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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Mathematics (Gundecha Education Academy, Mumbai)

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Jayesh Gandhi
D. M. Tutorials, Kandivali, Mumbai
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GUNDECHA EDUCATION ACADEMY, KANDIVALI(E). THIRD ROUND OF ASSESSMENT -2022-2023 DATE: 17.12.2022 MATHEMATICS (Group 2) CLASS: X Marks: 80 % hours Time: 2 the paper provided separately. first fifteen minutes. You will not be allowed to write during the question paper. This time is to be spent in reading the answers. time allotted for writing the is this of paper head the at The time given Answer to this paper must be written on section B. four from section A and any Attempt all questions from done shown and must be work, must be clearly on the same sheet as working, including rough All the rest ofthe answer. will result in loss ofmarks. Omission of essetial working brackets[J. are given in The intended questions questions parts of marksforMathematical tables are provided. or SECTIONA (40 Marks) Attempt all questionsfrom Question 1 Choose the correct answers from the ofx is: d. 2 c.1 b. 0 -2 [15x1=15]1 given options: 2 t h e n the value a. this section. and sells it to a worth Rs 10,000 A retailer has goods govemment is the him to then the GST payable by (ii) consumer 18%, (iii) of a When the roots equation is The term Find the 10h ofa given A.P 51 (vi)Ifa (a)-1 x -3x* + 2x + 1is divided (b)-3 invariant (vii) The is point p (-3, 2) (b) (3,-2) of the quadratic d.13 21,18,.... d.-3 C. -51 .3 polynomial 24, discriminant C. negative 2x-27, x EN is of 12 1 5 - 7 x > 4) b. {2, 3} c . 3, solution set (iv) a. {2, 3, 43 a. then the real and distinct C. Zero b. positive a. Infinite (v) quadratic equation are point by x (c)1 about x remainder is 1, then the (d) 2 reflection. =-3 under () (-3, 2) (a) (-3,-2) The coordinates of p' is (d) (3.2) students not having the same birthday of students, the probability in a group of 3 that birthday is same have the (vii) It is given that the students (d) 0.054 probability c)0 0.946, then the (b) 1 (a) 0.946 Turn Over GEA/THIRD ROUND OF of GST is d. Rs 423 c. Rs 180 b. Rs 243 a.Rs 630 rate for Rs 13,500. If the ASSESSMENT 2022-23 This paper consists of 5 printed pages is 2022-2023 CLASS X MATHEMATICS of a triangle vertices (ix)If the b. (5, 3) a. (4, 3) he radii are oftwo cylinders are is curved surface areas, 7:3 (a) in the ratio -7). Then the their heights 5:7 and ()5:7 4x straight lines + of the centroid are: d. (0,0) are 3:5. in the ratio the ratio oftheir ()3:5 (b) 3:7 xi) Ifthe and (4, (7, 9) (1, 1) c.4, 11) coordinates 0 and 3x -5y ay +9= -7 =0 are perpendicular to one another, of a is then the value An a) a) the usef l in determining c) median b) mode Mean deposits T150 per month above The total sum for 1% years. a) none deposited is ofthe above Row matrix Question 2 () d) all the d) b)2700 c)3500columns then it is said to be a: 2500 and matrix number of rowS d) Rectangular matrix Ifa matrix has equal Square c) b) Identical matrix Saloni (xiv) (xv) ogive is = d) 55 90 c) b) 30 a) 45 (xii) 2PBA of the circle and O is the centre the given' figure, xii) In LPQB is 45 . Then b) 12 a) at 9% p.a. bank for 3 years in a Recurring Deposit find: of maturity, at the time Mr. Ram has interest simple interest. If he gets 3996 a 4 (a) monthly instalment (b) the (Gii)Given a. b. amount (4) of maturity in Atan A- 1+ sec A ii) Prove that: 1-cosA X- write: Order of matrix X Find the matrix X Question 3 15 cm is melted and recast 1) A solid sphere of radius the number of cones and height 8cm. calculate (t) as Ifb is the mean proportional into solid right circular of radius 2.5 4 recast. that: between a and c, prove cones 4 4 Turn Over OF ASSESSMENT GEA/THIRD ROUND 2022-23 This paper consists of 5 printed pages cm CLASS X MATHEMATICS (ii) Use -3- graph paper C. d. e. 2022-2023 for O0,0), A(-4, 4), this question. (Take 2 cm and C(0, -3) B(-3,0) a. Reflect points A and B on the Y b. axis and name Write down Name the Find the = 1 unit along both x and y axis). Plot the points them A' and B' Write down their invariant pointsrespectively. coordinates. X axis. along geometrical figure OABCB'A'. two equation of the line AB. SECTIONNB (Attempt any four from this Question 4 (i) The first term of an AP is the last term is 45 number of terms and 5, common differences. ii) Solve the following in and the sum section) of all terms of the AP is 400. Find the equation and represent the solution set on -2Sx+<3,x EW the a 3 (iii) Find the amount of bill for GST% MRP in Rs Discount % 13 number line (3 4 following transaction of goods 18 12 12000 18000 20 25 Question 5 ) Solve the following quadratic equation 4x* +7x + 2= 0. Give your answer in two (ii) A box has cards numbered 0 to 100. Cards are mixed thoroughly and the box. find the that the card drawn is probability a. A perfect square a significant figures. 13] card is drawn at random from [3] b. A multiple of 6 or 8 C. A multiple of 6 and 8 (iii)Using the remainder and factor theorem factorise the following polynomial 6x3 +25x +31x+ 10. 4 Question 6 i) POR is a triangle. S is a point on the side QR of A POR. Such that 4PSR = 2QPR. Given QP =8 cm, P R = 6 cm and SR = 3cm. 6 Cm 8 cm S 3 cin Turn Over ASSESSMENT 2022-23 GEA/SECOND ROUND OF This paper consists of 5 printed pages CLASSX MATHEMATICS a. Prove b. & Find the PQR~A SPR fi) Simplify:2sinlength 30 tan 45 iiiDraw histogram a Length in of 2022-2023 QR and PS. cosec301x [cot45 cos0xCot 45 l2 sec0 for the 30-40 sin 901 sec0 following distribution and hence 40-50 Cm 50 60 No of 3 plants find the mode of the gi 60-70 8 en data: 70-80 4 80-90 11 Question 7 The weights of 50 (i) apples were gram, by step deviation method.recorded as given below. Calculate the mean weight, to the nearest Weight in 80 85 85 90 90-95 95-100 100 105 grams 3] 105-110 8 o 10 110-115 12 8 of apples (ii Construct a regular hexagon of side 4 and record its circum-radius. iit) Solve for x by using the cm. Construct a circle circumscribing the hexagon. Measure properties of proportion . +1+ -1 4x-1 i-yx-i 2 Question 8 Cse a graph paper to draw an ogive for the below distribution: (i) Merks -10 10-20 20 30 30-40+0-50 50 -60 60-70 16 5 26 22 18 6] 70-80 80-90 90-100 11 4 6 students Cse your ogive to estimate: (ii) the median marks. (11i the upper quartile marks.who did not (iv) 11)A shopkeaper buys umber of sets the number of students certain number pass the 1f the of pen sets for Rs 900. less. 900 would be 9 that could be bought for Rs test cost if pass percentage was per set was Rs 5 more Taking original cost of each set nd x. Turn Over 50. the be Rs x' 2022-2023 CLASS X MATHEMATICS 6) and B(8, jgining the points A(-4,Y ax1s a line segment AB 1 1Ve The ratio in which AB is divided by the intersection. 2 point of b. Find the oordinates ofthe uestion 9 -3). T" 3 - iiy cose A i squation The c. sin A) - of AB. -cos A) sec A (ecA = tan 3 . ne one at o here at hemishere end and cone a at the anaa con of c 7 cm 14 ai with a and conical portions cylindrical two right circular cylinder the form heights of a n s w e r in dc d is in and c m 2.3 Give your radius common base is the solid. of enc. of volume total Ine the Find arnd other 4 respectively. places. Question 19 (i 4ABC c e n t r e O, circle with In the given <DCT. find LADC and 100, = LACD = 40 and CT is a the circle at C. tangent to D and ii received Rs 65655 at the end of 3 in recurring deposit 1500 p.m for 3 years Rs A man deposits Find the rate percent. and angle of years. elevation of the top of m. the angle towers is 120 30 ancd 24 between two second tower is horizontal distance observed from the iiT he ofthe first the height of two respectively. Find depression of the botom tower as towers. Give your answer correct to 3 signiticant figures. END GEA/IRD ROCND OF ASSESSMENT 2022-23 This paper consists of 5 printed pages (4)

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