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ICSE Prelims 2018 : Biology

15 pages, 98 questions, 36 questions with responses, 36 total responses,    0    0
Gareth Dembele
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MOCK TEST Series : ONS/1 Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. Roll No. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. BIOLOGY Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 80 General Instructions : (i) Section I is compulsory. (ii) Attempt any Four questions From section -II. (iii) The intend marks for question or parts of questions are given in brackets []. (vi) Please write down the serial number of the question before attempting it. This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 SECTION I (40 Marks) Question 1 Attempt any four sub-questions: [5] (A) Name the following: (i) The cross in which only one pair of character is considered. (ii) The cells which possess the power of amoeboid movement. (iii) The exudation of sap from the injured parts of the plants. (iv) A process of separating small molecules from the larger one of blood by using a kidney machine. (v) The term use for mature follicle in females. (B) Given below is an example of a certain structure and the special functional activity with which it is concerned. [5] e.g,, Leydig cells and production of male sex hormone testosterone. (i) Motor neuron and ______________ (ii) Chloroplast and ________________ (iii) Platelets and_________________ (iv) Ureter and___________________ (v) Hydathode and _______________ (C) Choose the correct alternative from the choices is given below each statement so as to complete its meaning[5] (i) Nearby objects cannot be clearly seen in : (A) myopia (B) hypermetropia (C) astigmatism (D) glaucoma (ii) Chromosomes arrange at equatorial plate in spindle division in : (A) prophase (B) metaphase (C) anaphase (D) telophase (iii) Removal of anthers from flowers artificially is known as (A) castration (B) cutting (C) emasculation (D) cross-pollination (iv) The space between the cell wall and plasma membrane in a plasmolysed cell is filled with (A) hypotonic solution (B) isotonic solution (C) water (D) hypertonic solution (v) The rate of transpiration increases with : (A) increase in humidity of air (B) increase in wind velocity (C) reducing light intensity (D) decrease in wind velocity Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 (D) In an experiment: [5] (i) First leaf (A) was coated with grease on both the surfaces. (ii) Second leaf (B) was coated with grease on the lower surface. (iii) Third leaf (C) was coated with grease on the upper surface. (iv) Fourth leaf (D) was left without application of grease. Answer the questions: A) Which leaf dries first? B) Which leaf dries last? C) Which leaf does not show any change? D) Give reasons for your answer to A, B, and C E) Define the phenomenon which is being demonstrated in the experiment. (E) State the difference in each of the following pairs on the basis of what is indicated in brackets after each. [5] (i) Transpiration and guttation (state of water) (ii) Unconditioned reflex and conditioned reflex. (Example) (iii) Respiration and photosynthesis (gas released) (iv) RBC and WBCs (Function). (v) Diencephalon and olfactory lobes (location in brain) (F) Mention whether the following statements are true or false. [5] (i) Mineralocorticoids regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. (ii) Narrow part of uterus is called vulva. (iii) Each nephron consist of two parts Bowman s capsule and collecting tubule. (iv) Ganglion is a point of contact between terminal branches of the axons of one neuron with the dendrites of another. (v) Haemophilia results from malnutrition. (G) State one main function of the following : (i) Antidiuretic hormone (ii) Lymph nodes (iii) Cerebrum. (iv) Leaves modified into spines in xerophytes (v) Glucagon [5] Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 (H) Write the odd one out give a reason for your answer. (i) Ureter, uterus, urethra, oviduct. (ii) Chlorophyll, magnesium, photosynthesis, hemoglobin, calcium. (iii) Endothelium, collagen, fibres, smooth muscles, myelin sheath. (iv) Grey matter, piamater, ventricles, pericardium. (v) Fertilisation, capacitation, fermentation, ovulation. [5] SECTION II (40 Marks) Question 2 Answer any four questions from this section (A) The diagram below is an apparatus to study a particular phenomenon in plants. Observe the figure and answer the questions that follow: [5] (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (B) Name the apparatus What is this apparatus used for? Why is in air bubble introduced in the horizontal arm? What happens to the air bubble if the apparatus is kept in A) dark B) sunlight C) Front of the fan Give reason for your answer Define the following : (i) Emergency hormone (iii) Biotic potential (v) Implantation (ii) Reproduction (iv) Osmoregulation Question 3 (A) An experiment has been set-up as shown in the figure below to demonstrate certain physiological phenomenon in plants. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: [5] Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (B) What do you observe is kept in sunlight in bell jars A, B, and C. Give reason for your answer Name the phenomenon that is being demonstrated in the experiment. What if the bell jars A and B are not airtight? (i) Hypertrichosis occurs only in males, Explain (ii) Leaflets of Touch-me-not plant droops down on touching, Give reason (iii) Why is it necessary to have fluids in and around many organs? [5] Question 4 (A) The figures given below show human eye in different conditions of dim light and bright light. [5] (i) What difference do you observe between A and B? (ii) What is the explanation for this effect? (iii) Name the parts of the eye involved in such type of changes. (B) Differentiate between the following pairs:(i) Secondary spermatocytes and spermatids. (ii) Acrosome and centrosome. (iii) Midbrain and hindbrain, (iv) Vasa efferentia and Vas deferens. (v) Vasopressin and oxytocin. [5] Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 Question 5 (A) The following figure is a plant cell showing different kinds of pressure acting upon it. Observe carefully and answer the questions that follow: (i) (ii) Label the guideline 1, 2. And 3 Name the different kinds of pressure acting and label the guidelines A, B, and C representing them. (iii) Definite turgidity and flaccidity. (B) (i) Draw a diagram of Thyroid gland and label the following : Left lobe, right lobe, isthmus of thyroid, vein from thyroid and thyroid cartilage. (ii) Name the hormone produced by Thyroid gland. (iii) What are the effects of hypoactivity and hyperactivity of the said hormone. Question 6 (A) With the help diagram write about different types of white blood cells (WBCs). (B) Give appropriate terms for the following: (i) A sac filled amniotic fluid. (ii) Chemical breakdown of water in the light reaction of photosynthesis. (iii) Upward movement of water and mineral salts in plants. (iv) A defect of eye caused by shortening of eyeball. (v) Disc-like structure in chloroplast of green leaves. Question 7 Explain briefly the following statements (A) Relaxin hormone is released at the time of parturition. (B) Bleeding occurs in plants also. (C) Blinking when an object is brought very close to the eye is an unconditional reflex. (D) Why does an uprooted plant die? (E) If adrenal glands are removed, a man can die within 15 days. [5] [5] [5] [10] Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 MOCK TEST BIOLOGY Solutions Question 1. (A) [5] (i) Monohybrid cross (ii) White blood cells (iii) Bleeding (iv) Dialysis (v) Graafian follicle (B) [5] (i) Motor neuron and Transmission of impulse from CNS to Effectors (ii) Chloroplast and Photosynthesis (iii) Platelets and Blood clotting (iv) Ureter and passage of urine from kidney to urinary bladder (v) Hydathode and Guttation (C) [5] (i) (B) hypermetropia (ii) (B) metaphase (iii) (C) emasculation (iv) (D) hypertonic solution (v) (B) increase in wind velocity (D) [5] (A) Leaf D (B) Leaf B (C) Leaf A (D) Leaf D dries first because of transpiration from both surfaces freely. Leaf B wills dries last as as there are more stomata on lower surface which are unable to do transpiration freely, due to application of grease. Leaf A does not show any change, as no surface transpires due to application of grease. (E) (i) [5] Transpiration involves loss of water in the form of water vapour. Guttation is the loss of water in the form of water droplets. (ii) Unconditioned Reflex e.g. blinking of an eye Conditioned Reflex e.g. playing on musical instrument. (iii) Carbon dioxide is gas released in Respiration Oxygen is gas released in Photosynthesis. Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 (iv) RBCs are oxygen carriers with haemoglobin WBCs are meant for immunity. (v) Diencephalon is located deep in brain beneath the cerebrum. Olfactory lobes in the forebrain present at the anterior end of the cerebrum. (F) [5] (i) False (ii) False (iii) False (iv) False (v) False (G) [5] (i) Antidiuretic Hormone - Absorption of water by tubular part of kidney during urine formation mechanism. (ii) Lymph nodes storage of lymphocytes (iii) Cerebrum seat of intelligence, memory, consciousness, will power & voluntary actions (iv) Leaves modified into spines in xerophytes To reduce the loss of water by transpiration (v) Glucagon stimulates breakdown of glycogen in liver to glucose & raises blood sugar level. (H) (i) [5] Uterus Ureter, Urethra & oviduct all are involved is passage for transport of biological materials. Uterus is for growth of an embryo. (ii) Photosynthesis - Photosynthesis is a mechanism while others are molecules of pigments & mineral elements associated with them. (iii) Myelin sheath Myelin is fatty white insulating substance that forms sheath around axon of nerve cells. (iv) Pericardium It is a membrane of heart while others are parts of brain. (v) Fermentation Fermentation is process of anaerobic respiration while others are processes of sexual reproduction. Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 SECTION II (40 Marks) Answer any four questions from this section Question 2 (A) (i) [5] Ganong s potometer. (ii) It is an apparatus that measures the rate of water intake by plant which is equal to the rate of transpiration. (iii) The air bubble is introduced in the horizontal arm to measure the volume of water taken up by the plant due to transpiration which will moves along in the capillary tube. (iv) (A) The air bubble will move very slowly or negligible. (B) The air bubble will move forward at fast rate. (C) The air bubble will move at very fast rate. (v) (A) In dark, rate of water loss by plant due to absence of photosynthesis & transpiration is negligible. (B) In sunlight due to photosynthesis, and opening of stomata there will be water loss so air bubble will move at fast rate for more water uptake by twig. (C) In front of fan, transpiration rate will be very high, so water will be quickly taken by a twig to compensate the water loss hence the air bubble will move very fast. (B) (i) [5] Adrendaline is emergency hormone because it is released by adrenal glands under the conditions of stress, for fright & flight situations. (ii) Reporduction is the formation of new individuals by sexual or asexual means, which can repeat the process in their own turn. (iii) Biotic potential is the ability of a population of living species to increase under ideal environmental conditions. (iv) Osmoregulation is the regulation of osmotic pressure of blood by control of water & salt concentrations. (v) Implantation is the process in which embryo becomes attached to the lining of uterus. Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 Question 3 (A) (i) [5] In Bell jar A, water droplets appear on inner surface of bell jar. In Bell jar B, water droplets appear on inner surface of bell jar & cobalt chloride paper changes from blue to pink. In bell jar C, there is no change in cobalt chloride paper as there are no water droplets on inner walls of bell jar. (ii) In Bell jar A water droplets appears due to transpiration and condensing of water vapours on its inner walls. In Bell jar B show similar condensation takes place and so the cobalt chloride paper turns blue to pink in presence of moisture. In Bell jar C which is control of experiment which proves that there is no moisture in the air due to transpiration as there is no plant in it. So no change in cobalt chloride paper. (iii) Transpiration (iv) If Bell Jars A & B are not airtight then the moisture will escape through it and hence no condensation of the moisture into water droplets will takes place. (B) [5] (i) Hypertrichosis the Y-linked Inheritance i.e. the allele for the condition located only on Y-chromosome of males only. (ii) On touching, the stimulus of touch causes water from the leaflets to move into the pulvinus present at the base of leaf lets which makes the leaf cells flaccid & so the plant droops. (iii) Fluids in and around many organs protect the organ from mechanical shocks & jerks and also to prevent friction between organ & its protective covering. Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 Question 4 (A) [5] (i) In A, the pupil is dilated and In B, the pupil is constricted. (ii) Dilation of the pupil permitting morelight to enter the eyes in dim light where as constriction of the pupil permits less amount of light to enter the eyes in bright light. (iii) Iris of the eye involved in such type of changes. (B) (i) [5] Secondary spermatocyte is produced by the division of primary spermatocyte in the first meiotic division where as spermatids are the products of second meiotic division having haploid content of nucleus. (ii) Acrosome at the top of head of sperm secretes an enzyme hyaluronidase which facilitates entry of sperm into the egg by dissolving wall of the ovum. Centrosome is a region surrounding the centrioles to form spindle fibres to intiate & regulate cell division. (iii) Midbrain is the small tubular part involving reflexes for eyes & ears. Hindbrain has Cerebellum to coordinate muscular activity, balance of the body. It has Pons to carry impulses from one hemisphere of cerebellum to the other & coordinates muscular movements on both sides of the body. It also has medulla oblongata to control involuntary activities like swallowing, coughing, sneezing, breathing, vomiting & heart beat etc. (iv) Vasa efferentia are smaller number of very fine collecting ducts or tubules located within the testis where as the duct that originates from each testis that travels upward into the abdomen through an inguinal canal & loop of over the ureters of their side & joined to urethra from back of urinary bladder is vasa deferens. (v) Vasopressin/ADH is posterior pituitary hormone which increases reabsorption of water from kidneys, where as oxytocin is another posterior pituitary hormone causes contraction of uterine muscles during childbirth. Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 Question 5 (A) (i) [5] 1 Cell contents 2 Cell wall 3 Vacuolar sap (ii) A Turgor pressure B wall pressure C Osmotic pressure (iii) Turgidity is the state of a cell in which cell wall is rigid and stretched by an increase in volume of vacuoles due to absorption of water. Flaccidity is the condition in which the cell content is shrunken due to movement of water outside the cell. (B) [5] (i) Thyroid Gland (ii) Thyroxine. (iii) Hyposecretion of thyroxine leads to simple goitre, cretinism (dwarfism & mental retardation in children) & myxoedema (sluggishness & swelling of face & hands in adults) Hypersecretion of thyroxine leads to exophthalmic goitre (rapid heart beat, shortness of breath, marked increase in metabolic rate) Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 Question 6 (A) Different types of white blood cells. (WBCs) (I) Granulocytes [5] (a) Neutrophils (62%) - Nucleus with 3 4 lobes, granular cytoplasm, stain with neutral dyes, engulf bacteria by Phagocytosis. (b) Eosinophils (2.3%) Nucleus with 2 lobes, granular cytoplasm, stain with eosin engulf bacteria, secrete antitoxin, associated with allergy. (c) Basophils (0.4%) Nucleus large indistinctly lobed, granular cytoplasm, stain with basic dyes, releases histamine for inflammation. (II) Agranulocytes (a) Lymphocytes (30%) Smallest of WBCs, Single large nucleus produce antibodies. (b) Monocytes (5.3%) Nucleus large kidney shaped, Ingest germs. (B) [5] (i) Amnion (ii) Photolysis (iii) Ascent of sap (iv) Hypermetropia (v) Thylakoid Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888 This Mock Test Paper is designed, planned and executed by FIITJEE R&D Team in the Interest of the Students. For Link to Download Solutions, SMS ICSE CH YOUR_EMAIL_ID to 8080-220-888 Question 7 (A) [10] Relaxin hormone helps during parturition by softening & lengthening of the cervix. It relaxes pubic symphysis, the cartilaginous joint in pubic bones which allows the pubic bones to spread & allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. (B) When there is injury to plants, the plant sap escapes from the ruptured or cut surfaces of a plant due to root pressure. This is called bleeding. (C) It is involuntary action of eyelids which carries out without previous experience which protects our eyes from damage. (D) An uprooted plant eventually dies as the water will lost by transpiration from aerial parts of plants & it cannot be replaced by the water absorbed by the roots of the uprooted plant. (E) Adrenal gland is involved in secretion of mineral corticoids (regulation of mineral metabolism), Glucoorticoids (regulation of carbohydrates, protein & fat metabolism) as well as adrenaline which prepares the body to meet any emergency situation. If it is removed then there is no adrenaline secretion. The body will become slow & sluggish during emergencies, no extra energy & strength is provided. There will be absence of mineral & carbohydrate metabolism, so man can die within 15 days. Andheri: Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, Below Western Express Highway (WEH) Metro Station (opposite to Gate 3), Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093 Chembur: Ujagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088 Navi Mumbai: First Floor, Shanti Vaibhav CHS Ltd., Seawoods West, Sector 42A, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706 Thane: 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall (Prabhat Plaza), Opp. M H High School, Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 Kandivali: Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101 Mumbai Helpline: 8080 220 888

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Gareth Dembele


Ansh Singh


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