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CLAS X ICSE LITERATURE: 5 POEMS NAME: ______________________ ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BASED ON THE GIVEN STANZA 1. So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, ..........A lovely bookshelf on the wall. QUESTIONS: Q1. What figure of speech is used in The younger ones had Beatrix Potter Give an example of the rhyming scheme in the extract. Q2. Give the significance of the linesOh books, books, what books they used to know, Those children living long ago! Q3. Why is the reference to children living long ago important in the above extract? Q4. According to the poet what should be done to save the children from the hypnotism of television? State whether the suggestion is practical. Q5.Give your views either for or against throwing away the TV sets from the houses. 2. With fire and sword the country at every famous country QUESTIONS: Q1. Which country is referred to in the extract? What is meant by was wasted far and wide ? Q2. What did the speaker say about the effects of the battle on his own family? Q3. What is meant by a childing mother ? Why do you think the poet specifically points out that many a childing mother .new-born baby died ? Q4. What do the last two lines in the extract tell you about the attitude of the speaker towards the events that he is narrating? What are your feelings for the speaker? Q5. By referring to the incidents in the poem, state how After Blenheim can be said to be an anti-war poem? 3. The athletes has come from all over .. grew high to begin Q1. Where did the athletes come from all over the country? Why? Q2. What do the words gold , silver , and bronze stand for in this extract? Do you think the contestants were prepared well for the event? Give reason for your answer. Q3. Give the meaning of: a) And all coming down to these games. b) Excitement grew high to begin. Q4. Why did the spectators gather all around the field? Who is referred to as young men and women ? Q5. Which final event was being talked about in the extract? What was the mood of the spectators here? 4. The caged bird sings with a fearful trill ..for the caged bird sings of freedom Q1. Under what circumstances does the caged bird sing? What does it tell us about its condition? Q2. Why does the caged bird sing of things unknown ? Q3. What is meant by: fearful trill ? Why is it said to be fearful? Q4. What song is he singing? Why? Q5. Why is his singing heard on a distant hill? 5. For all he saw in his stick of wood Was a chance to spite the white. Q1. Who was the third person? How did he rationalize not parting with his log? Q2. Why did the rich man refuse to contribute his log of wood to the dying fire? Q3. This poem highlights the points of view of the two extremes of the economic divisions in society. Justify. Q4. In what way does the poem bring to light the feelings of the Blacks towards the Whites? Q5. . Mention any two examples of alliteration in the poem.