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Scottish High International School Pre Board Examination (2020-21) Class: XII-ISC Subject: Psychology Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer Question 1 from Part I and five questions from Part II, choosing two questions from Section A and three questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. PART I (20 Marks) Answer all questions. Q1. [20 marks] i. What are surface traits? ii. What is meant by self-report inventories? iii. Name two therapies based on operant conditioning. iv. What is meant by the phallic stage as proposed by Freud? v. What do you understand by projection? vi. What is conventional stage of moral development? vii. Mention one way in which psychology can help in improving school environment. viii. ix. Name any one dispositional cause of stress. Define realistic competition. x. What is meant by catatonic schizophrenia? xi. Mention any two reasons of why people digress from social norms? xii. Define conformity. xiii. What do you understand by discrimination? xiv. Mention the two eating disorders. xv. What is meant by leadership skills? xvi. Give any two symptoms of substance abuse. xvii. What is self-actualization? xviii. What is meant by the term stress? xix. Define individual tests. xx. What do you understand by aptitude? PART II (50 Marks) SECTION A Answer any two questions. Q2. Q3. Q4. (a) Give an account of triarchic theory of intelligence. [5] (b) What do you understand by interest? Why is it measured? [5] (a) Elaborate how MMPI is useful in assessing personality. [5] (b) Discuss the humanistic theory given by Rogers. [5] (a) Discuss the Type theories in detail. [5] (b) What are the characteristics of gifted children? [5] SECTION B Answer any three questions. Q5. Q6. Q7. Q8. Q9. (a) Elaborate Ainsworth s & Lamb s strange situation test. [5] (b) Explain the Cognitive development that occur during childhood. [5] (a) Discuss the Selye s model of understanding stress. [5] (b) Elaborate the major life events as a cause of stress. [5] (a) Discuss the client centered therapy. [5] (b) Explain Mood disorder in detail. [5] (a) Explain Asch s study on conformity. [5] (b) Elaborate any two the attribution biases with example. [5] Write short note on any two of the following: (a) The ways to increase motivation of employees in an organization. (b) Career counselling. (c) Persuasion. [5 2]