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Using examples from act 1 scene 3,bring out 2 similarities and 2 differences between the characters of Antonio and Bassanio |
asked by Papu Papu (loosu) 7 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by loosu
in Act 4 Scene 1,what does Portia ask Shylock to consider before he demands justice? |
asked by Papu Papu (loosu) 7 years ago |
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Could anyone explain me arragon's speech on silver casket and why he chose it? |
asked by Balaji (balajisrinivasan) 7 years ago |
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where the mind is without fear..
Why is the head bowed down and needs to be held high?
ans plzz |
asked by Iqbal Singh (iqbalsingh) 7 years ago |
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Can some1 help with the poem 'I believe'? I need to know the right keywords for every stanza,which the poet conveys. |
asked by Tanay Kamath (tanayk) 7 years ago |
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In 'I Believe' the poetess belief changes from 'I believe' to 'I firmly believe'. Why? |
asked by Devanshi Patel (devanshi16) 7 years ago |
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Give 3 evidence given by Portia to prove that the greater glory dims the less |
asked by Smita Sharma Sharma (vishwa70) 7 years ago |
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What does "Love so wrought may be unwrought so" mean?
Please answer it. |
asked by Ronaldo (techtoicsaf) 7 years ago |
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Any predictions for The Merchant of Venice?? |
asked by Krishanu Dutta (krishanudutta) 7 years ago |
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From god lives in the panch explain...
He made mincemeat of Jumman in his cross examination. |
asked by Xyz (san_ika) 7 years ago |
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