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GCE JAN 2008 : (AS 3) External Influences Business Enterprise

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ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education January 2008 GCE Applied Business assessing External Influences on the Business Enterprise A3B31 Assessment Unit AS 3 [A3B31] WEDNESDAY 9 JANUARY, MORNING TIME 1 hour 30 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Answer all six questions. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 80. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions, except questions 1 and 2. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part-question. This paper is accompanied by a Case Study. You must not use your own annotated copy of the Case Study. ADVICE FOR CANDIDATES You are advised to take account of the marks for each part-question in allocating the available examination time. A3B3W8 3640 BLANK PAGE A3B3W8 3640 2 [Turn over Answer all six questions 1 Identify the market sector that Citigroup operates in, explaining the importance of that sector to the Northern Ireland economy. [4] 2 Citigroup operates in a competitive market. Outline how this is an advantage to consumers. [4] 3 Analyse the importance of Citigroup s three Shared Responsibilities towards its stakeholders. [9] 4 Analyse five factors that might cause the demand for Citigroup s services to change. [15] 5 Evaluate how Government Policy can influence businesses such as Citigroup. [24] 6 Evaluate six different ways in which Citigroup could improve its competitiveness. [24] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER A3B3W8 3640 3 [Turn over S 4/07 302-033-1 [Turn over ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education January 2008 GCE Applied Business Case Study Assessment Unit AS 3 assessing External Influences on the Business Enterprise [A3B31] DATE OF ISSUE TO CANDIDATES: WEDNESDAY 9 JANUARY, MORNING You must use this clean copy of the Case Study in the examination and not your own annotated copy. A3B31CSI A3B3W8 3640.02 CSI Citigroup Belfast s growing reputation as a centre of excellence in the technology sector has been recognised by the global banking company Citigroup. The organisation announced in October 2006 that it was creating 185 new jobs in Belfast, bringing employment in Northern Ireland to 560. This investment was backed with financial assistance of 3.6m provided by Invest NI and it was estimated that the initiative would contribute 21m to the Northern Ireland economy. This is the second major investment in recent years, as the group had already created 275 jobs since 2004 which was worth 65m to the local economy. Northern Ireland was chosen as a location by Citigroup in preference to countries such as China and India. Bob Druskin, President and Chief Executive of the company, praised the Northern Ireland operation stating that it had contributed significantly to Citigroup s global operations. This, he claimed, was made possible as Citigroup was able to tap into the advanced technology and knowledge skills base that is present in Northern Ireland. He further explained how important technology was in a competitive market, such as the banking industry, as a way of gaining competitive advantage. The investment was welcomed by the then Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Peter Hain, who highlighted how the investment would help to provide high quality career opportunities and further enhance Northern Ireland s reputation as a centre for financial services companies. Additionally, he highlighted how important the financial services sector was for the growth of the Northern Ireland economy and how it could help to increase the region s competitiveness. Citigroup Inc is a financial services company with 200 million customer accounts in more than 100 countries and has been in existence since 1812. Worldwide it has a workforce of 300,000 employees and it places great emphasis on service, integrity and leadership. The organisation s goal is to be the most respected global financial services company. It firmly believes that, as a result of its size and the global scale of its operations, it has Shared Responsibilities towards its stakeholders. These responsibilities are outlined on its website. Responsibility to Clients. We must put our clients first, provide superior advice, products and services, and always act with the highest level of integrity. Responsibility to Each Other. We must provide outstanding people with the best opportunity to realize their potential. We must treat our teammates with respect, champion our remarkable diversity, share the responsibility for our success, and accept accountability for our failures. Responsibility to the Franchise. (Shareholders) We must put Citigroup s long-term interests ahead of each unit s short-term gains, and provide superior results for our shareholders. We must respect the local culture and take an active role in the communities where we work and live. We must honour those who came before us and extend our legacy for those who will come after us. Citigroup s announcement came only months after the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, opened the Northern Ireland Science Park, stressing the importance of science, creativity and innovation as a key source of future prosperity for the people of Northern Ireland. A3B3W8 3640.02 CSI 2 [Turn over Meeting business leaders at the new Science Park, the Chancellor stated that as he had travelled across the country he had seen the potential for Northern Ireland to turn its historic inventiveness, dynamism and creativity into the jobs and prosperity of the future. He praised a Northern Ireland that was determined to continue the economic advances of recent years, with the creation of the world-class Science Park, increased investment in Northern Ireland s universities and research institutions, and increased support for young people choosing their careers. Mr Brown also argued that Northern Ireland could become one of the great success stories of the new global age, through increasing economic success and prosperity. At the same time the Chancellor also announced the launch of the first UK Career Academy Foundation in Northern Ireland, created with the support of Citigroup, and established through the then Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education. Speaking at the official opening of the UK Career Academy Foundation in Northern Ireland, Peter Hain also said that Northern Ireland had the potential, through the assistance of various government policies, to be a world-class destination for businesses seeking a successful investment. Mr Hain also outlined how the Northern Ireland economy had continued to strengthen, and had record levels of people in employment. He highlighted how Northern Ireland had attracted international companies to set up because they recognised that it was a good place to do business in. The previous time the Chancellor had visited Northern Ireland, he announced an innovative funding package designed to fast forward Northern Ireland out of the dark days of the troubles. Much has changed since then and it is against this backdrop of international investment that the future of Northern Ireland s economy looks promising. Source: Adapted from A3B3W8 3640.02 CSI 3 S 04/07 2864.03 A3BW8 302-032-1 CSI 4 [Turn over [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce Applied Business January 2008 Assessment Unit AS 3 - External Influences Business Enterprise
Tags : gce applied business past papers, ccea gce past papers, General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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