one human demand upon coastal zones, other than waste disposal, and describe the potential impacts of this demand. [6] (c) Outline reasons why it would be beneficial to consider environmental acceptability before introducing a coastal protection scheme. You should make general reference to places in your answer. [6] syn (d) Although basin management strategies offer potential for beneficial outcomes, they also have limitations. Discuss this statement with reference to a regional scale case study of a river basin. [15] A2G1W8 3340 2 [Turn over Unit B: The Nature and Vulnerability of Tropical Ecosystems 3 (a) Study Resource 3A (page 4 of the Resource Booklet) which shows mean annual rainfall graphs for three locations in Africa. Describe and account for the variation in the total and seasonal distribution of rainfall at each location. [9] (b) (i) Study Resource 3B (page 5 of Resource Booklet) which describes the impact of tropical deforestation on the environment. Outline the impacts of deforestation on local and global climates. [5] (ii) Briefly describe the environmental consequences, other than those affecting climate, of large scale deforestation of tropical forest ecosystems. [6] syn (c) With reference to a small scale case study, describe and evaluate the attempts to manage tropical forest resources sustainably. [15] 4 (a) Study Resource 4 (page 6 of the Resource Booklet) which shows an outline of the nutrient cycle for the semi-arid tropical ecosystem. (i) Identify the names of the three stores (A, B and C) and explain what each one represents. [6] (ii) Account for the relative size of the stores and flows illustrated for the semi-arid [9] tropical ecosystem. (b) Describe briefly how the natural vegetation of semi-arid tropical ecosystems is adapted to the limited availability of water. [5] syn (c) With reference to a case study of irrigation methods in a developing country: (i) describe the modern irrigation methods employed; (ii) evaluate the impact of this modern irrigation in comparison to the traditional methods used. A2G1W8 [6] [9] 3340 3 [Turn over Unit C: Pollution and its Management 5 (a) Study Resources 5A and 5B (page 7 of the Resource Booklet), showing protests outside the Scottish Parliament concerning the issue of climate change (global warming). (i) Use the Resources to help you discuss why protestors have decided to take local action in response to a global problem. [4] (ii) One of the banners states that climate change kills. Discuss the extent to which you think this claim is justified. [9] (b) What data would be required to draw a flow line map showing the international movement of a pollutant? [3] syn (c) With reference to a regional scale case study of nuclear resource development, discuss: (i) the activities responsible for radioactive contamination; [7] (ii) the economic and social consequences of this contamination. 6 [12] (a) Study Resource 6 (page 8 of the Resource Booklet), which shows three key policies and actions of the Northern Ireland Waste Management Strategy 2006 2020, as drawn up by the Department of the Environment. (i) For any one of the three key policies shown, describe the role it has to play in effective waste management. [4] (ii) Discuss the challenges that the Department of the Environment may face when encouraging the implementation of all three key policies. [9] (b) Identify a rare pollution hazard and describe its impact upon the environment. [7] syn (c) With reference to a small scale case study, discuss the consequences of air pollution and evaluate the strategies which have been used to manage the problem. [15] A2G1W8 3340 4 [Turn over Unit D: Natural Hazards and Human Activity 7 (a) Describe and evaluate the methods used to predict earthquake activity. [10] (b) Study Resource 7 (page 9 of the Resource Booklet) which describes links between El Ni o events in the Pacific Ocean and failures of the Indian wet monsoon. (i) Describe how these research findings could help with prediction of Indian drought. [5] (ii) Using Resource 7 to help you, explain the social and economic impacts of drought in monsoon regions. [5] syn (c) With reference to a national/regional case study, describe and evaluate the human responses to the problems of storm surges and river flooding associated with monsoons. [15] 8 (a) With the aid of a diagram, describe the processes and landforms associated with seafloor spreading at a plate margin. In your answer, general reference should be made to places. [10] (b) Study Resources 8A D (pages 10 and 11 of the Resource Booklet) which are photographs illustrating the potential benefits of volcanic activity. For any three of the Resources, discuss how volcanic activity could bring socio-economic benefits to the region. [9] syn (c) With reference to a small scale case study in a LEDC, describe and explain how the management of earthquake activity reflects knowledge, perception and stage of development. [16] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER A2G1W8 3340 5 [Turn over S 6/07 302-046-1 8 [Turn over ADVANCED General Certificate of Education January 2008 Geography Assessment Unit A2 1 assessing Module 4: Physical Processes and Human Interactions [A2G11] MONDAY 7 JANUARY, AFTERNOON RESOURCE BOOKLET A2G1W8 3340.02 ARTIFICIAL DRAINAGE IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS, NORTH DOWN RESOURCE 1A ARTIFICIAL DRAINAGE DITCH IN RURAL AREA Source: Principal Examiner RESOURCE 1B CULVERT RUNNING UNDER AREA OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Source: Principal Examiner N.B. A culvert is a pipe through which a stream is directed. A2G1W8 3340.02 2 [Turn over RESOURCE 2A COUNCIL VOWS TO FIGHT THEM ON THE BEACHES A rising tide of illegal dumping at coastal beauty spots in the Ards Peninsula has resulted in more prosecutions than almost anywhere else in Northern Ireland, it has been revealed. The flow of rubbish onto the borough s beaches has become so bad that over 100 people have been taken to court in the last two years alone. The news comes as Ards Borough Council launched a new drive to tackle the illegal dumping which it claims is threatening the scenic coastline and the abundant wildlife. The Assistant Borough Inspector said, This clean-up operation is about having pride in where we live. The Peninsula is a beautiful area and one of Special Scientific Interest, but illegal dumpers are ruining it for everyone. Areas that have previously been identified as illegal dumping hotspots will be monitored to discourage dumping. Culprits can face a fine of up to 2500. Adapted from an article in the Newtownards Spectator by Bernard Johnston, 27 October 2005 RESOURCE 2B COASTAL POLLUTION ALONG THE ARDS PENINSULA Source: Principal Examiner A2G1W8 3340.02 3 [Turn over RESOURCE 3A MEAN ANNUAL RAINFALL FOR SELECTED LOCATIONS IN AFRICA 40 W 20 W 0 20 E mm 40 E 60 E GAO 100 0 20 N J F MAM J J A S ON D Gao, Mali Gao Latitude: 16 N Annual rainfall: 255mm KANO mm AFRICA Kano 200 0 Djolu 100 0 J F MAM J J A S ON D Kano, Nigeria Latitude: 12 N Annual rainfall: 825mm 20 S Atlantic Ocean DJOLU mm Indian Ocean 200 100 0 J F MAM J J A S ON D Djolu, Congo Latitude: 0 Annual rainfall: 2065mm 0 A2G1W8 3340.02 1000 km 4 [Turn over RESOURCE 3B CLIMATIC IMPACTS OF DEFORESTATION Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other trace gases in the atmosphere. The plants and soil of tropical forests hold 460 575 billion tonnes of carbon worldwide with each hectare of tropical forest storing about 400 tonnes of carbon. When a forest is cut and burned to establish cropland and pastures, the carbon that was stored in the tree trunks (wood is about 50% carbon) joins with oxygen and is released into the atmosphere as CO2. The loss of forests has a profound effect on the global carbon cycle. From 1850 to 1990, deforestation worldwide released 122 billion tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere, with the current rate being approximately 1.6 billion tonnes per year. In comparison, fossil fuel burning (coal, oil and gas) releases about 6 billion tonnes per year, so it is clear that deforestation makes a significant contribution to the increasing CO2 in the atmosphere. Releasing CO2 into the atmosphere enhances the greenhouse effect, and could contribute to an increase in global temperatures. Tropical deforestation also affects the local climate of an area by reducing the evaporative cooling that takes place from both soil and plant life. As trees and plants are cleared away, the moist canopy of the tropical rain forest quickly diminishes. Recent research suggests that about half of the precipitation that falls in a tropical rain forest is a result of its moist, green canopy. Evaporation and evapotranspiration from the trees and plants return large quantities of water to the local atmosphere, promoting the formation of clouds and precipitation. Less evaporation means that more of the sun s energy is available to warm the surface and, consequently, the air above, leading to a rise in temperatures. Source: adapted from html A2G1W8 3340.02 5 [Turn over RESOURCE 4 NUTRIENT CYCLE FOR SEMI-ARID TROPICAL ECOSYSTEM A Precipitation B C Run off Leaching Weathering Nutrient flows A2G1W8 3340.02 Nutrient store 6 [Turn over CLIMATE CHANGE (GLOBAL WARMING) PROTESTS OUTSIDE THE SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT, EDINBURGH RESOURCE 5A: MARCH DETAILS RESOURCE 5B: SLOGANS AND BANNERS Source: Principal Examiner A2G1W8 3340.02 7 [Turn over RESOURCE 6 NORTHERN IRELAND WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2006 2020: KEY POLICIES Key Policies Three key policies and actions in the new Strategy are presented below: 1 Waste Prevention The aim is to stabilise waste generation in order to minimise impact on the environment, improve resource efficiency and reduce the cost of waste management in Northern Ireland through: financial incentives to reduce waste; preventing waste in the business sector; preventing waste at home. government leadership; site waste management plans; 2 Recycling and Recovery The aim is to increase resource efficiency through the promotion of recycling and recovery of waste, based on a life cycle approach which balances consumption and production by: enabling and encouraging participation in recycling, composting and recovery; 3 Waste Planning The aim is to support the development of an integrated network of facilities for the recycling, recovery and disposal of waste within Northern Ireland and to ensure that these facilities are planned, designed and operated to provide a stimulating markets through sustainable purchasing; developing viable reprocessing capacity and end markets for recycled and recovered materials; implementing the producer responsibility policy; setting targets for household waste recycling and composting. high level of protection for the environment and for public health by: planning for the management of waste in Northern Ireland procuring the right infrastructure Source: adapted from A2G1W8 3340.02 8 [Turn over RESOURCE 7 THE LINKS BETWEEN ASIAN MONSOON DROUGHT AND EL NI O In the first months of most years, a warm southward current usually modifies the cool waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean, along the coast of Peru. But every few years, this warming starts earlier (in December) lasts longer and is far stronger. This phenomenon, named El Ni o (boy-child due to its occurrence at Christmas) has been linked with extreme weather conditions across the planet, including the SE Asian monsoon. Severe droughts in India have always occurred in El Ni o years, yet not every El Ni o causes monsoon failure and drought a mystery that researchers have been struggling to crack. Accurate monsoon prediction is crucial to India s economy: nearly one-fifth of the country s GDP comes from agriculture. Even moderate crop failures have severe social and economic impacts. Asia Tropic of Cancer 23 N India Equator Pacific Ocean Peru 23 S Tropic of Capricorn merica Latin A 0 N 2000km Research shows that monsoon failure depends on whether the surface of the equatorial Pacific Ocean is warmest in the east, along Latin America, or closer to the ocean centre. India is more prone to drought when the warm Pacific temperatures typical of El Ni o extend westwards into the central Pacific Ocean. Researchers have analysed data from 23 El Ni o events and their links to 13 drought years and 10 drought-free years in India. Having found that Asian drought was associated with warm water in the central Pacific, they successfully used computer models to mimic the sea temperature and rainfall patterns. The scientists also suggested that changes in ocean temperatures brought about by human-induced climate change could affect the intensity of India s wet monsoon. Source: Adapted from SciDev. Net, T. V.Padma A2G1W8 3340.02 9 [Turn over RESOURCE 8A VOLCANIC BENEFIT A ICELAND Source: RESOURCE 8B VOLCANIC BENEFIT B BALI, INDONESIA Source: A2G1W8 3340.02 10 [Turn over RESOURCE 8C VOLCANIC BENEFIT C IJEN VOLCANO, INDONESIA Source: RESOURCE 8D VOLCANIC BENEFIT D BIG ISLAND, HAWAII Source: A2G1W8 3340.02 11 S 6/07 302-046-2 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce Geography January 2008 Assessment Unit A2 1 Module 4: Physical Processes and Human Interactions
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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