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GCE MAY 2009 : AS 1Visual Analysis and Criticism

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ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY (AS) General Certificate of Education 2009 History of Art and Design assessing Module 1: Visual Analysis and Criticism ASD11 Assessment Unit AS 1 [ASD11] MONDAY 18 MAY, MORNING TIME 1 hour. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Centre Number and Candidate Number on the Answer Booklet provided. Answer two questions. Answer one question from Part A and one question from Part B. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The total mark for this unit is 60. All questions carry equal marks, i.e. 30 marks for each question. Quality of written communication will be assessed in all questions. A visual stimulus booklet accompanies this paper. 4646 Part A Visual Analysis Answer one question from your chosen section in this part. ART 1 Refer to Fig. 1: sculpture, marble, height 125 cm (49 in) Roman copy of Greek original. Identify sculptor and title of the original work here illustrated and critically analyse the work. [30] 2 Refer to Fig. 2: Piero della Francesca, The Baptism, c. 1450; tempera on panel, 167 116 cm (65.75 45.75 in); London, National Gallery. Critically analyse Piero della Francesca s The Baptism, c. 1450. 3 [30] Refer to Fig. 3: Gustave Courbet, Bonjour Monsieur Courbet (or The Meeting), 1854; oil on canvas, 129 149 cm (50.75 58.75 in); Mus e Fabre, Montpellier, France. Critically analyse Gustave Courbet s Bonjour Monsieur Courbet (or The Meeting), 1854. [30] 4 Refer to Fig. 4: Oscar Kokoschka, Polperro II, 1939; oil on canvas, 60.5 86.5 cm (23.8 34.0 in); Tate Collection, London. Critically analyse Oscar Kokoschka s Polperro II, 1939. 5 Refer to Fig. 5: Jacob Epstein, Torso in Metal from the Rock Drill , 1913 16; bronze, 70.5 58.4 44.5 cm (27.25 23.0 17.5 in); Tate Collection, London. Critically analyse Jacob Epstein s Torso in Metal from the Rock Drill , 1913 16. 4646 [30] 2 [30] [Turn over ARCHITECTURE 6 Refer to Fig. 6: the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, Athens, marble, 335 334 BC. Critically analyse the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates in Athens, 335 334 BC. 7 [30] Refer to Fig. 7: Walter Gropius, the Director s House, Dessau, 1925 26; south front. Critically analyse Walter Gropius s design for the Director s House, Dessau, 1925 26. [30] CRAFT AND DESIGN 8 Refer to Fig. 8: rocking chair. Identify the maker or makers of this rocking chair and critically analyse its design. 9 Refer to Fig. 9: Will Bradley, The Modern Poster, colour lithograph poster (dimensions unavailable) for Charles Scribner s Sons, New York, 1895. Critically analyse Will Bradley s The Modern Poster colour lithograph poster, 1895. 4646 [30] 3 [30] [Turn over Part B Criticism Answer one question from this part. 10 Critically review either an exhibition or a collection you have seen at first-hand, identifying and briefly discussing three or more artworks* shown. [30] 11 Critically review one artwork* you have seen at first-hand. [30] 12 Critically review either a book or an article from the history of art and design field. [30] 13 Critically review one electronically mediated production such as a television/video/DVD programme, CD-ROM or DVD reference work, or a website from the history of art and design field. [30] *An artwork here may be a work of art, architecture, craft or design. Image sources 1: Sir Lawrence Gowing (general editor), A Biographical Dictionary of Artists, Grange Books, London, 1994. 2: Carlo Bertelli, Piero della Francesca, BCA by arrangement with Yale University Press, 1992. 3: The Art Book, Phaidon Press Ltd., London, 1994. 4: Robert Melville, Sir John Rothenstein and Sir Philip Hendy, Masterpieces of the Tate and National Galleries, Heron Books/Thames and Hudson, London, 1964. 5: Richard Cork, Jacob Epstein, Tate Gallery Publishing, London, 1999. 6: Henri Stierlin, Greece, From Mycenae to the Parthenon, Taschen, K ln, 2001. 7: Peter G ssel and Gabriele Leuth user, Architecture in the Twentieth Century, Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, 1991. 8: Charlotte and Peter Fiell, Design of the 20th Century, Taschen, K ln, Germany, 1999. 9: Jeremy Aynsley, A Century of Graphic Design: Graphic Design Pioneers of the 20th Century, Octopus Publishing Group Ltd., London, 2001 937-006-1 [Turn over

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Additional Info : Gce History Of Art May 2009 Assessment Unit AS 1Visual Analysis and Criticism - Revised
Tags : General Certificate of Education, A Level and AS Level, uk, council for the curriculum examinations and assessment, gce exam papers, gce a level and as level exam papers , gce past questions and answer, gce past question papers, ccea gce past papers, gce ccea past papers  

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