Syllabus. However I don't think they actually look at it.
There will be one paper of three hours duration
carrying 80 marks and Internal Assessment of
20 marks.
1. Composition:
Candidates will be required to write, in French,
one short composition which may include short
explanations, directions, descriptions or
narratives. There will be a choice of subjects
which will be varied and may be suggested by
language or other stimuli such as pictures or
2. Letter:
Candidates will be required to write a letter from a
choice of either a formal or an informal letter.
Suggestions may be given. The layout of the letter
with address, introduction, conclusion, etc., will
form part of the assessment.
3. Comprehension:
An unseen passage of about 150 words will be
given in French. Questions based on the given
passage, will be set, to be answered in French,
so as to test the candidates’ understanding of the
content of the passage.
4. Grammar:
This will consist of tests in vocabulary, syntax and
idiom, e.g., synthesis in sentence construction,
formation of sentences in French correctly
embodying given words or forms. The question
will not require detailed knowledge of
grammatical definitions. The questions on
grammar will include the following:
Articles (définis, indéfinis. contractés,
Adjectives (démonstratifs, possessifs,
qualificatifs, interrogatifs)
Negation (ne ... pas, ne ... rien, ne ...
personne, ne ... plus, etc.)
Pronouns (sujet, COI, COI, quantité, lieu,
Tenses (présent, imparfait, passé
compose, futur simple, passé récent, futur
simple, verbes pronominaux, impératif)
Comparaison (plus de ... que, moins de ...
que, plus de / moins de + nombre)
Superlative (Ie plus .. ./le moins ... )
Conjugation exercises (for testing verbs), gap filling
(for testing articles, pronouns, prepositions),
correcting errors (for testing adjectives, negation,
comparative etc), Making questions and negative
sentences, correcting jumbled sentences etc.
5. Translation and/or Dialogue Writing:
One short passage will be set for translation
from French into English.
One passage will be set for translation from
English into French.
Dialogue writing (Around 150 words) based
on situations faced in everyday life. Hints
may be given.
Communication (oral and written) skills that can be
covered from any book used for teaching:
1. Topic A — Myself
Self, Family and Friends
Important Events
Interests and Hobbies
Home and Locality
Daily Routine
2. Topic B — Holiday Time & Travel
Travel, Transport and Tourism
Holiday Activities
3. Topic C — Work & Lifestyle
Home Life
Everyday Living and Health
Work Experience
The Environment |