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How do you answer the question in the Acids Bases and Salts section that says find the best method of preparation? |
asked by Hitesh Nair (hyperhitesh) 8 years ago |
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hey..sm1 has link 2 important definitions..if yes them plz gv ..plz.. |
asked by Kushal Shukla (kushal1990) 8 years ago |
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anyone intrested in 1994 chemistry paper |
asked by Siddharth Chhetri (dgenerationx) 8 years ago |
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Y is pure acetic acid known as glacial acetic acid?? |
asked by Aditi Chauhan (aadi786) 8 years ago |
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guys i need to study 3 more big lessons as i didnt do them coz of some the metallurgy chapter just say what all things have to be taken care of ?/ and do we need to study that process involved during metallurgy like dressing of ore ,concentration etc etc etc etc ?? plz |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 8 years ago |
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ans me pls pls pls |
asked by Anu krishna (anukrishna) 8 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by anukrishna
Guys i am fully tensed.....i am forgetting whatever i studied....pls pls pls i need help..tell me what 2 do pls pls |
asked by Anu krishna (anukrishna) 8 years ago |
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I am totally confused as i forgot what i studied.So can any1 say which all imp chapters So that I can study it clearly .pls ans me!!!! |
asked by Anu krishna (anukrishna) 8 years ago |
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what happens on heating lunar caustic(only observation) |
asked by Abhinav Choudhary (abhinav4999) 8 years ago |
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Y isn't anyone asking |
asked by Kill3r (taman) 8 years ago |
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How many test can be done for chlorine |
asked by Snehilsk (snehilms) 8 years ago |
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