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GCE MAY 2009 : AS 2, Art

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ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2009 History of Art and Design assessing Module 2: Art ASD21 Assessment Unit AS 2 [ASD21] MONDAY 18 MAY, MORNING TIME 1 hour. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer two questions. Answer one question from Part A and one question from Part B. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this unit is 70. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. All questions carry equal marks, i.e. 35 marks for each question. 4647 BLANK PAGE 4647 2 [Turn over Part A Selected Pre-1900 Art Answer one question from your chosen section in this part. Section 1 Greek Sculpture 1 Compare and contrast two Greek sculptures on the theme of Aphrodite or Venus. 2 Briefly describe and analyse three works which, taken together, illustrate developments in Greek sculptors treatment of the male figure. [35] 3 Briefly describe and analyse three works which, taken together, illustrate developments in Greek sculptors treatment of the female figure. [35] 4 Critically appraise the work of one of the following: [35] (a) Myron (b) Polykleitos (or Polyclitus, or Polycletus) (c) Praxiteles [35] Section 2 Early Renaissance Italian Painting 5 Explain your understanding of Humanism and relate it to appropriate Early Renaissance Italian painters and works. [35] 6 Critically appraise the paintings of either Fra Filippo Lippi or Botticelli. 7 Discuss what the work of one major Early Renaissance Italian painter tells us about the [35] religious beliefs of the time. 8 Critically appraise the Early Renaissance painting output of either Florence or Siena. 4647 3 [35] [35] [Turn over Section 3 Early Renaissance Italian Sculpture 9 Explain your understanding of Humanism and relate it to appropriate Early Renaissance Italian sculptors and works. [35] 10 Critically appraise the sculptural work of Jacopo della Quercia. [35] 11 Outline the range of subjects found in Early Renaissance Italian sculpture, citing appropriate practitioners and works. [35] 12 Give a broad critical appraisal of the Early Renaissance sculptural output of one major Italian city, citing relevant sculptors and works. [35] Section 4 French Painting, 1785 1860 13 Jacques-Louis David is sometimes accused of being a propaganda painter systematically and deliberately trying to manipulate others political views. Discuss, with reference to appropriate works. [35] 14 French Romantic painting within the years 1785 1860, like Neo-Classical painting before it, reflected significant events of the time. Discuss, citing appropriate painters and works. [35] 15 Critically appraise the work of the Barbizon School of landscape painters. [35] 16 Critically appraise the work of either Th odore G ricault or Honor Daumier. [35] 4647 4 [Turn over Section 5 British Painting, 1800 1850 17 Critically appraise the work of either John Sell Cotman or J. M. W. Turner. [35] 18 Compare and contrast the approaches to landscape painting of John Constable and Samuel Palmer. [35] 19 Identify and discuss briefly the general characteristics of Romanticism. Relate these to two painters active in Britain in the years 1800 1850, citing appropriate works. [35] 20 Give a broad critical appraisal of portrait painting in Britain in the years 1800 1850, citing appropriate artists and works. [35] Part B Selected Post-1850/1900 Art Answer one question from your chosen section in this part. Section 6 European and North American Still Photography, 1850 Present 21 Give an historical account of the treatment of movement in still photography, citing and critically assessing relevant photographers and works. [35] 22 Which single image represents for you the very best of photojournalism? Describe and critically analyse the work, and establish relevant contexts, in support of your choice. [35] 23 Give a broad critical appraisal of the work of anti-pictorial still photographers. 4647 5 [35] [Turn over 24 Critically appraise the still photographic work of one of the following: (a) David Octavius Hill (b) tienne Jules Marey (c) Paul Strand (d) Dorothea Lange (e) Alfred Eisenstaedt (f) Bill Brandt (g) Cindy Sherman [35] Section 7 European and North American Painting, 1900 1918 25 Give a broad critical appraisal of either Fauvist or Northern Expressionist painting. [35] 26 Which major painting movement of the 1900 1918 period do you consider most accurately reflects, or effectively expresses, its time? Cite relevant artists and works, and establish contexts, in support of your choice. [35] 27 Critically analyse one of the following paintings: (a) The Cry (or The Scream) Edvard Munch (b) Luxe, Calme et Volupt (Luxury, Calm and Delight) Henri Matisse (c) Les Demoiselles d Avignon Pablo Picasso (d) Nude Descending a Staircase Marcel Duchamp [35] ` 4647 6 [Turn over 28 Critically appraise the paintings, within the years 1900 1918, of one of the following: (a) Umberto Boccioni (b) Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (c) Max Beckmann (d) Hans Arp (e) Arthur Dove (f) Marsden Hartley [35] Section 8 European and North American Painting, 1918 1945 29 Some Surrealists were less surreal than others, limiting irrationality to the painting s content. Discuss, citing appropriate painters and works. [35] 30 Give a broad account of abstraction s emergence, relating it to appropriate painters and works from the years 1918 1945. [35] 31 Whether in Britain, France, or America, during the years 1918 1945, certain painters through their work seemed to possess a distinctive national or regional form of expression. Critically appraise the work of one such artist. [35] 32 Critically appraise the paintings, within the years 1918 1945, of one of the following: (a) Joan Mir (b) Paul Klee (c) Ben Nicholson (d) Pablo Picasso (e) Georgia O Keeffe (f) Milton Avery 4647 [35] 7 [Turn over Section 9 European and North American Sculpture, 1900 1945 33 Identify and discuss what you see as the three most distinctive characteristics of either Cubist or Constructivist sculpture, citing appropriate sculptors and works. [35] 34 Compare and contrast the treatment of movement in Cubist and Futurist sculpture. [35] 35 Which single work represents for you the very best of European and North American sculpture in the years 1900 1945? Critically analyse the work and establish its context in support of your choice. [35] 36 Critically appraise the 1900 1945 sculptural work of one of the following: (a) Ernest Barlach (b) Marcel Duchamp (c) Alberto Giacometti (d) Pablo Picasso (e) Henry Moore (f) Barbara Hepworth 4647 [35] 8 [Turn over Section 10 Irish Painting and Sculpture, 1900 1970 37 In relation to Irish painting and/or sculpture, 1900 1970, explain your understanding of either Academicism or Modernism and support your answer by reference to appropriate artists and works. [35] 38 Discuss one of the following themes in relation to Irish painting and sculpture, 1900 1970, citing appropriate artists and works: (a) the self-taught artist s strengths and weaknesses (b) the trained artist s strengths and weaknesses (c) the peculiar demands of public art (d) politicised art s strengths and weaknesses [35] 39 Critically appraise the 1900 1970 work of one of the following: (a) Charles Lamb (b) Albert Power (c) Rosamond Praeger (d) John (Sean) Keating (e) Tom Carr (f) R. J. Croft (g) Louis Le Brocquy (h) Newton Penprase (i) F. E. McWilliam [35] 40 Critically appraise either Post-Impressionist or Abstract painting in Ireland, 1900 1970, referring to appropriate artists and works. [35] THIS IS THE END OF THE QUESTION PAPER 4647 9 [Turn [Turn over 4647 10 [Turn over 4647 11 [Turn over 937-005-1 12

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Additional Info : Gce History Of Art May 2009 Assessment Unit AS 2 Module 1: Art - Revised
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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