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Why is the high tension wire has number of thin wires twisted together instead of having a single thick wire |
asked by Snehilsk (snehilms) 8 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by snehilms
Why is the mechanical advantage of a machine always less than or equal to the velocity
Why iy cant be more |
asked by Snehilsk (snehilms) 8 years ago |
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Find the result of mixing 10g of ice at -10°C with 10g of water at 10°C Specidic heat capacity of ice 2.1 specific heat capacity pf water 4.2 and specific latent heat of ice is 336 |
asked by Snehilsk (snehilms) 8 years ago |
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From admin,PP11 , all the best.let panga be the sure success for all of you |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
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Aloha. Gemme a number, won't you my good man? |
asked by Hitesh Nair (hyperhitesh) 8 years ago |
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PP12 thnks rayner helped us but do the thing i said below |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
0 | + 10 more questions by chirayurai
All of u do one thing press profil of this group and u will see students list press on add others and add as much as u can pls pls
Admin ke best friend |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
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PP12 lets see an open challenge who will win pit ur friends in this group and give how many u had added lets see who will win?????
Admin ka best friend |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
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Rayner make ur frinds to join this grup and lets touch 50 today |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
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Which has more biological damage -alph,gamma, or beta rays |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
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Every body try to add ur frinds to this group and at final lets see whats the number |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
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PP number of ashisprince -57,kits-58 after getting reply me
Admin ka best friend |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
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Thouse who all r in faves of u can add them pls add sis(shubangini) PP12
Admin ka best friend |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
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Shubhangini anand i gave u number because i added u soo pls add ur friends to this group and before asking question write your PP number PP:-12
Admin ka best friend |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
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PP number ofshubhangi anand:-55,bibekbir:-56
From:-(admin ki best friend) |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
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Shodhan what is the PPnumber of bibekbir |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
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the effect of different radiations on human tissue is measure in a unit sieverts (Sv) : exposure to x-rays would give 0.2 milli sieverts dose of radiations....It wont come but just in case ....section A question if asked......just remember that unit....guys come up with such questions which are hidden somewhere'd be of great help |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 8 years ago |
1 | + 2 more questions by student58
what are the 3 characteristics a medium should possess to propagate sound waves ?? medium particles should be elastic enough to come back to their mean positions 2nd one is that they should have enough inertia to prevent the loss of energy ...whats the 3rd one ?? i am not getting it |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 8 years ago |
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Guys one doubt....In earthing part why exactly the earthing is made...I knew it is made to protect the user as well as appliance but what about the fuse inside it ?? i mean is fuse not enough to break the flow of current ?? when high current passes through it due to short-circuit then why cant fuse do the work of stopping the flow of current into the appliance ? why is earthing made ?? plz explain coz i need to study a lot and i am rushing a am not thinking about one topic for long time as i fell short of time |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 8 years ago |
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PP 21 A cricketer withdraws his hand while catching a ball.Give Reason |
asked by Shashank (ramachari) 8 years ago |
2 | + 4 more questions by ramachari
Why is no one active? |
asked by Shashank (ramachari) 8 years ago |
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PP 21 on which principle does dc motor work |
asked by Shashank (ramachari) 8 years ago |
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PP 21what is the unit of magnetic field |
asked by Shashank (ramachari) 8 years ago |
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guys lets start |
asked by Shashank (ramachari) 8 years ago |
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Guys can ny body yell me what's my pp no. |
asked by Bibekbir Khalsa (bibekbir) 8 years ago |
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Pp32 why are alpha rays not used in radio therapy? |
asked by Nischal Naidu (nischal25) 8 years ago |
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