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GCE MAY 2009 : A2 3 Architecture, Craft and Design

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ADVANCED General Certificate of Education 2009 History of Art and Design assessing Module 6: Architecture, Craft and Design A2D31 Assessment Unit A2 3 [A2D31] TUESDAY 19 MAY, MORNING TIME 2 hours. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer two questions. Answer one question from Part A and one question from Part B. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this paper is 70. All questions carry equal marks, i.e. 35 marks for each question. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. 4645 Part A Architecture Answer one question from your chosen section in this part. Section 1 Roman Architecture 1 Give a detailed critical appraisal of one building that exemplifies for you the very best of Roman architecture, establishing relevant contexts in support of your choice. [35] 2 Give a broad critical appraisal of Roman architecture, briefly establishing contexts, influences, materials and methods, and referring to appropriate building types and examples. [35] 3 What do you see as the Romans three main contributions to architectural engineering? Establish contexts and refer to appropriate examples in support of your answer. [35] 4 Critically appraise one example for each of two of the following categories of Roman architecture: (a) basilica (b) theatre (not amphitheatre) (c) domus (or town house) (d) insula (or tenement building) 4645 [35] 2 [Turn over Section 2 High Renaissance and Mannerist Italian Architecture 5 In what ways, if any, do you see Italian ecclesiastical (church) architecture affected by the religious upheavals of the High Renaissance and Mannerist periods? Establish contexts and refer to appropriate centres, architects and works in support of your answer. [35] 6 In what ways, if any, do you think High Renaissance and Mannerist Italian architects surpassed the achievements of their Ancient Roman forefathers? Establish contexts and refer to appropriate centres, architects and works in support of your answer. [35] 7 Give a broad critical appraisal of High Renaissance Italian architecture, referring to appropriate centres, architects and works. 8 4645 [35] Critically appraise the architectural significance of either Andrea Palladio or Giorgio Vasari. [35] 3 [Turn over Section 3 International Architecture, 1930 1960 9 Give a broad critical appraisal of international architecture, 1930 1960, referring to appropriate centres, architects and works. [35] 10 Give a broad critical appraisal of international architecture, 1930 1960, in relation to one of the following categories: (a) private housing (b) mass-housing (c) non-domestic (such as industrial, commercial or institutional) [35] 11 Which single work represents for you the very best of international architecture, 1930 1960? Describe and critically appraise the work and establish relevant contexts in support of your choice. [35] 12 Critically assess the 1930 1960 architectural work of one of the following: (a) Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (b) Eero Saarinen (c) Alison and Peter Smithson (d) Frank Lloyd Wright (e) Felix Candela 4645 [35] 4 [Turn over Section 4 International Architecture, 1960 Present 13 Compare and contrast two examples of post-1960 architecture from one of the following categories: (a) private housing (b) mass-housing (c) museum or gallery (d) industrial or commercial (e) institutional (such as a school, hospital or government building) [35] 14 Identify and discuss what you see to be two major themes in post-1960 European and North American architecture, referring to appropriate architects and works. [35] 15 Give a broad critical appraisal of Hi-tech (or High Tech or Neo-Futuristic) architecture since 1960, establishing relevant contexts and referring to appropriate architects and works. [35] 16 Critically appraise the post-1960 architectural work of one of the following: (a) Charles Moore (b) Robert Venturi (c) Philip Johnson (d) Richard Buckminster Fuller (e) Kenzo Tange (f) James Stirling (g) Ieoh Ming Pei 4645 [35] 5 [Turn over Part B Craft and Design Answer one question from your chosen section in this part. Section 5 International Craft and Interior Design, De Stijl to Present 17 Discuss craft and/or interior design from De Stijl to the present in relation to one of the following themes, referring to appropriate movements, practitioners and works: (a) attitudes towards decoration (b) attitudes towards craft skills (c) attitudes towards machine production (d) aesthetics versus practicality (e) internationalism versus regionalism [35] 18 Compare and contrast the Modernist (or International Style) and International Pop approaches to craft and/or interior design, referring to appropriate practitioners and works. [35] 19 Critically appraise one of the following movements or styles in relation to craft and/or interior design: (a) Bauhaus (b) Festive Style (c) Craft Revival 4645 [35] 6 [Turn over 20 Critically appraise the craft and/or interior design work of one of the following: (a) Gerrit Rietveld (b) Marianne Brandt (c) Alvar Aalto (d) Verner Panton (e) Wendell Castle (f) David Pye 4645 [35] 7 [Turn over Section 6 International Fashion Design, 1850 Present 21 Give a broad critical appraisal of fashion design from either 1850 to 1950 or 1950 to the present, establishing contexts and referring to appropriate designers and works. [35] 22 Fashion design serves what purposes? Establish contexts and refer to appropriate designers and works in support of your answer. [35] 23 Compare and contrast the fashion design approaches of Jean Muir and Mary Quant. [35] 24 Critically appraise the fashion design work of one of the following: (a) Laura Ashley (b) Yves St Laurent (c) Emanuel Ungaro (d) Zandra Rhodes (e) Yuki (f) John Paul Gaultier 4645 [35] 8 [Turn over Section 7 European and North American Graphic Design, 1918 Present 25 Give a broad critical appraisal of developments in European and North American graphic design since 1918, establishing contexts and referring to appropriate practitioners and works. [35] 26 Compare and contrast two post-1918 graphic design works from one of the following categories: (a) poster (b) packaging (c) photography, film and/or video (d) typography (e) illustration [35] 27 Give a broad critical appraisal of information systems design since 1918, referring to appropriate practitioners and works. [35] 28 Critically appraise the graphic design work of one of the following: (a) Herbert Bayer (b) Adolphe Mouron Cassandre (c) Jean Carlu (d) Eric Frazer (e) Adrian Frutiger (f) Paul Davis (g) Bartle, Bogle and Hegarty (h) Benetton 4645 [35] 9 [Turn over Section 8 International Three-dimensional Design, 1960 Present 29 Critically appraise an example of post-1960 transport design for each of two of the following categories: (a) racing car (b) family car (c) off-road or utility vehicle (d) motorcycle (e) bus or coach [35] 30 Who do you consider to have made the greatest contribution to post-1960 furniture design? Establish contexts and refer to appropriate designers/manufacturers and works in support of your answer. [35] 31 Who do you consider to have made the greatest contribution to post-1960 product design? Establish contexts and refer to appropriate designers/manufacturers and works in support of your answer. [35] 32 Critically appraise the post-1960 three-dimensional design work of one of the following: (a) Porsche (b) Rex McCandless (c) Alvar Aalto (d) Sony (e) IBM (f) David Mellor (g) Herman Miller 4645 [35] 10 [Turn over THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER 4645 11 937-021-1 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce History Of Art May 2009 Assessment Unit A2 3, Module 6: Architecture, Craft and Design - Revised
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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