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asked by Siddharth Chhetri (dgenerationx) 8 years ago |
3 |
problems and numericals should be put. but ans. are only in ans. not in steps |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
0 |
+ 9 more questions by shodhansonofsridevi
lets have final physics panga at 9 0' clock. how many of you agree? now we wind up at 7 0' clock |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
2 |
what probable que. may come in boards in lesson sound?PP11 |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
0 |
what happened !its slowing down.ans fast .panga is eternal |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
1 |
level of limit of hearing
PP11 |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
4 |
sound level of soothing sensation
PP11 |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
2 |
what is noice pollution PP11 |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
3 |
who posted group photo? PP11 |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
1 |
i want only panga interaction i.e panga members |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
0 |
it is compulsory to write PP NO.for que. and ans. |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
1 |
PP 21 Define electromagnetic induction |
asked by Shashank (ramachari) 8 years ago |
3 |
pp 42
when alpha particle gains one electron what does it change to?? |
asked by Sanchita Jain (sanchitajain) 8 years ago |
5 |
Add me in the group |
asked by Saket Agarwal (saket2000) 8 years ago |
1 |
Lets have final panga at 9:30 |
asked by Sg (shreerockz15) 8 years ago |
1 |
The unit of rate of change of momentum
Unit of momentum
Are they both diffident? |
asked by Harshi baby (gunareddy) 8 years ago |
4 |
according to ohm's law it clearly states that current is directly proportional to PD ( when current increases ,PD too increases ) but in the other part the formulae P=V*I states that current decreases when voltage is increased and vice versa....How is that possible ?? its like violating OHMs law....plz explain the difference if the above mentioned thing is correct ( of course correct coz text says so ) |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 8 years ago |
2 |
Degenerationx u to join the group PP:-12 |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
0 |
usage of total internal reflection in optical fibres |
asked by Aniket archit Pal (somp767) 8 years ago |
1 |