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Name a metal which produces hydrogen with dil acids as well as alkalis . { is the answer amphoteric oxide or not} plz answer |
asked by Manmeet Kaur (manmeetshergill) 7 years ago |
3 |
+ 1 more questions by manmeetshergill
Were damped vibrations a part of syllabus? |
asked by Manmeet Kaur (manmeetshergill) 7 years ago |
2 |
| pls give the ans. of Q1B5 |
asked by Disha Ghatak (disha95) 7 years ago |
1 |
+ 2 more questions by disha95
How was the hindi paper guys ??? |
asked by Gaurav Sharma (gs0209) 7 years ago |
2 |
You all study from Saras Hindi Vyakaran (Evergreen Publications)? |
asked by Renuka Joshi (uttuguttu) 7 years ago |
1 |
Hello Everyone:
History - All my predictions correct
Literature - 2 (last year 3)out of 4 (and MOV for those who had messaged me)
Predictions for Hindi:
Sahitya Sagar:
Most Important chapters :
First three + Last three Chapters
First two + last two ekankis (first two might come with last one or vice versa)
IDK about Poems and Naya raasta
Grab hold of SARAS Hindi Vyakran if you can ... All questions will be from there.
Both informal and formal are equally scoring.
No need to create envelope. (One student from our school had got 99... she hadn't made any envelope)
Format : Please see the Pupil Analysis + Examiner Comments on Letter
PS : I am devastated after the Physics Exam. I just managed to write this somehow. Please forward this information to another groups and other students too.
I recently got a message : "When will you send the Hindi 'Paper'' "
I do not have the Hindi Paper sorry.
All the best everyone. May all of us reach 98 and 99 in Hindi.
(These are given by sdfg inQ and A So in case if you've not seen it there just have a look here) |
asked by Tanisha Vats (catercousin10) 7 years ago |
4 |
Kaisa gya sab ka Physics paper....?? |
asked by Amanprit Kaur (amanpritkaur) 7 years ago |
4 |
factors on which Specific heat capacity depends |
asked by Iqbal Singh (iqbalsingh) 7 years ago |
1 |