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Heyy....any links to tough maths question papers? |
asked by Individual (srija_saha) 7 years ago |
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how was the computer paper ???...whats the output for "today is test" one?? |
asked by Aditya (vyshnavi_putcha) 7 years ago |
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z=(++y *(y++ + 5))
if y =10
What is the output?
PLZ tell me how it is 176...ASAP |
asked by (sai7) 7 years ago |
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WAP to input a sentence and print in the given format.
O/P:This Is Brainstorming Session
WAP to input a word and arrange in alphabetical order.
asked by Devanshi Patel (devanshi16) 7 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by devanshi16
Write two Java statements to convert "345" to primitive type values |
asked by Devanshi Patel (devanshi16) 7 years ago |
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Is this group dead? |
asked by Tanay Kamath (tanayk) 7 years ago |
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Suppose the pattern is like this-
12345(for n terms)
Then what will the first for-loop.till where it will go?? |
asked by Krish Bathwal (krishak) 7 years ago |
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Are there anyone who is reading for Physical Education? |
asked by Anirudh Panda (anirudh70) 7 years ago |
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In Eco.A, why is Land called a free gift of nature although rent is paid on it? |
asked by Varna Sajee (varnzkatz) 7 years ago |
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Write a program to accept a sentence and delete all the uppercase characters present in the string. The program also counts the number of deleted characters and also replace the vowels with "*". Print the new replaced string.
Sample input : The Capital of India is New Delhi.
Output: h* *p*t*l *f nd** *s *w *lh* |
asked by Evan Jason (evanjasonhenry) 7 years ago |
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